Government Action Plan for increased accessibility for persons with disabilities
Plan for universal design in key areas of society
The action plan describes the various measures and activities in more detail, and indicates which ministry is responsible for follow-up.
New measures will be assessed and implemented on an ongoing basis.
This table provides an overview over all the measures included in the government action plan from 2005. These have been grouped together by sphere: transport, buildings and outdoor areas, information (ICT) and other aspects of society. The table specifies which ministry is responsible for follow-up as well as the date or time-frame for implementation and, where available, the financial framework. New measures will be assessed and implemented on an ongoing basis during the 2005-2009 action plan period.
Sphere / Measure / Ministry / DescriptionTransport
T 1 / Introduction of a new EU directive for passenger ships used for public transport / Trade and Industry / This comprises Directive 2003/24 EC on safety rules and standards for passenger ships. The directive sets new standards for accessibility for persons with reduced mobility.
2004 - 2005
T 2 / The “BRA” Programme / Transport and Communications / Initiative to enhance accessibility and implement universal design within the transport sector. Various measures that apply to the entire travel chain, and encompass infrastructure, rolling stock and transport logistics. Implemented as part of the National Transport Plan for the period 2006-2009.
2006 – 2009
T 3 / Support for increased accessibility on rail transport. / Transport and Communications / Within the budget allocations for the national railways, NOK 20 million will be set aside for universal design measures (accessibility for all and step-free access to platforms), and NOK 21 million for improving safety, travel information, signage and labelling.
T 4 / Grants for investments in infrastructure to improve accessibility on various modes of public transport. / Transport and Communications / This includes grants for work and study trips as well as investment in infrastructure to improve accessibility.
Some of this funding (NOK 6 mill) is to be used by the Norwegian National Rail Administration, the Norwegian Public Roads Administration and Avinor AS in cooperation with user representation groups. The activities of Avinor AS are based partly on the airport study carried out in 2003.
T 5 / Principles underlying general budgets and letters of allocation / Transport and Communications / Accessibility and universal design play a key role in the Government’s transport system policy. Specific principles and guidelines have been incorporated into the letters of allocation for the Norwegian National Rail Administration and the Norwegian Public Roads Administration for 2005.
T 6 / Required specifications regarding accessibility for passengers in competitive tendering for railway passenger traffic. / Transport and Communications / Accessibility is being incorporated as part of the basic specification framework.
T 7 / Support for testing of new ticketing and information systems / Transport and Communications / Support for the procurement, adaptation and practical testing of new electronic information and ticketing systems for the transport sector. Testing will be carried out on systems that are available on the international market and that satisfy requirements relating to universal design.
T 8 / More parking for the mobility impaired. / Transport and Communications / Efforts will be made to devise a common policy strategy to ensure that persons with impaired mobility have access to specially designated parking at locations where this is crucial for adequate accessibility to essential shared services, such as transport hubs, hospitals, etc.
2005 -
T 9 / Introduction of new standards for accessibility and universal design. / Transport and Communications / The Norwegian Public Road Administration’s handbook for road and street design (Håndbok 017 Vegnormalen) will be revised to include more stringent requirements relating to accessibility / universal design. Among other things, visual and tactile guides for the visually-impaired will be included.
2004 -
Sphere / Measure / Ministry / Description
Buildings and
outdoor areas
BU 1 / Information campaign on funding and professional opportunities. / Labour and Social Affairs / This campaign is being evaluated as an extension of the “Ingen Hindring” (No Barriers) campaign carried out by the Directorate of Health and Social Affairs. An information package about how various government grant schemes can be applied towards activities to enhance accessibility. This includes funding to:
*county municipalities, for regional development (Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development;
*municipalities, for special environmental measures in agriculture (Ministry of Agriculture and Food);
*municipalities, for cultural and sports facilities (Ministry of Culture and Church Affairs).
2005 -
Buildings and
outdoor areas
BU 2 / Increased accessibility in community care housing and nursing facilities. / Labour and Social Affairs / The Government plan of action for care of the elderly specifies targets for construction and rehabilitation of the building stock within the nursing and care services sector. Many of these measures will help to promote increased accessibility in existing building stock and adequate accessibility in new housing designed for use by people with reduced functionality.
The total investment framework is NOK 32 billion for the entire period.
1998 - 2007.
Buildings and
outdoor areas
BU 3 / Allocations earmarked for necessary modification of day-care facilities. / Children and Family Affairs / Grants (total NOK 736 million in 2005) to cover extra staffing, equipment and building-related initiatives in relation to modifications for children with functional impairments.
2005 -
Buildings and
outdoor areas
BU 4 / Improvement loans from the Norwegian State Housing Bank to crisis centres offering a residential programme. / Children and Family Affairs / The ministry is continuing the survey of weak points at crisis centres that was launched in 2004.
Measures to improve accessibility at crisis centres are now included under the Norwegian State Housing Bank’s improvement loan scheme. Eligibility for loans was introduced in the autumn of 2004.
2004 -
Buildings and
outdoor areas
BU 5 / Promote the application of universal design principles in construction of new day-care institutions. / Children and Family Affairs / The Government seeks to achieve full child-care coverage for all pre-school children in 2005. The main thrust of this plan is focused on establishment and construction of new facilities. In cooperation with the Norwegian State Housing Bank, the Ministry of Children and Family Affairs has launched an Internet gateway for establishment of new day-care facilities:
2004 -
Buildings and
outdoor areas
BU 6 / Revised standard for activities in connection with pre-projects. / Defence / All new construction being planned as well as all improvement and renovation projects are to be assessed in relation to universal design principles.
2005 -
Buildings and
outdoor areas
BU 7 / Efforts will be made to incorporate life-span features into all new dwellings constructed. / Defence / All new dwellings constructed by Forsvarsbygg (the Armed Forces construction and property management company) will in so far as possible comply with standards for life-span design.
2005 -
Buildings and
outdoor areas
BU 8 / Information to project managers at Forsvarsbygg. / Defence / Forsvarsbygg (the Armed Forces construction and property management company) will spread more and better information about the action plan for universal design within its project management framework.
2005 -
Buildings and
outdoor areas
BU 9 / New strategy for prevention of asthma, allergies and indoor climate- related illnesses. / Health and Care Services / A new strategy was designated in 2004. Important areas of focus include:
1. Indoor climate
2. Research
3. Including asthma and indoor climate-related illnesses as an integral part of planning processes and impact assessments.
The strategic plan encompasses over 90 different measures, including extension and further development of pollen alerts from the Norwegian Asthma and Allergy Association and the continued operation of the association’s indoor climate advisory services.
2004 –
Buildings and
outdoor areas
BU 10 / Incorporation of universal design into steering documents for health enterprises. / Health and Care Services / Universal design principles will be incorporated into the basic framework for physical design and operation of health enterprises and other institutions within the health-care services provided under the auspices of the Ministry of Health and Care Services.
2005 -
Buildings and
outdoor areas
BU 11 / Designation of guidelines for achieving universal design in service production. / Health and Care Services / Applies to general practitioner and physiotherapy services. Guidelines will be issues in annual circulars from the Directorate of Health and Social Affairs.
Buildings and
outdoor areas
BU 12 / Action plan for Physical Activity / Health and Care Services / The action plan is a follow-up to Report No. 16 (2002-2003) to the Storting: Prescriptions for a Healthier Norway. The action plan incorporates universal design strategies, and consideration is to be given to accessibility for all.
2005 - 2009
Buildings and
outdoor areas
BU 13 / Smoke-free restaurants and other establishments serving food and drink. / Health and Care Services / The Act relating to the Prevention of the Harmful Effects of Tobacco was amended in 2004, which has enhanced accessibility for persons sensitive to environmental factors. The Act is being followed up through monitoring of compliance with the non-smoking stipulation in restaurants and establishments serving food and drink, and through the issuance of instructions regarding the prohibition on smoking.
Buildings and
outdoor areas
BU 14 / Plan for implementing measures to modify court buildings for the hearing-impaired. / Justice and the Police / In connection with the deliberations on Proposition No. 1 (2003-2004) to the Storting, a majority on the Standing Committee on Justice proposed that the Courts of Norway Administration should present a plan to the Storting for implementation of measures needed to ensure that all court buildings become accessible to the hearing-impaired. The Courts of Norway Administration has initiated this effort. Preliminary calculations estimate a cost framework of NOK 5 million.
2004 -
Buildings and
outdoor areas
BU 15 / Greater emphasis on universal design principles in new handbooks for sports halls and facilities. / Culture and Church Affairs / To be implemented during the revision process for handbooks and related information material.
Buildings and
outdoor areas
BU 16 / Upgrading of existing cultural facilities to improve accessibility. / Culture and Church Affairs / Accessibility requirements for persons with disabilities will be incorporated into guidelines for grant allocations to cultural facilities.
2005 -
Buildings and
outdoor areas
BU 17 / Upgrading of existing churches to improve accessibility. / Culture and Church Affairs / The joint parish councils and municipalities are responsible for submitting reports regarding the need for renovation measures. This includes measures to improve accessibility.
2005 -
Buildings and
outdoor areas
BU 18 / Emphasise universal design in guidelines for sports facilities. / Culture and Church Affairs / Integrate the principles of universal design more clearly into guidelines and incorporate this as a fundamental strategy when establishing new sports facilities.
2005 -
Buildings and
outdoor areas
BU 19 / Better marketing of measures for improvements in buildings and facilities for sports and physical activity. / Culture and Church Affairs / The grant scheme for improvements in buildings and facilities for sports and physical activity can be better utilised in relation to enhancing accessibility for persons with disabilities.
Buildings and
outdoor areas
BU 20 / Enhance universal design in archives, libraries and museums. / Culture and Church Affairs / Pilot and development projects in recent years have provided greater insight into how institutions such as archives, libraries and museums can improve their accessibility for all. Efforts will be made to disseminate this knowledge and motivate institutions to implement measures.
Buildings and
outdoor areas
BU 21 / Incorporate universal design into the Technical Regulations. / Local Government and Regional Development / The integration of the principles of universal design into the Technical Regulations of the building chapter of the Planning and Building Act is under evaluation. These efforts will be initiated without waiting for the final report of the Building Legislation Committee.
2005 – 2006
Buildings and
outdoor areas
BU 22 / Increase the number of universally designed dwellings. / Local
Government and Regional Development / This objective is set out in Report No. 23 (2003-2004) to the Storting on Housing Policy. A higher number of universally designed dwellings will be achieved through more targeted application of the Norwegian State Housing Bank’s financial instruments and through enhanced information activity, competence building and knowledge development.
1. Universal design is included as one of the allocation criteria in the State Housing Bank’s new basic loan. Such loans will comprise a major portion of the Housing Bank’s overall lending framework of NOK 13.5 billion in 2005. The total number of universally designed dwellings constructed will be reported.
2. The State Housing Bank has included adaptation of dwellings and increased accessibility as one of several qualifying aims for housing grants. Of the total allocations framework for this budget item, some NOK 80 million is normally set aside for accessibility measures in housing for the elderly and persons with disabilities.
3. Awareness campaigns, competence building, information about universal design principles and promotion of interdisciplinary cooperation on housing advisory services in the municipalities. The grant for competence-building measures will be increased from NOK 36 million in 2004 to NOK 56.7 million in 2005. The role of the Housing Bank as a knowledge provider will be strengthened.
2005 -
Buildings and
outdoor areas
BU 23 / Potential incorporation of universal design considerations into development contracts. / Local
Government and Regional Development / In connection with statutory regulation of development contracts, it has been proposed to include a provision explicitly stating that development contracts may contain stipulations regarding universal design.
Buildings and
outdoor areas
BU 24 / Project support – adaptation to enhance access and personal experience. / Agriculture and Food / Funding for special environmental measures under the Norwegian Agricultural Development Fund. Starting in 2004, the municipalities have been made responsible for establishing funding priorities, and activities eligible for grants include adaptation of outdoor recreational areas. A funding package of NOK 115 million is set aside for 2005. Universal design principles will be given greater emphasis.
Buildings and
outdoor areas
BU 25 / Support for preparations in connection with investment in commercial buildings. / Agriculture and Food / Applies to buildings to be used for activities such as tourism, farmstead shops, etc.
County-based rural district development funds. NOK 241 million earmarked for 2005.
This scheme is administered by Innovation Norway. Accessibility considerations are included in the letter of allocation to Innovation Norway. A collaborative effort between the Ministry of Agriculture and Food and the Ministry of Trade and Industry.
2005 -
Buildings and
outdoor areas
BU 26 / Providing information on universal design to relevant organisations. / Agriculture and Food / To convey to organisations the importance of universal design and accessibility with regard to the buildings and facilities which they use.
This applies among others to 4H and the Royal Norwegian Society for Rural Development.
2005 -
Buildings and
outdoor areas
BU 27 / Increasing knowledge about universal design at educational institutions. / Environment / National initiative at all educational institutions with relevant academic fields and educational programmes. Applies to upper secondary and higher education institutions. This initiative is being developed by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.
2005 - 2006
Buildings and
outdoor areas
BU 28 / Greater focus on universal design in guidelines for support schemes for outdoor recreational activities. / Environment / Applies to measures in nature reserves, cultural landscapes, outdoor recreation areas and coastal national parks. The total framework for adaptation of outdoor recreational areas is NOK 17 million. Funding is administered by the Directorate for Nature Management.
Buildings and
outdoor areas
BU 29 / Eliminate 100 critical barriers to accessibility nation-wide. / Environment / A national campaign will be launched to eliminate 100 critical barriers to accessibility. The municipalities are invited to submit proposals. Implementation is expected to take place in cooperation between the state and sector authorities, the municipalities and the relevant owners, and will be funded within the available budget framework.
2005 – 2009
Buildings and
outdoor areas
BU 30 / Refinement of the training programme “Planning for All”. / Environment / Revision of the training programme “Planning for All” and continued use of the package in local and regional course activity.
2005 -
Buildings and
outdoor areas
BU 31 / Increased emphasis on the application of universal design principles in municipal activities. / Environment / Support to pilot-project municipalities to promote the integration of universal design principles into the strategies underlying municipal activities. Particular importance is attached to strengthening links between municipal planning activities and the exercise of available financial instruments. These efforts must be viewed in connection with other municipal planning activities, such as urban centre development initiatives.
2005 – 2009
Buildings and
outdoor areas
BU 32 / Revise the section on planning in the Planning and Building Act. Increased focus on accessibility considerations and universal design. / Environment / The Ministry of the Environment will assess the need to amend the Planning and Building Act to increase the focus on accessibility and universal design principles. The recommendations of the Planning Legislation Committee will be evaluated.
Buildings and
outdoor areas
BU 33 / Devise national policy guidelines for universal design in planning activities. / Environment / Specification and follow-up of proposals set out in Report No. 23 (2001-2002) to the Storting (Improving Urban Environment) regarding the use of national policy guidelines.
National policy guidelines on universal design will be devised to help safeguard the interests of persons with disabilities in planning activities.
2005 – 2006
Buildings and
outdoor areas
BU 34 / Measures package. Follow-up of the proposals contained in the report submitted by the Directorate for Nature Management on persons with disabilities and outdoor recreation. / Environment / The package is an integral part of the initiative designating 2005 as National Year of Outdoor Recreation.