August 14, 2017
Good evening, Parents,
Wewahitchka Elementary School is back in session, and we are expecting a successful school year. Upon return, the teachers and I discussed how dismissal could possibly be improved. A plan was devised and agreed upon and we were and are hopeful that it will work as the school community unites to help with this transition. Safety has been an issue, and we want to protect our students as best we can. Therefore, there are a few changes in how car riders should be dropped off at school each morning. Every morning and afternoon, the front of the school near the office will be blocked off. If you drive your child to school, you will have to drop him/her off in the loop at the west side parking lot. All elementary school car riders will be dropped off there. We have individuals who will be assisting your child out of the car. Please follow their directions, as they will be directing traffic a certain way. Parents, please note that you must remain in your vehicle in order for the traffic to flow. You must not park your car, and walk your child to the gate. That will endanger your life and your child’s life. We are trying to avoid any and all mishaps that could occur.
In the afternoons, the parking area in the front of the school (near the office) will be blocked off. Kindergarten through third grade car riders will be picked up in the very front of the school where the shelter or awning is located. Fourth through sixth grade car riders will be picked up in the loop. Parents, if you have two children and one is in Pre-K, kindergarten, first, second, or third grade, and the other child is in fourth, fifth, or sixth grade, the older child must default to the very front of the school and be picked up there with their younger sibling. Again, in order for this to flow smoothly, all parents must stay in their vehicle topickup their child. Please follow the directions of the teachers, as they will be directing traffic.
We will move forward in this plan for the duration of the week. If it does not work, we will revert back to the procedure that was used last year. Parents, thank you for your patience, and thank you for your support during this time.