Good evening Toll families, on what is obviously the 15th anniversary of what was one of the darkest days in our Nation’s history, 9/11. Obviously, this tragedy happened just outside the lifetimes of our Titans. As adults, we have a duty to both make our students aware, and make certain that they never forget, this piece of US History and the lessons we have learned as a Nation in the aftermath.

Last Friday, permission slips went out to 100 8th graders who were nominated to participate in Challenge Day on September 19. Permission slips for this wonderful experience are due to Mrs. DeLadurantey by this Wednesday, September 14. If a teacher, counselor or administrator nominated your student, please make certain they return their permission slip early this week.

Thank you to those who supported our school’s paper drive the last two weeks. In total, the school collected more than 16 cases worth of copy paper for our staff. Another core competition starts this week as Toll unites to help support the PTA's Healthy Start, Family Food Drive, September 12-16. Your student can help by donating canned and dried food items through their core. PLEASE-- No perishables or glass containers! The Core with the most donations will enjoy a popcorn /snow cone treat courtesy of the PTA and Toll Foundation.

This Thursday, Toll will host Constitution Day. Stay tuned as more information on our list of guest speakers from the ACLU is shared with teachers and students tomorrow and Tuesday. This also promises to be a fantastic day for our Titans.

The PTA welcomes students of all grades and all abilities to explore their inner artist. This year's Reflection program theme is, What Is Your Story? Tell your story through dance, a short film, a poem or story, an original song, a photo or visual work of art. Pick up a PTA Reflections Entry Form from Room 1202 or the Attendance Office and return the entries to Room 1202 by October 7, 2016.

Attention students, if you were accepted into the STEM program, you should have received a written notice on Friday, September 9. There is a list posted outside of Mrs. Nishimoto's classroom. The first meeting is this Wednesday, September 14, from 3:30-4:30 in Room 1334.

First progress report cards will be mailed this week. No news is good news in this case, as the first progress report is only an early warning alert for students off to a slow start.

Finally, a reminder that e Malt shop is now open Tuesday thru Friday from 2 to 4 p.m. Compliant foods are sold after school and all other items are sold starting at 3:15 pm. Malts will be sold on Tuesdays & Fridays. Snow cones will be sold on Wednesdays and Ice cream Sundays will be sold on Thursdays.

Have a wonderful week.

Dr. Thomas Crowther, Principal

Eleanor J. Toll Middle School

700 Glenwood Rd.

Glendale, CA 91202

Ph: (818) 244-8414 Fax: (818) 500-1487