Government in America Chapter 2 Notes
The Constitution
1. Define Constitution
2.1 – The Origins of the Constitution
1. Why were colonists frustrated with British rule?
2. What was the First Continental Congress?
3. Define Declaration of Independence
4. Define Natural Rights
5. Define Consent of the governed
6. Define Limited government
7. John Locke believed in the right to revolt. What is this?
8. How was the American Revolution a “Conservative Revolution”?
2.2 – The Government that Failed: 1776 – 1787
1. Define Articles of Confederation
2. How many votes did each state receive in the legislature under the Articles?
3. Was there an executive branch of government?
4. Was there a judicial branch of government?
5. Where did most of the power under the Articles reside? Why was this?
6. What was required in order to amend the Articles (and ultimately any law)?
7. What was one of the only powers that Congress had under the Articles?
8. What greatly hindered their ability to do this?
9. What changes were occurring in the states during this time?
10. Define Shays’ Rebellion
11. How did the weaknesses of the Articles help lead to Shays’ Rebellion?
2.3 – Making a Constitution: The Philadelphia Convention
1. What was the purpose of the Philadelphia Convention?
2. Define U.S. Constitution
3. How might the makeup of the individuals attending the Philadelphia Convention have impacted its outcome?
4. What was the Framers’ (as these men have become to called) opinion on human nature and how should that impact the government they were creating?
5. Define Factions
6. The Founders (which they have also become know as) were also concerned about factions. What was their fear?
7. The Founders are clearly concerned with the protection of property as a key purpose of government. From whom are they likely drawing these ideas?
8. What was the Founders’ solution to all of these concerns they had about establishing this new government?
2.4 – Critical Issues at the Convention
1. What was the key debate around representation in Congress under the new Constitution?
2. Define the New Jersey Plan
3. Which states would this plan have benefited at the time?
4. Define the Virginia Plan
5. Which states would this plan have benefited at the time?
6. Define the Connecticut Compromise
7. Which states has this benefited today? Why?
8. What was the three-fifths compromise?
9. What were the powers given to Congress under the new Constitution?
10. What was the motivation for giving Congress these powers?
11. Define a Writ of Habeas Corpus
12. What are bills of attainder?
13. What are ex post fact laws?
14. Why were so few individual rights protected in the new Constitution?
2.5 – The Madison System
1. How does Madison say that you control factions of the minority?
2. How are members of the House of Representatives elected? What is their term?
3. How are members of the Senate elected? What is their term?
4. How is the President elected? What is his or her term?
5. How is the judiciary selected? What is their term?
6. Define Separation of powers
7. Define Checks and Balances
8. Define Republic
2.6 - Ratifying the Constitution
1. Define Federalists
2. Define Anti-Federalists
3. Define Federalist Papers
4. Who were many of the people that were Federalists?
5. What were the arguments of the Anti-Federalists?
6. Define the Bill of Rights
7. Why did Patrick Henry oppose the Constitution?
8. What did the Federalists do that helped them to circumnavigate the state legislatures that were likely to oppose the new Constitution, and still get it approved?
2.7 – Changing the Constitution
1. When formally amending the Constitution, what are the two possibilities for Phase One?
2. What are the two possibilities for Phase Two?
3. What have most amendments focused on?
4. Define the Equal Rights Amendment
5. Define Marbury v. Madison
6. Define Judicial Review
7. How does judicial interpretation represent an informal amendment process to the Constitution?
8. How has changing political practice informally amended the Constitution?
9. How has technology informally amended the Constitution?
10. How have increased demands for new policies informally amended the Constitution?
2.8 – Understanding the Constitution
1. How has the Constitution come to better embody the ideals of democracy over time?
2. How does the Constitution discourage departures from the status quo?