Administrator’s Instruction


Table of Contents

Main Administration Pages……………………………………Page 4

Section 1: Administrators

Administrators - Add……………………………………Page 6

Administrators - Edit / Delete……………………………………Page 7

Administrative Emails – Set Up / Update……………………………………Page 8

Section 2: Setting Up PayPal

PayPal Email Address – Set Up / Update……………………………………Page 9

Section 3: Site Options

Site Options – Set Up / Update……………………………………Page 10

Section 4: Tournament Administration

General Information……………………………………Page 11

Public Tournaments……………………………………Page 11

Private Tournaments……………………………………Page 11

Scorecards - Add……………………………………Page 12

Scorecards – Edit / Delete……………………………………Page 13

New Tournament - Add……………………………………Page 14

Section #1 – Tournament Details……………………………………Page 14

Section #2 - Deadlines and Instructions……………………………………Page 21

Section #3 - Additional Details ……………………………………Page 24

Section #4 - Scorecard Details ……………………………………Page 25

Section #5 – Tournament Sponsor……………………………………Page 27

Sign Up Page - What the Players See……………………………………Page 28

Current Tournament: Roster Page……………………………………Page 29

Set Pairings / Tee Times for Roster……………………………………Page 30

Roster Page for 2-Player event……………………………………Page 32

Roster Page for Match Play event……………………………………Page 33

Managing Alternates……………………………………Page 35

Adding / Deleting Players to Roster ……………………………………Page 37

Managing Payment Status……………………………Page 38

View / Print Scorecards / Placards……………………………Page 39

Scorecard Printing Instructions……………………………Page 40

Golf Cart Placard Printing Instructions ……………………………Page 41

Tournament Input Results Page……………………………Page 42

Entering Tournament Results ……………………………Page 43

Batch Post Scores to GHIN on-line……………………………Page 44

2-Player / 4-Player Event……………………………Page 45

Match Play Event……………………………Page 46

Post Tournament Recap / Upload Pictures……………………………Page 47

Roster Email Blast……………………………Page 48

Delete Current Tournament……………………………Page 49

Managing Future Tournaments:……………………………Page 50

Managing Past Tournaments:……………………………Page 51

Setting End-date for Tournament Schedule……………………………Page 52

Section 5: Pro Shop

Tee Time Settings for On-line Tee Sheet……………………………Page 53

How the Tee Sheet is Presented to Golfers……………………………Page 55

How Golfers Book / Pay for Tee Times On-Line……………………………Page 56

How the Pro Shop Sets Tee Times for Tee Sheet……………………………Page 57

How to Add Instructors Info into the Site……………………………Page 60

How to Edit / Delete Instructor’s Information……………………………Page 62

How Instructors Set Their Availability Schedule……………………………Page 63

How Golfers Book / Pay for Lessons On-Line……………………………Page 64

Golf Equipment / Apparel section……………………………Page 67

Discount Coupons – How to Create……………………………Page 68

How Users View / Print Discount Coupons……………………………Page 69

How to Edit / Delete Discount Coupons……………………………Page 70

How to Set Tournament Services Offered On-Line……………………………Page 71

How Users View / Tournament Request Form……………………………Page 72

Section 6: Club Information

Home Page Intro – Set Up / Update……………………………………Page 73

Course Description - Set Up / Update……………………………………Page 74

Scorecard Creation……………………………………Page 76

Course Facilities - Set Up / Update……………………………………Page 77

Rates & Contact Info - Set Up / Update……………………………………Page 79

Set URLs to Existing Web Pages……………………………………Page 81

Events Calendar - Add Event……………………………………Page 83

Events Calendar - Edit / Delete Event……………………………………Page 84

Newsletter - Update……………………………………Page 85

Section 7: Email Blasts

How to Import Your Email Database……………………………………Page 86

How to Manage Your Email Database……………………………………Page 87

How to Export Your Email Database ……………………………………Page 88

How to Compose / Send Email Blasts ……………………………………Page 89

Section 8: Reports

Report of all Tournament Transactions……………………………Page 90

Report of all Tee Time Transactions……………………………Page 91

Report of all Lesson Transactions……………………………Page 92

Report of all Gift Certificate Transactions……………………………Page 93

Report of all Coupon Views……………………………Page 94

Summary Report of all Transactions……………………………Page 95

Golf Fusion Administrative Instructions:

The following 2 pages outline the Main Administration Page for Golf Fusion’s PRO SHOP MODULE. One or more administrators can use these Administrative tools to manage / update your Golf Fusion website.

This manual addresses each administrative function individually, detailing the steps required to complete each task, and showing the resulting screens presented to users on yoursite.

Golf Fusion Administrative Instructions (cont’d):


Administrators - Add

One or more Administrators can be set up to handle the various administrative functions for the Pro Shop. Administrators require their own Username & Password to access the administration section. It is on the screen below that the primary Administrator creates new administrators, and assigns “permissions” to any or all of the seven ADMIN sections

To create a new Administrator, the primary Pro Shop Administrator must:

Enter the New Administrator’s Name

Assign a unique User Name and Password for them

Enter their email address

Assign “permissions”

Click the SUBMIT button to activate the New Administrator

Note: There is no limit to the number of administrators that can be set up to access this site.


Administrators - Edit / Delete Administrators

To edit information on any Administrator, or to delete them altogether, click

This presents you with a listing of administrators, as shown below:

To edit information on a specific Administrator, click the Edit button beside their name, which presents a screen with their details and permissions. After making the necessary changes, click the SUBMIT button to activate them.

To delete a specific Administrator, click the Delete button, after which you are prompted to select the “OK” button to confirm this deletion.


Administrative Emails - Set Up / Update

In several cases, actions taken by Users on your Golf Fusion website can trigger email alerts to specified Pro Shop Administrators.

The Tournament Administrator receives emails when Players cancel themselves out of a tournament

The Pro Shop Administrator receives emails when Users purchase a Tee Time, Lesson or Gift Certificate

By clicking theSet Up / Update link, the screen below is presented:

At this point, the Primary Administrator can submit email addresses for these two administrators, to ensure they receive the email alerts.


PayPal Email Address - Set Up / Update

To enable your PRO SHOP MODULE to process credit card transactions, you must first set up a business account with PayPal at By following their instructions, you will establish an account with an email address. This email address also serves as the password for your PayPal account.

Once completed, come back to this section of the Golf Fusion site and enter in this email address. Doing so will automatically forward credit card transactions to your PayPal account.

Click the Set Up / Update link to enter this Email Address.

Note: If you do not set up a PayPal account, or enter your PayPal email address in this section, the site cannot process credit card transactions. This being the case, certain areas of this site will be disabled, such as Book a Lesson, Book a Tee Time and Gift Certificates. The remaining “transaction oriented” section, Tournaments, will simply function without providing players with the ability to pay for events on-line.

If you require further assistance with setting up your PayPal account, please contact .


Site Links- Set Up / Update

The SITE LINKS section enables the Primary Administrator to select the Golf Fusion functions to be presented on the User’s side.

Altogether, there are four major sections and twenty subsections to the Golf Fusion website; CLUB INFORMATION, TOURNAMENTS, PRO SHOP and MY HANDICAP. As shown in the Site Options screenshot below, a checkbox determines which of them are “activated” for presentation to your users.

Unchecking boxes, or even an entire section, (see below)

automatically adjusts the site’s presentation to the Users.

Club Information section no longer appears as a Tab at the top, or as a Quickview Box below



Your Golf Fusion website is designed to manage both PUBLIC and PRIVATEtournaments.

PRIVATEtournaments are for your standard corporate / charity events that have previously been managed off-line. These tournaments can now be managed on this website, so that players can easily sign up, view pairings, tee times, results, pictures, etc.

PUBLIC tournaments are for your own hosted events (ex: Giant Skins game), promoted to the general public. These tournaments will serve as a powerful vehicle to sell blocks of tee times by offering golfers what they crave for; friendly competition.

Both PUBLICandPRIVATEtournamentsfall into one of three categories;CURRENT, FUTURE or PAST.


You can set up as many PUBLICtournaments as you please; The one with the most current date is presented as theCURRENT TOURNAMENT - PUBLIC. The others reside in theFUTURE TOURNAMENT -View Publicsection, until they become the most current.

CURRENT TOURNAMENTS remainCURRENTup until midnight, the day of the event. After midnight (ie: the next day), they automatically shift into thePAST TOURNAMENTSsection. That being the case, once a tournament has been played, if you enter the scoring results the following day, you will need to look in thePAST TOURNAMENTSsection to find the event.


You can also set up as many PRIVATEtournaments as you please. The one with the most current date will be presented as theCURRENT TOURNAMENT – PRIVATE, with the others residing in theFUTURE TOURNAMENT -View Privatesection until they become the most current.

As you will see on Page 28, tournaments are set up as PRIVATEbased on the entry of a 4 digit security code, to ensure that only authorized visitors can access your site for specific private events.


Scorecards - Add Scorecard

Before setting up a new tournament, the Tournament Administrator must first create a scorecard for the course on which the tournament will be played.

To create a scorecard, the Add Scorecard link presents a template enabling the entry of data for up to six tee box sections, which includes the tee box name, slope, course rating and complete details on each hole.

Once the required fields are completed, click the SUBMIT button to save this scorecard to the “Scorecard Library”. Then, when creating a new tournament, this “saved” scorecard can be selected & automatically applied to the event.


Scorecards - Edit / Delete Scorecard

Once the scorecard has been saved, should you need to edit any details, or delete the scorecard from the library, click the Edit / Delete Scorecardlink. This presents a list of “saved” scorecards, from which you select the one requiring a change or deletion, and proceed accordingly.

To EDIT a saved scorecard, click the Edit link beside the scorecard to view its details. Once you make the necessary changes, click the SUBMIT button, and the scorecard is re-saved.

To DELETE the saved scorecard from the Scorecard Library, click the Deletelink, after which you are prompted to select the “OK” button to confirm this deletion


New Tournament - Add

When setting up aNEW TOURNAMENT, clicking the “Add”link presents four parts for completion:


As shown below, the details entered in this section are straightforward, and drive the presentation of the Tournament SIGN UP PAGE on the User’s side. Some entries are straight text, while others require selections from drop down menus. The following pages address these various selections.


New Tournament - Add - Tournament Details MULTI-DAY EVENTS:

The standard duration for tournaments managed by Golf Fusion is one day. Should you need to create a multi-day event, click the Multi-day – Click here link at the top of the Tournament Details section.

This presents a MASTER template for creating a Multi-day tournament, wherein details are entered just as they would be for a standard one day event.


New Tournament - Add - Tournament Details MULTI-DAY EVENTS:

Once the general details have been entered, the SAVE AND ADD ANOTHER DAY section enables the Tournament Administrator to set up and manage each specific day of the event as its own separate tournament, as well as part of the overall multi-day event.

Once tournament details for each day of the multi-day event are entered, the tournament section presents a multi-day management section (shown below) that provides links to the MASTER section and each applicable DAY.


New Tournament - Add - Tournament Details

The first 3 entries; TOURNAMENT NAME, DATE & START TIME are straightforward:

Next you need to enter the # of PARTICIPANTS for the tournament, the # of TEE TIMES and the time INTERVALbetween tee times. This time interval is not applicable if SHOTGUN is the Tee Time Format.

These selections impact other Tournament Admin screens, such as the Pairings and Tee Times section and Input Results page, as noted on page 34.

EVENT FORMAT: This site manages virtually any tournament format, with the applicable format selected from this drop down box, as shown to the right:

A Custom Tournament is any event where special SCORES (points) are calculated.

TEE TIME FORMAT: This selection is based on whether the tournament will be played with tee time intervals or as a Shot Gun event.

When setting Pairings & tee times for the tournament roster, (see Page 56), selectingSHOTGUNas the Tee Time format presents a drop down list of hole assignments.

Selecting STANDARD as the Tee Time format presents a drop down list of tee times from which to assign members, based on the # of tee times and interval entered in this section

NOTE: The # of groups presented in this box equals the # of tee times entered in the Tournament Details section.


New Tournament - Add - Tournament Details  Fees

FEES: You can set up to five FEES for your tournament in the Tournament Details section:

These fee options are presented to players on the Tournament Sign Up Page, where they can also pay on-line. If there is only one fee for the event, the player will be presented with this fee on the sign-up page and they can pay it directly. If multiple fees are set for the event, as per the example above, players are presented with a drop down box to select their applicable fee:

Once a player selects their fee, and signs up for the tournament, the site presents a follow-up screen that confirms their sign up, and enables them to pay their fee on-line, via PayPal.


New Tournament - Add - Tournament Details  Fees / Payments

As outlined on Page 9, to enable players to pay on-line, your course must first set up a business account at As part of this basic set-up, you note your business bank account information, so that PayPal can transfer these credit card receipts directly into your bank account.

When players click the icon, it launches a new browser that takes them to your PayPal site, where they pay the specified amount with their credit card.

After players pay on-line, they receive an email confirmation of their payment, with the funds directed into your PayPal Business account. To handle credit card transactions, PayPal charges a processing fee ranging from 2.2% to 2.8%, depending on the total monthly charges that flow through your account. This information is available when you set up your business account at


New Tournament - Add - Tournament Details

FLIGHTS: Up to ten“FLIGHTS” can be established for any tournament (example below), which enables you to place players into specific flights on the Tournament Roster Page.

The TOURNAMENT DESCRIPTIONis also outlined in this section, and presented to players on the Tournament Sign-Up page. There is a maximum of 200 characters for this text entry, which is also presented on the Tournament scorecard generated by this site.

HANDICAP PERCENTAGEdetermines whether players receive their full handicap (100%) for the tournament, or a reduced handicap based on specific tournament format. Once this percentage is entered, Golf Fusion automatically calculates each players applicable handicap for the event, and presents it on the Tournament Roster Page, Pairing / Tee Time page and Tournament Scorecard (see page 28).

The last entry in this Tournament Details section is for a 4-Digit Private Tournament Security Code. This code is applicable when you set up Private tournaments for corporate customers or other groups. Setting this code ensures that only authorized players can access the sign-up page for a particular tournament. Example: If you are hosting an event for IBM, they will want to ensure that only IBM employees can sign up for this event, and that is where the 4-digit security code comes into play.