Sprint Audit – Swallowing Audit Update
This was an informal sprint audit undertaken between May and September by Hayley Cowie, Annette Cameron and Elaine Horne.
Hayley and Annette audited whether the existing swallowing protocol had been followed for stroke patients and recorded “yes” for protocol followed and also for patients who were admitted and immediately diagnosed NBM and then seen by SALT (possibly because they were too drowsy). Elaine audited patients admitted directly to stroke unit for comparison. 50 non-stroke unit patients audited and 50 ASU patients. Elaine recorded whether the protocol had been followed and whether swallow screen performed on day of admission and at any time throughout admission. Patients with a documented contraindication as above were counted as a “yes”.
It is difficult to establish which areas were unaware of the procedure to be followed for swallow screen (mainly due to movement of staff). We think AMAU should be the main target – Hayley has met with SALT and plans to work with them to do awareness training. SALT to train more staff up in performing swallow screens.
The next target area should be the step down wards – 4, 27/28, 12.
Hayley would be happy to be involved in another audit if necessary as this small snapshot audit has confirmed that patients are not being screened appropriately and are therefore being put at an unnecessary risk of complications from their stroke.
Hayley Cowie
September 2008
Graphs attached show comparison between ASU and Other Wards