Governance Review Application Using the HREASSA

Governance Review Application Using the HREASSA

Some tips for completion and submission of the Site Specific Application (SSA) for HREA on Online Forms

Governance review application using the HREASSA

The SSA is accessed via the HREA. If you are not the “owner” of the HREA, the “owner” will transfer an SSA to you to complete.

Complete all SSA sections. Note: some sections in the SSA are automatically filled out from information in the HREA.

Listing Investigators and Signatures in the HREASSA

Signatures are required for SSA Declarations (a), (b) and (c), only.

SSA Declaration (a): List all Peter Mac Principal Investigator and Associate Investigators

SSA Declaration (b): List Head of Department

SSA Declaration (c): List all Heads of Supporting Departments

Electronic signatures or scanned copies of signed application form pages are accepted.

Authorisation can be requested electronically from signatories who have an Online Forms account. Click the Navigate “house” symbol and then going to the Authorisation tab, click Request and enter email address of signatory and request their signature.

To sign go to the Authorisation tab, click Sign and enter Online Forms username and password and other requested details.

Submitting the HREASSA

After the SSAis filled out click the Navigate “house” symbol to return to the tabs

If you wish to upload all other project documents go to the Documents tab and then Upload to choose the documents. Alternatively you can email all other project documents to However the SSA must be submitted via Online Forms.

Go to the Submission tab and complete the questions

  • Please select the site you will be submitting this Form to: Answer is Victorian public health organisation
  • Select a Site: Choose Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre from dropdown list
  • Enter the HREC reference: This reference number is found on the first page of your SSA (it waspopulated onto the first page of your SSA from the related ethics application form) and Verify

Click Submit your application electronically, then confirm Submit (once submitted you can still Recall your application, as long as the reviewing organisation has not started processing your application)

Click Generate PDF to obtain a clean copy of the SSA for your files, if required

HREA SSA tips Aug 2017