Good Books II, Grammar, and Composition Miss Keena

Course Syllabus



Welcome,students! This is the second part of the Good Books classes, which is designed to solidify and build on your knowledge of grammar, writing, and literature. By enjoying classics from many genres, practicing creative writing, and understanding the mechanics of literature, we will assemble a toolbox with which you will be able to confidently encounter any piece of writing.


1)To encourage students to build careful reading habits that allow for greater engagement and enjoyment of different kinds of literature

2)To help students to express themselves easily, naturally, and effectively in both written and oral form.

3)To train students in the process of writing and improve their research, prewriting, and editing abilities.

4)To build rhetorical skills in students through memorization and creative presentation of materials.

Scope and Sequence:



b)Parts of Speech



e)Common Errors


a)Adventure Tales

b)Dystopian Fiction


d)Parables and Short Stories




a)Constructing sentences and paragraphs

b)Different types of paragraphs

c)Poetry and creative writing

d)Drafting and Revision



  • Warriner’s English Grammar and Composition Fourth Edition
  • Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary Level C


  • Treasure Island, Robert Lewis Stevenson
  • Tom Sawyer, Mark Twain
  • The Giver, Lois Lowry
  • The Gift of the Magi and Other Stories, O. Henry
  • Sherlock Holmes Stories, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
  • Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Anonymous
  • Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare

Supplemental texts may be added at the teacher’s discretion.

Poetry for Memorization and Recitation

  • 100 Best-Loved Poems
  • Selected Poems


  • Notebook
  • Index cards
  • 3 ring binder
  • Loose leaf paper
  • Pencils, pens, and red pen

GRADING POLICY (per semester):



Quizzes: 10%

Papers: 20%

Tests: 15%

Recitation & Presentations:10%

Final Exam15%


Homework will normally be the assigned reading as well as vocabulary and grammar assignments. Homework is important preparation for class and must be submitted at the beginning of each class. Students will be docked a letter grade for homework accepted after the beginning of the class in which it is due up to a 24 hour period. Homework later than a day late will not be accepted. (See late policy below). If I require in-class essays to be submitted, they will count towards your homework grade.


Your paper grade will include one 2-3 thesis-directed paper per semester as well as smaller creative writing assignments. Students will be docked 3 points (equal to 4% of the essay grade) for each day these assignments are late. An essay is considered a day late after the beginning of class of the day the essay is due. Late days then accrue every 24 hours after that time. 5 days (120 hours) after the initial deadline for submission, students who have submitted the essays will receive grades of 0 points for the assignment. (See late policy below.)


None of the penalties for the above late submissions will apply if your work is excused due to illness or an emergency. Your parents may also excuse (for any reason) your late submission orally, with a written note, or by e-mail. If your work has been excused, then none of the penalties apply.


Students will memorize and present one poem per semester to the rest of the class. The poems will either be assigned or chosen by the student subject to approval.In addition, students will also choose a topic on which they will present a short essay during class.

Please know that I am committed to helping each of my students to succeed in this class, and will make every effort to be available if you are struggling in the class or with any particular assignment. My email address is

I reserve the right to change or modify this course and the syllabus subject to appropriate and timely notice to the students enrolled in this class.