Peace. Love. Run. 13.1 & 5K
Half Marathon & 5K Run/Walk
Sunday, June 21, 2015
Please complete the information below and return with your registration fee payable to Catholic Hospice:
Catholic Hospice - Peace. Love. Run. 13.1
2605 Nicholson Rd.
Suite 3240
Sewickley, PA 15143-7608
1.866.933.6221 or
Last Name
First Name
Street Address
State Zip codePhone
- / -Emergency Contact
Emergency Phone
- / -Sex UnisexShirt Size Age on 1/2K 5K 5K
M F (S-M-L-XL) Race Date Run Run Walk
Shirts guaranteed for race participants registered by 6/10/15
Halfmarathon participants will receive Finisher medal, T-Shirt and bag
5K participants will receive T-shirts and bag
RACE WAIVER AND RELEASE - MUST be signed below by ALL participants
I know that participating in a road race is a potentially hazardous activity. I should not participate unless I am medically able and properly trained. I assume all risks associated with running and/or walking in this event. I also acknowledge that, although there will be police assisting this race, there will be traffic on the course route. I agree to assume the risk of running with traffic. Having read this waiver and knowing these facts and in consideration of the acceptance of my entry, I, for myself and anyone to act on my behalf, waive and release Catholic Hospice, all sponsors, volunteers, and employees and their representatives and successors from all claims and liabilities of any kind out of my participation in this event before, during, or after. I give my full permission to Catholic Hospice and their sponsors to use any photographs, videotapes, or other recordings of me that are made during the course of this event.
I have read and agree to the above waiver, rules, terms and conditions
I am at least 18 years old (participants under 18 must be registered by an adult)
Signature of Participant or Parent’s Signature (if under 18 years of age)
Catholic Hospice and Palliative Services is pleased to announce its
“Peace. Love. Run. 13.1Half Marathon 5K Run/Walk
Join us on Sunday, June 21, 2015North Park Boat House
Registration: 6:15 AM for Half Marathon, 6:45 AM for 5K Run/Walk
Half Marathon begins @ 7:00 AM
5K Run/Walk begins @ 7:45 AM
Participation in the Half Marathon and 5K will directly benefit the programs of Catholic Hospice, the only free-standing, faith-based, pro-life hospice serving community members facing life-limiting illnesses in Allegheny, Beaver, Butler, and Washington counties.
Timing Services provided by Miles of Smiles. Unofficial results will be available at the awards ceremony. Official results may also be found online at
Can’t run, but would like to donate?
A tax deductible donation can benefit so many.
We offer many levels of sponsorships as well as volunteer opportunities
For more information on becoming a sponsor or to volunteer contact:
Tracey Haughey today at 1-866-933-6221 or