DC501: Winter 2012 2
DC501: In-Ministry Syllabus Dr. John R. Cionca
Winter 2012 Bethel Seminary
January 9-March 19 Office: B205; 651-638-6163
Intensive Week: February 6-10, 2012 http://www.bethel.edu/~jcionca
8:00 AM – 4:30 PM e-mail:
Discipleship in Community
This course provides an introduction to the theological framework and critical functions necessary for effective Christian discipleship in a local church. Approaches to discipleship and models of ministry will be reviewed. A variety of instructional methods will be utilized to help participants develop an understanding of educational staffing, organization, program, curriculum, methodology, and facilities. Ministry to children, to youth and to adults will be presented. Learning styles, classroom teaching, facilitating small groups and assessment of the teaching-learning process will be examined. Students will gain a vision and enthusiasm for the discipleship possibilities within any congregation.
Learner Outcomes: The student will . . .
¨ Develop a Biblical/theological framework for discipleship through a local church.
¨ Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of various church approaches to discipleship.
¨ Discover approaches of ministry to children, to youth and to adults.
¨ Appreciate the necessity of lay leadership for effective church ministries.
¨ Develop teaching “road maps” for communicating effective Scripture lessons.
¨ Establish a criterion for evaluating the quality of teaching within a given classroom.
¨ Understand the purpose and value specific types of small groups.
¨ Recognize contributing factors to effective learning environments.
¨ Know the critical elements necessary for building a dynamic ministry team.
Required Texts:
Gorman, Julie. Community that is Christian, Revised Edition. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 2002. ISBN 0801091454
Wlodkowski, Raymond J. Enhancing Adult Motivation to Learn, 3rd Edition. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2008. ISBN 0787995207
Articles: (Course Documents in Moodle)
Kjesbo, Denise Muir. “The Time Has Come!” Article in Heart and Mind, Fall/Winter, 2002, pp.4-8.
Stafford, Wes. Too Small to Ignore: Why the Least of These Matters Most. PP. 1-12; 30-52.
Keehn, David. “Youth Ministry from a Family Perspective.” In A Theology for Family Ministry, pp. 223-240.
DVD: (Course Documents in Moodle)
View all of Effective Ministry to Children and their Families.
View all of Effective Ministry to Youth and their Families.
Course Requirements:
- Attendance, Reading and Participation: Since this class includes group interaction/participation, regular attendance in expected for all sessions. One prearranged absence is permitted without affect on grade. Regular attendance and participation in class sessions (20 hours class time) (Approximately 600 pages of reading of texts/articles/viewing @ 30 pages per hour = 20 hours).
2. Original Draft Lesson Plan: Students will write a draft, original lesson plan based on the outline discussed in class and on page 8 of the syllabus. You may select your own passage (not isolated verses) from the Bible. Bring two copies of your plan to class. Students will share their plans for peer review (4 hours) [10% of grade].
- Learning Styles Articles and Inventories: Read the articles listed below, and complete the two online inventories listed below. Write a 750-word summary on: 1. How you learn best; and 2. How you will approach the teaching-learning process for others. (7 Hours) [10% of grade].
· Felder, Richard. Matters of Style: at http://www4.ncsu.edu/unity/lockers/users/f/felder/public/Papers/LS-Prism.htm
· Felder, Richard. Learning Styles and Strategies (Online article) http://www4.ncsu.edu/unity/lockers/users/f/felder/public/ILSdir/styles.htm
· Solomon, Barbara. Index of Learning Styles Questionnaire (Online inventory) http://www.engr.ncsu.edu/learningstyles/ilsweb.html
· Differences Between Left and Right Hemisphere – Hemispheric Dominance Inventory http://frank.mtsu.edu/~studskl/hd/hemis.html and
interpretive article at: www.mtsu.edu/~studskl/hd/LRBrain.html
- Community that is Christan Discussion Preparation Guide #1. See page 12 of syllabus for preparation for class discussion (3 hours preparation time for class discussion).
- Enhancing Adult Motivation Discussion Preparation Guide #2. See page 13 of syllabus for preparation for class discussion (3 hours preparation time for class discussion).
6. Enhancing Adult Motivation Discussion Preparation Guide #3. See page 14 of syllabus for preparation class discussion.
7. Leadership Training: Utilizing insights and content from Enhancing Adult Motivation to Learn or Community that is Christian, develop a two-hour training session for classroom teachers or small group leaders. Include the “Book” part of your lesson plan, with PowerPoint slides and handouts that you will use. Provide a 1200 word narrative that explains your real or hypothetical audience, your desired outcomes and the procedure and methods used in the session. (10 hours allotted for exam preparation) [35% of course grade].
8. Volunteerism Best Practices: In preparation for class on February 9, read at least 75 pages on ministry through volunteers. You may review resources by Dr. Cionca on his prof. website, read portions from books such as The Volunteer Revolution or The Equipping Church, or search the web for best practices on the recruitment, development and utilization of volunteers. Be prepared to share in class several “best practices” of staffing. Submit a one-page bulleted summary of your personal Top Ten Volunteerism Best Practices (2 hours for paper) [10 % of grade].
9. Contextual Assignment: In addition to submitting this assignment to the course instructor, this assignment has been identified as a required integrative assignment that you may wish to review and reference in future integrative coursework. (20 hours) [35% of grade]. Choose from the following:
A. Classroom Teaching and Assessment: Teach an original lesson following the lesson plan format on page 6. An evaluative form will be distributed and explained in class. Submit the following: Your lesson plan; at least 4 evaluation forms completed by observers of the lesson; and a 1,500 word personal summary assessing your experience. Your assessment should not merely record your perceptions on the session, but as importantly the feedback from your observers. Your grade reflects their evaluative feedback, so choose observers wisely. Introduce the process and the assessment form to them prior to your class session. Form on page 6 of the syllabus.
B. Small Group Facilitation & Assessment Report: Lead a small group (4-9 people) for three weeks through a Bible study [you cannot use students from class]. Submit the following: evaluation forms completed by each of the small group participants (at least 4); a 1,500 word summary (typed, double-spaced) answering the following questions (20 hours allowed for preparation, facilitating and summary):
1) Describe the group-size, participant’s characteristics, purposes and goals of the group, and your own relationship to the group.
2) Identify significant group characteristics and determine how they are incorporated within this particular group.
3) Describe the factors that appear to enhance accomplishment of the group’s goals and the factors that hinder accomplishment of group goals.
4) Based on what you have been reading and experiencing, what “prescription” would you write to improve this group’s functioning?
5) Describe how you would design a similar group in order to try and avoid some of the pitfalls that this one has encountered.
6) Assess your own competencies and deficiencies as group member/leader that was evident in this particular group experience. Utilize feedback from group members as you reflect on the experience (see form on pages 8 & 9).
C. Personal Independent Study on Discipleship. For students with significant evaluative teaching and facilitating experience, you may elect to personalize this 35% of this course through an independent study. You may use the 20 hours allotted for this assignment to pursue an area of interest important to your discipleship context. You may not use work completed for another courses. Your proposal must be approved in advance by the instructor. Make me an offer J.
10. Scripture Quiz: Covering six passages on discipleship (8 hours allotted for memorization) [10% of grade]. Quiz 1 will be taken in class on February 6. Quiz 2 will be completed out of class, opened and taken under the observation of a proctor. The quiz is to be taken w/o Bible, computer or notes. The witness will sign and date the quiz and the envelope in which it is submitted.
11. Course Evaluation: Completing the course evaluation at the end of this course is included as a component of class participation. While your responses are anonymous, failure to submit an electronic evaluation will reduce your course grade by 2%.
Course Grading:
Learning Styles Report 10%
Volunteerism Best Practices 10%
Leadership Training 35%
Contextual Teaching Assignment 35%
Scripture Quiz 10%
Course Evaluation (2% will be deducted for non-submitted course evaluations)
Total: 100%
Academic Course Policies:
Please familiarize yourself with the catalog requirements as specified in Academic Course Policies document found on the Registrar's website at: https://bethelnet.bethel.edu/ureg/bssp/acp/. You are responsible for this information, and any academic violations, such as plagiarism, will not be tolerated.
Week 1
1/9-1/14 / Discipleship in Community / Post: A Personal Introduction of yourself
Read: Community that is Christian
Post: Your response to Question 1 on Worksheet #1, and interact with classmate postings; no minimum required
Be Prepared: To discuss other worksheet questions during intensive
Memorize: Hebrews 10:24, 25
Week 2
1/16-1/21 / Learning Styles
Learning in Adulthood / Read: On-line articles in Assignment 3
Complete: On-Line Profiles-Assignment 3
Submit: Learning Style Report
Read: Enhancing Adult Motivation to Learn, Chapters 1-4
Week 3
1/23-1/28 / Learning in Adulthood (Continued) / Read: Enhancing Adult Motivation to Learn, Chapters 5-7
Post: Your response to Question 7 on Worksheet #2, and interact with classmate postings; no minimum required
Week 4
1/30-2/4 / Discipleship in Childhood and Adolescence
Ministry to Children and their Families
Ministry to Youth and their Families
Inviting Volunteers to Minister / View: Video interviews of children’s pastors (on Moodle)
View: Video interviews of youth pastors (on Moodle)
Read: Two Children’s ministry articles and one Youth Ministry article (on Moodle)
Read: 575 Pages on Volunteerism for Class on February 9—Best Practices on Volunteerism (see Syllabus, page 2, assignment 8)
Memorize: Mark 10:13-16
Week 5
Feb 6 / AM—A Theology of Discipleship
—Discipleship in Community
—Incarnational Teaching
— Situational Leadership & Learning
PM—Discipleship through Small Groups:
Types of Small Groups
Facilitating Discussions
Group Life, Development, Life-Cycle
Curricular Resources / Be Prepared: To discuss Discussion Preparation Guide #1
Memorize: Acts 2:42, 47
Quiz 1: Taken in class; On three passages above
Feb 7 / AM—The Teaching-Learning Process
Incarnational Teaching
Teaching in a Large Group Setting:
Focus on Learning
Organization and Methodology
— Assessing the Learning Process
—Lesson Plan Workshop
—The Role of the Holy Spirit in Teaching / Be Prepared: To discuss Discussion Preparation Guide #2
Feb 8 / AM—The Power of Uniqueness
— Learning Styles
— Lesson Plan Feedback Session
PM—Discipleship of Children
—Discipleship of Youth / Due: Draft Lesson Plan
Feb 9 / AM— Ministry to Adults
Adult Generations
Adult Life Stages
Bridging Church and Home
PM—Inviting Volunteers to Minister
—Building Effective Ministry Teams / Submit: One-page Summary of your Top Ten Volunteerism Best Practices
Feb 10 / AM
—Approaches to Discipleship
—Keeping the Big Picture
Week 6
2/13-2/18 / Intensive Week Two (For Other Course) / No Assignments Due for DC501
Week 7
2/20-2/25 / Learning in Adulthood (Continued)
Begin Contextual Assignment
Classroom Teaching;
Facilitating a Small Group; or
Discipleship Independent Study / Read: Enhancing Adult Motivation to Learn, Chapters 8 & 9
Post: Your response to Question 2 on Worksheet #3
Work on: Contextual Assignment (see Syllabus, Page 3, Assignment 9)
Week 8
2/27-3/3 / Leadership Development / Memorize: Ephesians 2:8-10
Submit: Leadership Training Plan (Syllabus, Page 2, #7)
Week 9
3/5--3/10 / Contextual Assignment Continued / Memorize: Matthew 5:13-16
Work On: Contextual Assignment
Week 10
3/12-3/17 / Course Reflection and Integration / Memorize: 1 Corinthians 9:19-23
Submit: Contextual Assignment
Mail: Take Home Scripture Exam on Remaining Three Passages
Assignments Will Not be Accepted after March 19, 2012
Lesson Title
Teaching Truth
Scriptural Passage
Key Verse
Lesson Objectives
Cognitive - (to know)
Affective - (to feel)
Behavioral - (to do)
Lesson Procedure - Outline and Integrated Methods
Hook [ A ]
Book [ B ]
Took [ C ]
John R. Cionca, Ph.D. © 1993
Realizing that this evaluation will be subjective, nevertheless it will serve as a useful tool in trying to better understanding the teaching-learning process. If you feel that you are not qualified to a make a judgment on an item, you may omit it.
1. / A general air of FRIENDLINESS and safety pervades the classroom.Friendliness ___:___:___:___:___:___ Lack of Friendliness
2. / ENTHUSIASM stimulates class interest.
Enthusiasm ___:___:___:___:___:___ Low Energy
3. / An interesting APPROACH "hooks" learners’ attention.
Attention Grabbing ___:___:___:___:___:___ Uninviting
4. / Lesson CONTENT is communicated effectively.
Clearly ___:___:___:___:___:___ Poorly
Presented Presented
5. / APPLICATION to life is evidenced.
Compelling ___:___:___:___:___:___ Weak
Application Application
6. / INVOLVEMENT METHODOLOGIES encourage student participation.
Appropriate ___:___:___:___:___:___ Weak
Methods Methods
7. / The teacher uses good ILLUSTRATIONS to develop the lesson.
Good Exampling ___:___:___:___:___:___ Weak Exampling
8. / Media and ENRICHMENT MATERIALS enhance the class session.
Ample ___:___:___:___:___:___ Lack of
Materials Materials
9. / INDIVIDUALIZATION OF INSTRUCTION maximizes each learner's experience
Personal ___:___:___:___:___:___ Only Group
Attention Directed
10. / The teacher maintains good CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT
Appropriate ___:___:___:___:___:___ Poor
Control Discipline
11. / OBJECTIVES were developed and fulfilled
Objectives ___:___:___:___:___:___ Objectives
Reached Unreached
Leadership Feedback and Development (Part 1)
From: ______
Please note: This tool is designed to evaluate for the purpose of encouragement, not to judge for the purpose of condemnation.
Leadership during meetings
- On a continuum, how would you rate the leader’s style of communication during the meetings? Mark with an “X”:
Pure lecture Pure discussion
On the scale above, mark with an “O” where you would like the leader to be.
- On a continuum, how would you rate the leader’s control of the flow of the meetings? Mark with and “X”: