Division: / ManagementClinical / Effective Date: / 10/01/06 / Page 1 of 3
Department: / Human Resources / Prior Policy Dated: / Committee Approval/Dates:
Reviewed: 12/00
Policy Number: HR 2-150
It is the policy of the company to provide the opportunity for career advancement to employees when job opportunities become available. Qualified employees may apply and be considered for transfer or promotion to existing vacant positions.
Transfer:a.) Any change of job in the same or equivalent pay range, either within the same department/unit or to a different department/unit; or
b.) Any change to a different department/unit in the same job which will typically result in a new EIP date and the employee will receive a pro-rated merit.
Promotion:Any change to a job in a higher pay range.
Demotion:Any change to a job in a lower pay range.
General Information
Existing vacant positions are normally posted in the Human Resources office, outside the cafeteria and online. (See "Posting the Position" section of Hiring Procedures Guidelines, HR 2-120)
Employees may apply for a change of job or position by completing an Application for Transfer form in the Human Resources office or online.
To be eligible for a change of job or position an employee must: a.) meet the specified qualifications and all other requirements of the position; b.) be considered in good standing in his current position, and c.) employee must have worked in current position for at least 6 months prior to transfer request. Current employees will be considered along with any other outside applicants for the position. Employees may be required to pass a drug test before being approved depending on type of position.
**Graduate nurses are eligible for a job transfer or department/unit change of trjob after thecompletion of one year on the unit of hire.
Exceptions may be made based on the needs of the hospital, both department Director’s approval and Executive Management.
The needs of the hospital, the employee qualifications and past work history will take precedence in deciding job transfers.
Human Resources screens requests for transfer/promotion and coordinates scheduling of interviews. Human Resources informs employees by letter or memo if they are not selected for transfer/promotion to a position for which they have applied.
Management may initiate transfers, including demotions, either temporarily or for an indefinite period, for substandard work performance, reorganization, change of business conditions or any other job-related reason deemed appropriate. Supervisor or management employees may "step-down" to an existing vacant position of different responsibility in lieu of resignation, with the approval of Executive Management.
Pay Change
Promotions and demotions normally include pay rate changes in accordance with established guidelines. (See Wage and Salary System Guidelines, HR 4-100) A change of job accompanied by a change in pay rate causes a change in the employees anniversary date for pay review (Entry in Position, or EIP, date) except in certain cases which include:
1.Changes among levels in the Medical Transcriptionist group.
2.Changes between EMT-basic and EMT-intermediate.
3.Changes between OR Staff RN and OR Specialty Lead Nurse.
4.Changes between Medical Records Coder I and Coder II Engineering Department Changes within the BioMed Tech group, POM Tech group and Construction Tech.. group.Pulmonary Department: Changes between Certified-eligible and CRT or between Registry-eligible and RRT.
Employee Responsibility
1.Submit Application for Transfer form to Human Resources Office.
2.If accepted for promotion or transfer to another unit, notify the current supervisor immediately and continue to work in the original position as scheduled until the effective date of the change.
Management Responsibility
1.Post any position for a minimum of three (3) days that is authorized to be filled before interviewing candidates or making job offers, unless an exemption from the posting procedure has been authorized by Executive Management.
2.Refer all applicants to Human Resources for completion of the Application for Transfer form. Transfer requests are available on-line or in the HR lobby.
3.Before offering a position to an employee from another department/unit, the hiring manager must obtain a reference from the employee's current supervisor or Department Director.
4.When an employee's change of job or position involves moving from one department to another, the Department Directors must agree on a mutually acceptable transfer date, usually two weeks but not to exceed four weeks, from the employee's acceptance of the offer.
5.The hiring manager must initiate the completion of the Personnel/Payroll Change Notice form, which must be signed by the "sending" supervisor and the "receiving" Department Director, then submitted to Human Resources before the effective date.
Cross Reference:HR 2-120 Hiring Procedures
HR 2-140 Categories of Employment
HR 4-100 Wage & Salary System
Reviewed:06/10VP of HR