Good Evening Kdg Families!

It has been so nice seeing you all for conferences the past 2 weeks! They can be a lot of work to prepare for, but I always enjoy getting my student's families better and even 20 minute get togethers are a great way to make that happen! If any of you have any other concerns along the way, please always know we can set up a conference before or after school whenever!

We have a few very important events this week, so I wanted to be sure and clarify the details as much as I can!

Panda Prowl (Thursday)-Please wrap up collecting your donations and return your student's envelopes by Thurs! There will be PTA members collecting and counting that day so having them in by that day will be most helpful!

I have attached the Panda Prowl schedule below, but just an FYI, we will be walking/running during the morning time from 11-11:30am, not the afternoon time. You are all welcome to join us if you'd like as well! Please send your student in clothes and shoes appropriate for 20 min. of walking/running for the day.

Miller Farms Field Trip (Friday)- If you have not returned permission slips, lunch requests, and/or money, please turn those in asap! Remember, every student and volunteer will need a disposable lunch (not their usual lunch bag), clothes for the farm, a jacket/sweatshirt, and if possible please have them wear their blue shirt that was given to them at the beginning of the year saying 'graduating class of 2029' from Thompson School District. If not that one then maybe another blue one so they are easy to spot. We have enough volunteers that I believe we will only have groups of 2-3 which is awesome! Thanks to all of our volunteers in advance!!!

Please send your student to school as usual, and volunteers you can come in first thing to get your badge, agenda, and a map of where we are going because parents will need to drive separately. Sorry, I know some of you would love to ride the bus with 66 Kinders! If you'd like to look it up early, the address is Miler Farms,13912 CR 19, Platteville, CO 80651. We will leave at 9:15am and return as close to 1:30pm as possible! If you'd like to take your student for the day once we return, you will be welcome to check them out in the office, otherwise we will continue the day as usual!

Please let me know if you have any other questions about either of these events! The weather for both looks great, which always makes it more fun!

*Pictures will come home in Friday folders on Thursday, just in case you've gotten them for your older students!



Kdg Teacher Ponderosa Elementary
