March 12, 2015
Present: Representative Hulse, Representative Stuligross
Absent: Representative Gelbsman
Also present: Brian Pokorny, Ron Tiderencel, Heidi Bond, Karen Sullivan and Doug Czerkies
On behalf of department heads and elected officials, Brian Pokorny thanked the committee for their support updating the purchasing policy. Mr. Pokorny noted that of the departments who corresponded with him, there was mostly positive feedback.
Representative Gelbsman arrived.
Brian Pokorny updated the committee that he has received process map documents back from four (4) departments. Representative Hulse added that a reminder to complete and submit process map documents will go out next week.
Doug Czerkies stated that each standing committee should have a written mission statement to include details of what each committee is responsible for overseeing. (Ex. Radio site towers, buildings and grounds. Which committee is responsible for approving related requests- PSLA or PW or both.)
Karen Sullivan added that 911 addressing fieldwork is becoming a large task for the Planning department who were tasked to fill the void during the interim.
Representative Hulse stated that project management is critical to operations.
Representative Hulse asked for comments as related to last week’s meeting with OnondagaCounty. Representative Stuligross commented but was not limited to the following:
-details need to be worked out between OtsegoCounty and OnondagaCounty and communicated
- purchasing structure and specific roles need to be defined
- how will bids be handled
The committee discussed needing a person on-sight to be the liaison between the 2 county’s as well as provide internal purchasing functions. Representative Hulse noted that he is working on roles and responsibilities as related to purchasing.
Brian Pokorny will explore options utilizing current county staff for purchasing duties.
Brian Pokorny explained that GP needs to be upgraded before the county pursues integrating the county’s financial software package with OnondagaCounty.
Representative Hulse stated that he has been in discussion with the Schoharie County Treasurer, Bill Cherry, as related to shared services. Representative Hulse added that Mr. Cherry will be available to meet with the Administration Committee in April.
Representative Hulse asked for an update on the Telecom audit. Carol McGovern stated that she has reached out to Shaheen and Associates for an update and they are having difficulties with a couple of vendors obtaining the county’s information electronically. Therefore, Shaheen and Associates has requested that the county provide information from our paper invoices as related to specific accounts.
Representative Gelbsman stated that the county needs fleet management. Ron Tiderencel agreed and noted that there should be a central dispatch. Mr. Tiderencel also added that vehicle usage should be on a rotational basis because the entire county fleet is not being utilized efficiently. Representative Hulse moved for the county to structure a central motor pool after March 30th and task Ron Tiderencel with submitting a plan to accomplish this to include defining the roles and responsibilities of a fleet manager, create a vehicle usage and maintenance policy and include related program costs. Seconded, Gelbsman. Total: 3; Ayes: 3. Motion carried.
There being no further business to discuss, the committee adjourned until Monday, April 13th at 1 p.m. at the CountyOfficeBuilding.