Governance Meeting of Tuesday October 31, 2017, 9:30 a.m.

Little Theater, Roosevelt Hall

The Meeting was called to order by Dr. Lloyd Makarowitz, Presiding Officer, at 9:30 a.m.

I.Approval of the Minutes of September 26, 2017

A.The minutes of September 26, 2017 were approved.

II.Report of the President, Dr. John Nader

A.Excelsior Scholarships:Approximately 1400-1500 internal applications were received. 383 awards were issued, totaling $1.6 million for FSC students.

B.Applications: The Spring 2018 application cycle is open from October 30, 2017 - December 4, 2017.

C.Tobacco Use Policy Working Group: Recommendations were made and shared with the Cabinet. Recommendations include designating a limited number of places for tobacco use, including portions of parking lots and areas with receptacle disposals on the periphery of the campus.

D.DACA: The status of DACA students and DACA legislation is being monitored.

E.Space Utilization Working Group: Building space usage will be assessed. Karen Gelles is the FEC Representative for this group.

F.Scholarship Awards: Nancy Connors, Vice President for Development and Philanthropy, met with the Scholarship Committee to address scholarship challenges. Scholarships should be awarded in a timely manner to assist with recruiting and retention.

G.Open House: Fall 2017 Open House is held on Sunday, November 5 and plays an important role recruitment and enrollment.

H.Affirmative Action Plan: The number of managerial and administrative employees in minority groups continues to rise.

I.Global Engagement: A Global Engagement reception and forum will be held on November 9, 2017 in an effort to engage international students. FSC has 340 students from 72 countries.

III. Report of the Provost, Dr. Laura Joseph

  1. Applied Learning: FSC is being recognized by SUNY as a leader in applied learning. Faculty, staff, and students presented on FSC’s involvement in applied learning at the SUNY Applied Learning Conference. The applied learning website has been created. Applied learning courses have been approved for Spring 2018. Courses must be submitted by November 15, 2017 to be considered for applied learning designation.
  2. General Education Review: SUNY’s general education requirements are under review. A task force to be formed in 2018-2019 will determine if revisions are necessary. Finalized changes will take effect in 2019-2020.
  3. Performance Improvement Funding: Several proposals have been accepted for performance approval funding. More information will be announced in early November 2017.
  4. Freshman Forgiveness Policy: A Freshman Forgiveness Policy will be created for this academic semester. Thirty five percent of freshman end their second semester with a GPA below 2.0. These students will receive an academic warning instead of probation and meet with an advisor to establish a success plan. Many institutions use this policy for first time students. The policy will be monitored for effectiveness; process procedures are forthcoming.
  5. Micro-credentialing: The SUNY Micro-Credentialing Task Force recognizes potential to acknowledge student work through certificate programs (credit and noncredit) and licenses. FSC will look more closely at how we can provide this type of credentialing.
  6. Assessment: Assessment plans are due November 3, 2017 for academic departments. These plans can be based on either the old or new strategic plans. Future assessment plans will be based on the new strategic goals only.
  7. Celebration of Scholarship: The second annual Celebration of Scholarship will be held on November 7, 2017.

IV. Reports of Standing Committees

  1. FEC, Dr. Lloyd Makarowitz
  1. FEC Composition
  2. Bylaw 10.2.2b: Clarification of language, requires 2/3 majority
  3. Original language: “Eleven members, nominated by individual members of the faculty, are elected by the faculty for a term of three calendar years. No more than one member from a department may serve concurrently.”
  4. Proposed changes: “Eleven faculty members, nominated by individual members of the faculty, are elected by the faculty for a term of three calendar years. No two members from the same department can serve concurrently. This includes the elected members, appointed members, voting and non-voting members (e.g. senate and alternate members).
  5. Discussion followed. Did not receive 2/3 majority vote.
  6. Proposed Motion on Standing Committee Membership
  7. Bylaw 10.8.5: Concurrent Membership
  8. Current language: “...Members of a standing committee cannot serve on more than one standing committee.”
  9. Proposed language: “...There shall be no restriction on members serving on more than one standing committee.”
  10. Discussion followed. Concerns included a limited number of openings for new faculty to serve on committees and the need for faculty self-promotion and engagement.
  11. Friendly amendment proposed and accepted: “Members of a standing committee cannot serve on more than two standing committees.”
  12. A vote was called. The friendly amendment was defeated; the original language stands.
  13. A vote on the original proposal was called and the motion was defeated.
  1. Discussion of voting rights: Dr. Jack Simonson, Parliamentarian
  2. The following individuals are eligible to vote at Governance: SUNY Chancellor, College President, full time FSC staff with academic rank, including lecturers and visiting, tenured and non-tenured, administrative officers designated by faculty, full time staff with professional titles (Professional Services Negotiating Unit).
  3. Only faculty may vote on matters involving promotions and tenure
  4. Research Foundation employees generally do not fall into any of these categories.
  5. Rules about quorums on committees:
  6. Quorum is majority of voting members.
  7. Voting members in a committee must be voting members in general body.
  8. Voting members may be either elected or appointed members of the committee.
  9. Certain specific exceptions regarding non-voting liaisons (FEC, etc.) are present in the Bylaws.
  10. Committee Vacancies
  11. Promotions Committee: School of Arts, Faculty at Large
  12. Chancellor’s Award for Excellence: School of Business
  1. Bylaws, Dr. Aaron Howell
  2. Two motions on committee operations.
  3. Bylaw 10.8.7: Chairperson and Secretary
  4. Current language: “Each committee shall elect its own chairperson and secretary. Responsibilities of Committee Chairs/Secretaries:

●To schedule and hold meetings on a regular basis in accordance with Article 10.8.10 of the Faculty Bylaws.”

  1. Proposed language: Add a new bullet:

●“To take minutes of each meeting and transmit approved minutes to the Chair of Governance in accordance with Article 10.8.9.”

  1. Discussion followed. Motion passed with unanimity.
  2. Bylaw 10.8.10: Meetings of the College Standing Committees
  3. Current language: “All standing committees of the College must meet at least once a semester…”
  4. Proposed language: All standing committees of the College must meet in person at least once a semester…”
  5. Discussion followed. Motion passed with unanimity.
  1. Calendar, Dr. Jack Simonson
  2. Spring 2019 Calendar: The Governor has moved the PGA tour dates to May 16 - May 19, 2019. The Spring 2019 calendar originally had final exams and commencement during those dates. The entire Spring 2019 calendar has been shifted one week early to immediately follow intercession.
  3. Discussion followed, including a suggestion to move Saturday classes earlier.
  4. Commencement: Two commencements will be held for different schools.
  5. A simple majority vote was called and passed.

V. Old Business - None.

VI. New Business - None.

VII. Reports of Other Committees and Organizations

  1. Operations Committee, Dr. David Vitt
  2. The Operations Committee has been charged with the Inventor Bill of Rights. Contact for input.
  3. Faculty Senate, Prof. Lou Scala
  4. Plenary Meeting, October 19-21, 2017 overview
  5. The 2017 Diversity Conference will be held November 29 – December 1, 2017 in Albany.
  6. The SUNY Undergraduate Research Conference (SURC) will be held at SUNY Oneonta on Friday, April 20, 2017 and Monroe Community College on Saturday, April 21, 2017
  7. Colleges of Technology Representative Barat Wolfe briefed the Chancellor about the Tech Sector’s important role with SUNY and asked for the Chancellor’s support for the following: a tech sector self-study, applied learning conversations, rebranding of Colleges of Technologies to Centers of Excellence in Applied Learning.
  8. Chancellor’s Report, Kristina Johnson: Introduced team, shared vision and goals.
  9. Provost Report, Grace Wang: Encouraged face-to-face communication, discussed the general education requirements timeline and the role of micro-credentialing.
  10. Resolutions: Recognize the second Monday of October as Indigenous Peoples Day, provide free access to menstrual products in all SUNY campuses and restrooms, change to UFS By-Laws, response to regulating action taken by the Charter School Committee of the SUNY Board of Trustees, recommendation for academic advisement related to financial aid, recommendation on broad based fees.
  1. Bargaining Unit, UUP, Dr. Vicki Janik
  2. General membership meetings are held every 3rd Thursday of the month.
  3. A celebration of women’s scholarship will be held in March 2018.
  4. Constitutional Convention information is on page two of the ballot.
  5. The contract is being negotiated.
  1. From the floor.
  2. There are construction safety issues between Gleeson Hall and Whitman Hall (Gleeson Hall side). There are not enough lights at night.
  3. One door of Whitman Hall (Gleeson Hall side) is always locked and causes crowding.
  4. Open House concerns: A suggestion was made to increase Hale Hall tours for Visual Communications students.

The meeting adjourned at 11:15 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Megan Margino, Secretary