Governance and Leadership Group

08th December 2016


Church House, Penrith


Chair: Tim Glendinning

Joyce Keetley, Sean Monaghan, Prof Colin Richards, Mick Brookes, Deborah Smith, Dale Hill

Chair’s welcome and opening remarks
Chair TG welcomed everyone to the meeting . Apologies were received from Sue Leigh and Mary Page
Minutes from meetings
Previous meetings have not been formally minuted and the group agreed that this group would ensure that a clear record would be kept of discussions and their outcomes, together with actions agreed, in order to promote its effective working.
Action: DH will look into possibilities for additional paid administrative support but in the meantime TG and DH will produce minutes for agreement. / TG/DH
Terms of reference / Remit
Members of group reviewed the terms of reference or remit of the group and agreed some refinement of wording to reflect key principles
  • Educational standards should be at heart of the groups actions
  • It must be inclusive of all stakeholders
  • It must be clear about the place of governance within the overall structure of the alliance of system leaders, ensuring that governance has a prominent profile on agenda and fair representation.
  • It should help identify and evaluate key activities and training that will allow the LASL to disseminate and plan for effective governance, recognising that the implementation of the CASL plan cannot be effective if governance is not represented or engaged. This should include support for new and inexperienced headteachers.
  • It should seek to improve the intelligence on the state of governance through more systematic approaches such as consistent peer reviews. It was noted that currently clear understanding of school governance is only available in “intensive” support schools where a SIM meeting structure is in place.
  • Representation on the group should reflect the stakeholders and also facilitate access to a wide range of development opportunities. This should include PHA, CASH, LA, teaching schools and BBCL : TG to contact Lyn Brownrigg with invitation to next meeting and SM to identify long term PHA member.
/ JK
DH introduced the CASL plan in latest draft. Members of GLG considered the 6 key priorities and discussed the areas in which governance group would have strong role to play.
The group looked in more detail at Priority 6. It was stressed that the ordering of the priorities was not hierarchical, however the danger that it might still be interpreted as such was a concern. It was noted that a restructure could avoid any appearance of lower priority being attached to governance.
Key elements looked at included;
  • Recruitment and succession planning
  • CPD in governance
  • Governor effectiveness and self review
Action: Members agreed that the plan was comprehensive and targets were appropriate. Intelligence and data outcomes should come back to this group to inform and offer a clear picture across the county. Plans for improvement activities will be tailored to individual LASL needs to recognise regional priorities.
Members stressed that the development of peer review in governance is critical to success and an audit of capacity and needs should be included in the plan. Capacity to deliver the actions and maintain development will be crucial.
The group agreed to meet on the 6th January in the Board Room at Church House to look exclusively at the Priority 6 element of the CASL plan before it is finalised and published at the end of January.
Next meeting Friday 6th January at 1.30pm Church House, Friargate, Penrith / DH

Governance and Leadership 081216