Governance Structure: Role and Responsibilities showing links with School Staff:
Activities are organised to ensure that all governors are fully informed regarding all aspects of the school’s work. There are two governing body meetings each term, one with a specific school focus, where all governor related activities are fed back, recommendations received and full ratification from the governing body decided.
Local Governing Board: St. Chad’s C E Primary School:
Academy Schools / Sanctuary / Teaching School / Multi-Academy Trust / Finance /Audit / HR/StaffingHelen Lennie
Peter Burnley / Sophie Nelson
Helen Lennie
Peter Burnley / Helen Lennie
Rob Hadman
Godfrey Adams
Peter Burnley / Helen Lennie
Darryl Byrne
Simon Bird
Peter Burnley
Richard Webster
Kath Roberts / Helen Lennie
Simon Bird
Darryl Byrne
Peter Burnley
Kath Roberts
Curriculum / Safeguarding Incorporating Environment/Buildings / Parent Voice / Pupil Voice
English: Katy Boulton Staff Team: Phonics – R Hunter;
Guided Reading – C Dunkerley;
Writing – F Marsh
Mathematics: Simon Bird Staff Team:Hilary Henderson/Kimberley Bates
Science: Jen Davies StaffTeam: M. Stott, S Nelson, B Preston
ICT: Godfrey Adams StaffTeam:Claire Dunkerley /Penny Wood / Katy Boulton (Parent Forum, Communications Group)
Helen Lennie
Darryl Byrne
Peter Burnley / (All Governors related to developmental focus and groups).
School Groups (as and when required – annual meetings/max. 2 meetings unless key development priority)
Admission and Appeals / Appraisal - Pay Committee/HT PM / Data Tracking: Progress and Achievement / Annual School Improvement Aspects (Impact Reports)
Katy Boulton
Helen Lennie
Darryl Byrne / Helen Lennie
Simon Bird
Darryl Byrne / Darryl Byrne
Katy Boulton
Helen Lennie
Peter Burnley
Staff Team:Claire Dunkerley; Penny Wood; Frankie Marsh / Learning and the Curriculum
(School Lead: Frankie Marsh) / Teaching
(School Lead: H Henderson (SLE))
Jen Davies
Whole Governor Perspective / Helen Lennie
Whole Governor Perspective
Safeguarding Incorporating Environment/Buildings / Attendance Monitoring / SEND / CP/LAC / EYFS
(School Lead: Jo George) / Individual and Communal Needs (School Lead: Rebecca Hunter)
Kath Roberts
Helen Lennie
P Burnley / Darryl Byrne
Staff Team:Kath Roberts / Rob Hadman / Rob Hadman / Whole Governor Perspective / Whole Governor Perspective
Staff Personnel in Purple.