Act of Worship


Year 3

God’s vision for every family

Focal Point: Candle

Bible (open at Romans 12:8-11)

God’s Story 3 p141

Lego house (or other)

different types of homes and families /etc.

(Could be projected).

Any work the children have done on the topic

Leader: In our topic - “Homes” we are exploring how God is present in every home. We see this in the love that can bind the family together within the home through good times and bad times. This doesn’t always happen in every home but this is how God wants homes to be. No matter what our home is like we can always find a loving home in God…

Let‘s begin today by singing “All Kinds of Homes” Rejoice 1 (11) (or any appropriate hymn).

Several children may come forward to show paintings of their homes and describe them to the others.

Leader: As we heard in our opening hymn, and saw in the wonderful paintings, many of us live in different types of homes, and we will see that many different kinds of people can also make up our families.

Reader: We all belong to the family into which we were born – but we are lucky, because we also belong to more than one family.

Display illustrations from “Church’s Story” (or school and parish photographs) showing us as members of our school and Church families.

In one of his letters to Christians who lived in Rome

St. Paul talked about what they should do in order to create a

happy family atmosphere in the community. Let’s listen carefully

to what he said.

A reading from St. Paul’s Letter to the Romans

Dear Friends

We all have been given lovely gifts.

When you give, give with a loving heart.

If you have a job to do, do it really well.

If you are helping someone, do it happily.

Be real in your love for each other.

Do not just pretend to be good.

Love and care for each other

as good brothers and sisters.

Be whole-hearted and enthusiastic in all you do.

Be joyful.

When things get hard, keep on going.

Pray regularly.

Share what you have with people in need.

Always make people feel welcome.

The Word of the Lord

All: Thanks be to God.

Leader: The response is: “Help me to be like you, Lord”.

Reader: In giving and sharing with a loving heart. Help me to be like you, Lord.

Reader: In doing jobs really well. Help me to be like you, Lord.

Reader: In helping others happily. Help me to be like you, Lord.

Reader: In loving, welcoming and caring for others. Help me to be like you, Lord.

Reader: In being whole-hearted and enthusiastic Help me to be like you, Lord.

Reader: In being joyful and praying regularly Help me to be like you, Lord.

Leader: Before we go, let’s sing our final hymn, and take its ideals with us, in our hearts as we leave, along with our promise to try to live in

God’s spirit of love and forgiveness in each, and all, of our


Final hymn: “All Are Welcome” (“Let us build a house”) – Marty Haugen - Laudate - 458 or any appropriate hymn.