Please complete the scantron sheet provided for the following 50 questions. You must use a PENCIL. Turn in the test to the room coordinator. Check with room coordinator if scantron sheet needs to be turned in before you leave. ABSOLUTELY NO WRITTEN TESTS MAY BE TAKEN FROM THE ROOM OR YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE A SCORE.

  1. Filaments grouped together in a mold give it an appearance of:
  1. Grass
  2. Cotton
  3. Salt
  4. Thin Wires
  1. When you consume a cracker, the texture that you perceive is the result of several sensations including consistency, mouth feel and ______.
  1. Flavor
  2. Aroma
  3. Sound
  4. Color
  1. Lecithin is an emulsifier because ______.
  1. It has a polar end that is attracted to oil and a non-polar end that is attracted to water
  2. It inhibits oil (dispersed phase) from being dispersed into water (continuous phase)
  3. It has a polar end that is attracted to water and a non-polar end that is attracted to oil
  4. It disrupts an emulsion colloid
  1. The percent daily value recommendation on a Nutrition Facts label is based on a ______calorie daily diet.
  1. 500
  2. 1, 000
  3. 1,500
  4. 2,000
  1. ______is a protein formed from glutenin and gliadin found in wheat.
  1. Casein
  2. Keratin
  3. Gluten
  4. Gelatin
  1. The main purpose of preservatives is to:
  1. Cure and prevent disease in animals
  2. Redirect energy from the production of fat to learn.
  3. Prevent the growth of microbes.
  4. Increase the fat content in food products
  1. Excessive cholesterol may cause:
  1. Heart problems
  2. Circulatory problems
  3. Clogging of the arteries
  4. All of the above
  1. The first method of preserving food was probably:
  1. Salting
  2. Drying
  3. Irradiation
  4. Freezing
  1. The reason(s) that irradiation is not a popular means for preserving food is (are):
  1. People have a psychological aversion to eating food that has been irradiated.
  2. As radiation breaks down, chemical changes occur in the food
  3. There is a high cost to the irradiation process
  4. All of the above
  1. When oxygen reacts with ______in freshly cut bananas, the bananas turn brown.
  1. Enzymes
  2. Bases
  3. Acids
  4. Moisture
  1. This essential nutrient provides the body with its most concentrated source of energy.
  1. Carbohydrates
  2. Proteins
  3. Vitamins
  4. Fats
  1. HACCP is a systematic, science based process control system for ______.
  1. Food quality
  2. Food Safety
  3. Food safety and quality
  4. Sanitation
  1. Food components such as fat that do not dissolve in water are considered ______.
  1. Indestructible
  2. Miscible
  3. Insoluble
  4. Volatile
  1. Failure to cool milk after milking is likely to result in a (an) ______flavor.
  1. High acid
  2. Bitter
  3. Rancid
  4. Oxidized
  1. The sugar that is considered to be the sweetest:
  1. Sucrose
  2. Fructose
  3. Glucose
  4. Maltose
  1. Term for when water goes from a solid to a gas without passing through the liquid phase:
  1. Transfusion
  2. Sublimation
  3. Evaporation
  4. Condensation
  1. All raw milk must be processed within ______hours of receipt at the processing plant.
  1. 24 hours
  2. 36 hours
  3. 48 hours
  4. 72 hours
  1. Sodium Nitrate is added to some meat products as a ______.
  1. Curing agent
  2. pH controller
  3. Stabilizer
  4. Binding agent
  1. A common process used in the food industry that involves the addition of salt, sugar, and vinegar to vegetables to lengthen their shelf life.
  1. Lyophilization
  2. Extrusion
  3. Pickling
  4. Leaching
  1. ______is an enzyme that converts milk sugar into glucose and galactose.
  1. Lactase
  2. Amylase
  3. Phytase
  4. Invertase
  1. What causes freezer burn in food?
  1. Caused by moisture loss from food when food is exposed to air in a freezer
  2. Mold is growing on a product in a freezer
  3. Occurs in tightly vacuum packaged food
  4. Having the freezer temperature too high
  1. Which of the following is not a water soluble vitamin?
  1. Vitamin C
  2. Vitamin B2
  3. Vitamin K
  4. Thiamin
  1. A subject that is helpful in the Food Science Field and involves using biology, genetics, and technology to improve plants, animals, and microorganisms for food production.
  1. Zymology
  2. Bromatology
  3. Apiology
  4. Biotechnology
  1. If an acid is added to milk lowering the pH to about 4.6, the _____ breaks down and forms lumps called curds.
  1. Whey
  2. Casein
  3. Calcium
  4. Lactose
  1. A taste component that is best described as savory, pungent, delicious, or musty:
  1. Bitter
  2. Unami
  3. Sour
  4. Sweet
  1. A sequence in which increasingly larger, more complex organisms use smaller, less complex organisms as food.
  1. Food chain
  2. Domestication
  3. Scientific principle
  4. Food Science Life
  1. To reduce the risk of BSE in the U.S. food supply, ______is not permitted in human food products or dietary supplements.
  1. Beef brain
  2. Beef cheek meat
  3. Pork brain
  4. Pork cheek meat
  1. Six essential nutrients are needed to keep the human body working well. This nutrient is often called the body’s building block and aids in growth and healing after injuries.
  1. Minerals
  2. Vitamins
  3. Proteins
  4. Fats
  1. The wheat kernel is made of three parts. This portion is rich in fiber and contains many B-vitamins as well as iron.
  1. Bran
  2. Germ
  3. Endospore
  4. Endosperm
  1. A market approach where a store has a loss of money on one product to attract customers is a ______.
  1. Sale leader
  2. Loss Leader
  3. Promotion
  4. Mark up
  1. Which of the following foods would be exempt from nutritional labeling?
  1. Coffee
  2. Milk
  3. Fruit bars
  4. Diet foods
  1. The weight of one gallon of milk is ______pounds.
  1. 2.8
  2. 5.4
  3. 7.6
  4. 8.6
  1. Antibiotics are an example of a ______hazard in a food product.
  2. Aesthetic
  3. Biological
  4. Physical
  5. Chemical
  1. Fermentation is stopped by pasteurization and ______.
  2. Heating
  3. Cooling
  4. Stirring
  5. Settling
  1. Fats serve many functions in foods. While many of its functions are desired, ______is one function that is not desired.
  2. Oxidation
  3. Tenderizing
  4. Sublimation
  5. Emulsification
  1. ‘e’ coli bacteria is a big problem with this food group:
  2. Vegetables
  3. Fruits
  4. Meats
  5. Fruits
  1. Spoiled food can be detected by:
  2. A bad taste
  3. A bad Smell
  4. Visual Observation
  5. All of these
  1. Blanching is a process that kills:
  2. Bad taste
  3. Microorganisms
  4. Enzymes
  5. Amino acids
  1. Products that are contained in a MAP package means that it is packaged in ______.
  2. Modified Atmosphere Packaging
  3. Modified Activated Pressure
  4. Membrane Advanced Packaging
  5. Managed Aerobic Plastic
  1. Which of the following is not a function of fat in a food?
  2. Aeration
  3. Gelling agent
  4. Tenderizing
  5. Flavor
  1. Water functions in the body to ______.
  2. Dissolve oxygen
  3. Moderate metabolism
  4. Induce glycogen
  5. Provide energy
  1. To help prevent the spread of disease and to produce safe food, what is the recommended length of time that hands should be washed prior to handling food?
  2. 10 seconds
  3. 15 seconds
  4. 20 seconds
  5. 60 seconds
  1. In making ice cream, large amounts of air are incorporated into the mixture to increase the volume of the product. The percent increase in volume is known as ______.
  2. Surplus
  3. Bulking
  4. Padding
  5. Overrun
  1. A company developed a new food product and is asking several hundred people how much they like or dislike the product or one of its flavor/texture characteristics. This would be an example of a ______.
  2. Consumer panel
  3. Laboratory panel
  4. Highly trained expert panel
  5. Research panel
  1. Bacteria cannot grow in an all ______environment because of the lack of available moisture.
  2. Vegetable
  3. Milk
  4. Sugar
  5. Meat
  1. In which order must ingredients be listed on a food label?
  2. From most to least in order of volume
  3. From least to most in order of volume
  4. From most to least in order of weight
  5. From least to most in order of weight
  1. A (an) ______is a substance made of two or more different elements chemically joined together.
  2. Molecule
  3. Compound
  4. Mixture
  5. Atom
  6. ______is a system that was developed for NASA is utilized by FSIS to prevent foodborne hazards.
  7. HACCP
  8. HCCPA
  9. USDA
  10. PCHA
  1. Of the microorganisms, ______are the greatest threat to food safety.
  2. Viruses
  3. Bacteria
  4. Fungi
  5. Parasites
  1. Which of the following is the source of carbohydrates?
  2. Beef
  3. Milk
  4. Eggs
  5. Wheat



  1. B26. A
  2. C27. A
  3. C28. C
  4. D29. A
  5. C30. B
  6. C31. A
  7. D32. D
  8. B33. D
  9. D34. B
  10. A35. A
  11. D36. C
  12. B37. D
  13. C38. C
  14. A39. A
  15. B40 B
  16. B41. B
  17. D42. C
  18. A43. D
  19. C44. A
  20. A45. C
  21. A46. C
  22. C47. B
  23. D48. A
  24. B49. B
  25. B50. D