Request for Quotes
[insert name of procurement project]
[insert project reference number]
RFQ released: DD MM YY
Deadline for Questions:TIMEDD MM YY
Deadline for Quotes: TIMEDD MM YY
[name of agency]
[street address]
This opportunity in a nutshell
SECTION 1: Key information
SECTION 2: Our Requirements
SECTION 3: Our Evaluation Approach
SECTION 4: Pricing information
SECTION 5: Our Proposed Contract
SECTION 6: RFQ Process, Terms and Conditions
This opportunity in a nutshell
User instructions: ‘In a nutshell’ is a short, snappy summary about this procurement. Aim to quickly inform the market about what you need and why suppliers should bid. This snapshot is your chance to sell the opportunity to businesses.
What we need
User instructions: The market needs to know what you are looking to procure. Clearly summarise what this is in one or two paragraphs. Make it short, snappy and succinct. Avoid jargon and acronyms. You can include a little bit of background, if relevant.
[Example: Health for all is a new initiative that aims to improve people’s health where they live, learn, work and play. The Ministry of Wellbeing is seeking to appoint lead providers in priority regions who will be responsible for the day-to-day oversight of the programme and delivery within their local community. The Ministry will provide leadership and coordination at a national level.]
What we don’t want
User instructions: The market needs to know what is out of scope. Include this section if there are clearly outcomes or tasks that are not required.
[Example: We do not want theoretical adviceabout abstract or speculative approaches to improving health in the community.]
What’s important to us
User instructions: The market needs to know how you will evaluate responses. Are you looking for the best value-for-money over whole-of-life? Are you interested in new ways of doing things and new ideas? Alert the market now if there are pre-conditions that must be met. It’s best to simply refer to the pre-conditions in Section 3 rather than including them in full here.
[Example: The Ministry is looking for credible providers who have the capability, experience and infrastructure to deliver Health for all in their community. They need to have a good track record in the management and implementation of health related programmes and effective networks and strong relationships within their local community.]
Why should you bid?
User instructions: Motivate suppliers to bid. What’s in it for them? What difference can they make? Why is your work worthwhile?
[Example: This is a unique opportunity to be part of a major New Zealand health initiative. Lead providers will support local leaders to implement voluntary initiatives that encourage families to live healthy, active lives. Through investment in community partnerships and a skilled prevention workforce, you will empower these communities to find local solutions to local needs.]
A bit about us
User instructions: The market wants an overview of what your agency does and how this procurement fits with your business or policy objectives. A short high level statement is sufficient.
[Example: The Ministry of Wellbeing works across the health sector to deliver better health outcomes for New Zealanders. The Ministry leads New Zealand’s health and disability system, and has overall responsibility for the management and development of that system.]
SECTION 1: Key information
/ 1.1Contexta.This Request for Quote (RFQ) is an invitation to suitably qualified suppliers to submit a Quotefor the [insert name of procurement project] contract opportunity.
b.This RFQ is a single-stepprocurement process.
c.Words and phrases that have a special meaning areshown by the use of capitals e.g. Respondent, which means ‘a person, organisation, business or other entity that submits a Quote in response to the RFQ. The term Respondent includes its officers, employees, contractors, consultants, agents and representatives.The term Respondent differs from a supplier, which is any other business in the market place that does not submit a Quote.’ Definitions are at the end of Section 6.
/ 1.2Our timeline
a.Here is our timeline for this RFQ.
Steps in RFQ process:Date:
Deadline for suppliers’ questions (Deadline for Questions):[DD MM YY]
Deadline for the Buyer to answer suppliers’questions:[DD MM YY]
Deadline for Quotes:time[DD MM YY]
Unsuccessful Respondents notified of award of Contract:[DD MM YY]
Respondents debriefs:week starting[DD MM YY]
Anticipated Contract start date:[DD MM YY]
b.All dates and times are dates and times in New Zealand.
/ 1.3How to contact us
a.All enquiries must be directed to our Point of Contact. We will manage all external communications through this Point of Contact.
b.Our Point of Contact
Name: [insert the name of the contact person/email in-box/e-procurement system]
Title/role: [if a person,insert their title or role and the unit they work in]
Email address: [if a person,insert email address]
/ 1.4Developing and submitting your Quote
a.This is an [open/closed], competitive tender process. The RFQ sets out the step-by-step process and conditions that apply.
b.Take time to read and understand the RFQ. In particular:
- develop a strong understanding of our Requirements detailed inSection 2.
- in structuring your Quoteconsider how it will be evaluated. Section 3 describes our Evaluation Approach.
d.If anything is unclear or you have a question, ask us to explain. Please do sobefore the Deadline for Questions. Email our Pointof Contact.
e.In submitting your Quote you must use the Response Form provided[insert hyperlink].This is a Microsoft Word document that you can download.
f.You must also complete and sign the declarationat the end of theResponse Form.
g.[You must use the pricing schedule template [insert hyperlink] for your pricing information.]
h.[Insert any additional instructions here e.g. 2 envelope system, mailbox size limit, limit on number of pages and font size, format for soft copies etc.]
i.Check you have provided all information requested, and in the format and order asked for.
j.Having done the work don’t be late –please ensure you get your Quoteto us before the Deadline for Quotes!
/ 1.5Address for submitting your Quote
Instructions: There are three options. Choose one and delete the others.
OPTION ONE:submitQuoteelectronically(Ref: Rule 28 - allowable reduction)
a.Quotes must be submitted byemail/electronicallyto the following address:
[insert agency email address, e-procurement address or GETS in-box address]
b.Quotes sent by post or fax, or hard copy delivered to our office, will not be accepted.
OPTION TWO: deliver hard copies (Ref: Rule 28 – no allowable reduction)
a.Quotes must be delivered in hard copy. We require [insert number] of copies. Please send or deliver them to the following address:
For Quotessent by post:
Tender Box
[insert name of procurement project]
[insert name of responsible officer]
[insert name of agency]
[insert postal address e.g. PO Box]
[insert city]
For Quotesdelivered by hand or courier:
Tender Box
[insert name of procurement project]
[insert name of responsible officer]
[insert name of agency]
[insert street address]
[insert city]
b.Please print Quotes double-sided and minimise the use of non-recyclable materials.
c.Quotes sent by fax or email will not be accepted.
OPTION THREE:deliver hard copies with one soft copy(Ref: Rule 28 - no allowable reduction)
a.Quote must be submitted in both hard and soft copies. We require [insert number] hard copies and [insert number] soft copy/son disk or memory stick. Please send or deliver them to the following address:
For Quotes sent by post:
Tender Box
[insert name of procurement project]
[insert name of responsible officer]
[insert name of agency]
[insert postal address e.g. PO Box]
[insert city]
For Quotesdelivered by hand or courier:
Tender Box
[insert name of procurement project]
[insert name of responsible officer]
[insert name of agency]
[insert street address]
[insert city]
b.Quotes sent by fax or email will not be accepted.
/ 1.6OurRFQ Process, Terms and Conditions
a.Offer Validity Period: In submitting a QuotetheRespondent agrees that their Quote will remain open for acceptance by the Buyer for [insert number] calendar months from the Deadline for Quotes.
b.TheRFQ is subject to the RFQ Process, Terms and Conditions (shortened to RFQ-Terms) described in Section 6.[Choose:We have not made any variation to theRFQ-Terms. ORWe have made the following variation/sto the RFQ-Terms:list the variations and specify which (if any) are binding obligations (reference Section 6 paragraph 6.21 ‘No binding legal relations’).]
/ 1.7Later changes to the RFQ or RFQ process
a.If, after publishing theRFQ, we need to change anything about the RFQ, or RFQprocess, or want to provide suppliers with additional information we will let all suppliers know by [placing a notice on the Government Electronic Tenders Service (GETS) at
b.[If you downloaded the RFQ from GETS you will automatically be sent notifications of any changes through GETSby email.]
SECTION 2: Our Requirements
Instructions: This is where you describe what it is you want to purchase – your Requirements. Requirements are sometimes called: scope of work, terms of reference, statement of work, description of services, specification of goods etc.
You should be able to copy the Requirements from your business case or procurement plan. Make sure your Requirements link directly to your evaluation criteria and weightings which link directly to the information requested in the Response Form.
- Explain concisely and in plain English, what you need and the outcome/s you are looking for. Think about the 5 Rsof procurement: right quality, quantity, price, place and time.
- Avoid describing goods or services by their design characteristics or brand names if at all possible. Check out Rule 24 Technical Specifications.
- Include reference to any specific legislation or standardsthat is applicable to this procurement e.g. Corrections Act, health and safety standards. State whether or not the standard is required or is simply preferred. Mention any security clearance requirements that theSuccessful Respondent must be able to meet.
- For more information:Guide to Mastering Procurement,Stage 3 – Specify Requirements (page 43).
Suggested headings:(Note: delete items that are not relevant)
This procurement relates to the delivery of [insert policy or business outcome that it relates to]. Previously these have been provided by [summarise how the goods or services have been delivered in the past]. Going forward we wish to [insert your strategy for future delivery].
2.2What we are buying and why
This RFQ relates to the purchase of [describe the specific goods or services]. The key outcomes that we want to achieve are [insert key outcomes].
2.3What we require: the solution
We are seeking a solution that [describe the specific goods or services required].
2.4What we require: capacity
We are seeking suppliers that are able to demonstrate the following capacity [describe the supplier capacity].
2.5What we require: capability
We are seeking suppliers that are able to demonstrate the following capability [describe the supplier capability].
2.6Contract term
We anticipate that the Contract will commence [insert month and year]. The anticipated Contract term and options to extend are:
Description / YearsInitial term of the Contract / [insert number of years]
Options to extend the Contract / [insert e.g. up to two extensions of one year each i.e. X+1+1]
Maximum term of the Contract / [insert number of years]
2.7Key outcomes
The following are the key outcomes that are to be delivered.
Description / Indicative date for delivery[describefirst key deliverable / milestone / outcome] / [insert delivery date]
[describenext key deliverable / milestone / outcome] / [insert delivery date]
[describenext key deliverable / milestone / outcome] / [insert delivery date]
2.8Other information
a.We estimate the quantity to be delivered is [provide details about quantity].
b.We require the [goods / services] to be delivered at [insert location for delivery].
c.Payment will be [on successful delivery of milestones / at the end of the Contract / monthly on invoice].
d.New Intellectual Property arising as a result of the Contract will be the property of [insert the IP position – make sure whatever is stated here is reflected in your Proposed Contractin Section 5]
2.9Other tender documents
In addition to this RFQwe refer to the following documents. These have been uploaded on GETS and are available for all interested suppliers. These documents form part of this RFQ.
a.e.g. architectural drawings
b.e.g. review report.]
SECTION 3: Our Evaluation Approach
Instructions: This is where you describe how the Quotes will be evaluated.
You should be able to copy the Evaluation Approach from your business case or procurement plan. Make sure your Evaluation Approach links directly to your Requirements which link directly to the information requested in the Response Form.
Our purchasing policy is to provide the best value-for-money over the whole-of-life. This means achieving the right combination of fit for purpose, quality, price and delivery on time. The Evaluation Approachyou choose needs to be able to assess Quoteson this basis.Some options are listed below. Make sure your Evaluation Approach, criteria and weightings align with the Requirementsand are reflected in the Response Form.
For more information: Guide to Mastering Procurement, Stage 4 – Plan approach to market and evaluation (page 49).
Suggested headings and content:(Note: delete items that are not relevant)
[This section sets out the Evaluation Approachthat will be used to assess Quotes.
3.1Evaluation model
USE WHERE PRICE IS THE ONLY CRITERIONThe evaluation model that will be used is lowest price conforming. This means that all Quotes that are capable of full delivery on time will be shortlisted. The shortlistedQuote that is the lowest price over whole-of-life will likely be selected as the Successful Respondent.
USE WHERE PRICE IS A WEIGHTED CRITERIONThe evaluation model that will be used is [choose: simple score (all criteria are of equal importance) / weighted attribute (weighted criteria)]. Price is a weighted criterion. This means that all Quotes that are capable of full delivery on time will be shortlisted. The Quote that scores the highest will likely be selected as the Successful Respondent.
USE WHERE PRICE IS NOT A WEIGHTED CRITERIAThe evaluation model that will be used is [choose: simple score (all criteria are of equal importance) / weighted attribute (weighted criteria).] Price is not a weighted criterion. This means that Quotes that are capable of full delivery on time will be shortlisted by score and an overall assessment of best value-for-money over the whole-of-life of the Contract.
A ‘two envelope’ system will be used for the evaluation. This means that Respondents must provide all financial information relating to price, expenses and costs in a separate sealed envelope/soft copy folder.The evaluation panel will firstly score each Quote based on the weighted criteria listed below. Quotes will then be ranked according to their scores. Following completion of the scoring the sealed envelopes containing financial information will be presented to the panel. The panel will then assess which Quotes to shortlist based on best value-for-money over the whole-of-life of the Contract i.e. the scores and the total costs over the whole-of-life of the Contract.
3.2Pre-conditionsdelete if not applicable
Each Quotemust meet all of these pre-conditions. Quotes which fail to meet one or more will be eliminated from further consideration.
Respondents who are unable to meet all pre-conditions should conclude that they will not benefit from submitting a Quote.
# / Pre-condition1. / [Describe any requirement that must be met e.g. a relevant quality standard in relation to a product. To be a pre-condition it must be a requirement that is capable of being fulfilled at the time submitting the Quote. If you intend to allow Respondents to meet a requirement at a later date then it is not a pre-condition and should not be included here.]
3.3Evaluation criteria
Quotes[which meet all pre-conditions– delete if no pre-conditions] will be evaluated on their merits according to the following evaluation criteria and weightings.
Note: If you intend to apply weightings you need toinclude them here. Where you have sub-criteria then state either (a) the sub-criteria are equally weighted, or (b) include weightings for each of the sub-criteria.
If you do not intendto apply weightings then you need tolist the criteria in order of importance i.e. most important criterion first. State that the criteria are listed in order of importance with the most important first.
Criterion / Weighting1.Proposed solution (fit for purpose) / xx%
Insert sub-criteria, if appropriate
Insert sub-criteria, if appropriate
Insert sub-criteria, if appropriate
2.Capability of the Respondent to deliver / xx%
Insert sub-criteria, if appropriate
Insert sub-criteria, if appropriate
Insert sub-criteria, if appropriate
3.Capacity of the Respondent to deliver / xx%
Insert sub-criteria, if appropriate
Insert sub-criteria, if appropriate
Insert sub-criteria, if appropriate
Insert sub-criteria, if appropriate
Insert sub-criteria, if appropriate
Total weightings / 100%
In marking Quotes the panel will use the following scoring scale.
Rating / Definition / ScoreEXCELLENT significantly exceeds the criterion / Exceeds the criterion. Exceptional demonstration by the Respondent of the relevant ability, understanding, experience, skills, resource and quality measures required to meet the criterion. Quote identifies factors that will offer potential added value, with supporting evidence. / 9-10
GOOD exceeds the criterion in some aspects / Satisfies the criterionwith minor additional benefits. Above average demonstration by theRespondentof the relevant ability, understanding, experience, skills, resource and quality measures required to meet the criterion. Quote identifies factors that will offer potential added value, with supporting evidence. / 7-8
ACCEPTABLE meets the criterionat a minimal level / Satisfies the criterion. Demonstration by the Respondentof the relevant ability, understanding, experience, skills, resource, and quality measures required to meet the criterion, with supporting evidence. / 5-6
MINOR RESERVATIONSmarginally deficient / Satisfies the criterionwith minor reservations. Some minor reservations of the Respondent’s relevant ability, understanding, experience, skills, resource and quality measures required to meet the criterion, with little or no supporting evidence. / 3-4
SERIOUS RESERVATIONSsignificant issues that need to be addressed / Satisfies the criterionwith major reservations. Considerable reservations of the respondent’s relevant ability, understanding, experience, skills, resource and quality measures required to meet the criterion, with little or no supporting evidence. / 1-2
UNACCEPTABLEsignificant issues not capable of being resolved / Does not meet the criterion. Does not comply and/or insufficient information provided to demonstrate that the Respondent has the ability, understanding, experience, skills, resource and quality measures required to meet the criterion, with little or no supporting evidence. / 0