
  1. NoiCultura, integrated project of Buttrio, Chiopris – Viscone, Corno di Rosazzo,Manzano, Pavia di Udine, Pradamano, Premariacco and S. Giovanni al Natisone and the Udine Province, with the collaboration and the organization of the Cultural Association Vilegnovella dal Judri “Culturaglobale” of Villanova del Judrio - S. Giovanni al Natisone (UD) and with the Patronage of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Autonomus Region,Udine Province, University of Udine, Club Unesco of Udine, Cultural Circle “Il Faro”, the Udine University, International Concourse of illustrated fables “Sulle ali dei cigni” City of Schwanenstadt (Austria), promotes and sustains the 7th edition of the International Vilegnovella Litterary Prizedal Judri “Culturaglobale” for the 2006/07 year distinguished with the President of the Italian Republic medal.

The Prize is realized in synergy with: International Concourse of illustrated fables “Sullen ali dei cigni” Bordano (UD), International Symposium on rock of Vergnacco (UD), YoungLiterature Central Studies “Alberti” Trieste and International Symposium of Wood sculpture NoiCultura Manzano.

2. The theme of the seventh edition, “Piccole storie di terra” (“Small earth stories”), refers to man and to the elements that surround and that compose our tormented planet.

The stories have to be inspired by earth, it’s colours, smells, forms, voices and tastes, it’s transformations and it’s being, in nature or in the imaginative, individual or collective.

3. The Prize, expiration date Saturday 12 May 2007, is divided in three sections:

a)Italian authors for adult stories, written in the Italian language or in the Friuli dialect.

The first rated work will receive a Prize of sojourn (4 days for 2 persons) Territoria NordEst.

The best stories written in Friulano and the ones sent from the young proposals (those who are not yet 19 years of age on the expiration date), the ones sent by Italian authors of foreign residence and also the best verse story and the best dramaturgy text will receive a special mention Prize and will be published in the anthology.

b)Italian authors, stories for the young public (of age 8-16), written in the Italian language or in the Friuli dialect.

The first rated work will receive a Prize of sojourn (4 days for 2 persons) Territoria NordEst.

The best stories written in Friulano and the ones sent from the young proposals (those who are not yet 19 years of age on the expiration date), the ones sent by Italian authors of foreign residence and also the best verse story and the best dramaturgy text will receive a special mention Prize and will be published in the anthology.

c)foreign authors, immigrated or resident abroad of foreign mother tongue, with stories for adults or for young public of age 8 - 16, written in the Italian language or in an official or minority foreign language spoken in the world, accompanied with a translation in the Italian language by attachment.

First rated stories for adults will receive a €150,00 Prize.

First rated stories for young public will receive a €150,00 Prize.

Special Prize to the best story, received between all three sections that, in respect of the chosen topic of this 7th edition of the Prize, is able to transmit a message of Peace and respect towards diversity,

Will get a €200,00 Prize.

4. In case of ex aequo the prizes will be equally subdivided.

5. the narrative works have to be original, unedited, and mustn’t be longer than three typewritten files (indicative dimension) with single spacing and in New Times Roman, body 12 or similar.

When the work will be selected by the commission jury, a copy of the original will be requested by electronic mail or by other means.

6. The admission to the competition is free and open. The authors that are 12 years of age (on the expiration date Saturday 12 May 2007) can participate.

7. Even collective works are admitted that have four or more hands let alone those produced by the classes of the secondary schools

8. The authors that have won the First Prize of the previous 6th edition (in the two sections) cannot participate in the Prize.

9. The choices of the Jury Board held by Dr. Livio Sossi, professor of the UdineUniversity, are final and will be communicated and written to all the participants. The Commission will also select the best pieces of each of the three sections that will be published in an anthology. The Board has been availed of the faculty to assign a second and third prize to the meriting pieces in each of the three sections as well.

10. If neither of the presented works results as meriting, the prize may not be assigned.

11. The authors can participate at each section, with not more than three works for each section. In this case it will be possible to award only the work that for each section will be considered the best from the Board.

12. The works sent have to be ten paper copies. Each copy will be stapled on the left top and will have the pages numbered on the bottom. The stories have to be sent by Saturday 12 May 2007(attested by postalstamp), with certified Fmail, rapid mail, priority mail; to the following address:


Via 4 Novembre, 17 - Villanova del Judrio - 33048 S. Giovanni al Natisone – UD - Italia

13. The originals will not be returned. The authors grant to the organizers the publication for free of the texts or part of them in newspapers, magazines or Internet with citation of the author.

14. Each work must be provided exclusively with the title of the story and must be indicated with the chosensection and the name of the author must not be indicated, whose general information (name, birth date and place, address, telephone number, e-mail, fax) together with a certifying declaration that “the work, unpublished, is the result of my personal artistic creativity”, have to be written on a separate sheet, included inside the parcel containing the work.

15. The winning works and those selected by the jury will be published in an anthology volume.

16. The organizers have the power to publicize one or more of the prize winning works..

17. The awarding cerimony will be held in the month of June of the year 2007. The date and venue will be notified via print or electronic mail and by means of a letter written to all the participants.

18. In relation to the normative of which of art.13 of the "personal data protection Code" d.lgs. n.196/03, the participants give consent to the treatment, diffusion and communication, even to other third parties, of the personal data requested in order to update the initiatives and the offers of the organization that, even in collaboration with other Bodies will be organized in the future. Each person will be able in any moment to request, under the art.7 of the cited normative (d.lgs. n.196/03), the ratification or cancelling of the data communicating such desire to the Body itself.

19. The participation implies the automatic acceptance of the present regulation. Subscription fees are not requested.

20. Personalized papyrus and prizes wil be delivered.

21.The winner must be present during the award ceremony. The participation at the ceremony will not imply a burden of any sort for the organizers.

For information:


Via 4 Novembre, 17 - Villanova del Judrio - 33048 S. Giovanni al Natisone – UD - Italia

tel. 0481.62326 – cell. 339.2650471 - -