Hebrews 11:3

“Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear” (Hebrews 11:3).

God created the world out of nothing by speaking the words of faith. This was not just a re-creation, a re-shaping of that which already exists. It is the bringing out of an entirely new thing out of nothing. He called those things that are not as though they are and they came to be (Romans 4:17-21).

“Let there be …” are God’s powerful, dynamic words of faith that have forever altered the course of human history and existence (Genesis 1:1-31; Romans 4:17-21).

God is the first, the foremost and the supreme and perfect example of creative faith. Nothing is impossible with God because He manifests perfect faith (Luke 1:37; Matthew 19:26). If we will also manifest the God-kind of faith, nothing shall be impossible to us (Matthew 17:20; Mark 9:23).


Hebrews 11:3; 12:10; 2 Peter 1:4-10; 1 Corinthians 12:1,4,7,9; Mark 11:22-24; Romans 3:3; 4:17-21.

Faith is the attribute of the divine Godhead. It is an aspect of God’s character and being. It is easy for most believers to recognize love, justice, righteousness, etc. as aspects of God’s nature. However we never consciously associate faith with God because we think faith is needed for us to receive grace to help in time of need (James 1:5-8; Hebrews 4:14-16). God never lacks and so does not have a need. He does not need to manifest faith to receive anything.

However faith is not limited to receiving. Faith is used to accomplish things and do exploits. Faith does not only receive the offered benefits, faith can do exploits and thereby enrich another’s life by that which faith brings to being. Faith gives and confers blessings. Faith does exploits. Faith speaks and prophesies (Psalm 116:10; 2 Corinthians 4:13).

Just like we have our personal faith, so also does God have His personal faith. In fact, there are times when God imparts His personal faith in the form of “the gift of faith” to man for the accomplishment of great tasks (1 Corinthians 12:1,4,7,9). This God-kind of faith always moves mountains (Mark 11:22-24).


Hebrews 11:3; Genesis 1:1-31; Romans 4:17-21; Isaiah 43:18-20; 41:18-20; 55:10,11; Ezekiel 12:25,28.

God could never have created the world apart from manifesting His personal faith (Hebrews 11:3). God is the unseen Author of the visible universe. God exercised His personal faith to bring about the creation of the world (Genesis 1:1-31; Romans 4:17-21).

However, there are many other divine goals that God has accomplished and faith forms the basis for all these accomplishments.

God has the capacity and the capability to do a new thing. God’s faith is like a mighty bulldozer that creates a way in the wilderness and like an eternal spring that makes rivers in the desert (Isaiah 43:18-20; 41:18-20).

God speaks in faith and it comes to pass. He calls those things which be not as though they are (Isaiah 55:10,11; Ezekiel 12:25,28; Romans 4:17-21).


Hebrews 11:3; 12:10; 2 Peter 1:4-10; Romans 12:3; 5:2; 10:17; 1:17; 1 Corinthians 12:9; Mark 11:22-24.

Faith is an attribute of the divine God. Faith is just one of the aspects of the divine nature. It is possible for us to partake of the divine nature (2 Peter 1:4-10).

In partaking of faith as an aspect of the divine nature, God has dealt to every man the measure of faith (Romans 12:3). God plants in us the seed of faith, a personal deposit from God’s storehouse. It is now our duty to water the seed and nurture it till it becomes a fully grown tree that is bearing fruit (Romans 10:17).

Through our personal faith, we can have access into the gift of faith which is essentially God’s own faith imparted by the Holy Spirit for specific tasks (1 Corinthians 12:9).

We have access into this grace wherein we stand by faith. Through our personal faith, we can be partakers of the divine nature and enjoy the fruits of the God-kind of faith (Romans 5:2; Mark 11:22-24).