Covenant, Faith Community, Midland Park, and Cedar Hill CRC
Sunday, February 16, 2014 – 6 P.M.
Call to Worship
* God’s Greeting ~ Mutual Greeting
Pastor: Yours, O Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendor, for everything in heaven and earth is Yours.
Congregation: We give You thanks and praise Your glorious name!
Pastor: Yours, O Lord, is the Kingdom; You are exalted as Head over all! Wealth and honor come from You; You are the ruler of all things.
Congregation: We give You thanks and praise Your glorious name!
Pastor: In Your hands are strength and power, to exalt and give strength to all.
Congregation: Now, our God, we give You thanks, and praise Your glorious name!
* Songs of Praise:
“Come, Thou Almighty King” ...... Blue Hymnal #8:1,2,4
“Glorify Thy Name” ...... .Blue Hymnal #9:1 &2
“Majesty” ...... . Blue Hymnal #10
* Statement of Faith: Nicene Creed (in unison—see next page)
Congregational Prayer
Confessional Statement: Belgic Confession Article 16-17
Scripture...... Romans 8:28-39 (page 1757)
Sermon: “Election – Part II” ...... Pastor Christian Pedersen
*Song: “Standing on the Promises” ...... Blue Hymnal #410:1,2,4&5
Offering...... Gideons
Offertory Prayer
* Parting Blessing
* Parting Praise: “Crown Him with Many Crowns” . . .Blue Hymnal #45:1,2,3 & 4
* Postlude
*You are invited to stand.
In reverence and respect to God,
Kindly turn off all cell phones and electronic devices during the worship service. Thank you.
422 Cedar Hill Avenue, Wyckoff, NJ, 07481
Rev. Christian Pedersen, Pastor
A Family of Christ Where You Belong
~ where everyone is encouraged to grow in their walk with Christ daily,
to live intentionally in the Holy Spirit as they go, and so create a culture
where people are served, invited, and enfolded into the Kingdom.
Sunday Worship: 9:30 A.M. and 6:00 P.M.* (See calendar for location of evening service.)
Church Office: 201-652-4277 Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:45 AM to 2:45 PM
Bulletin Announcement Deadline: Wednesday 12:00 Noon
Prayer Line: 201-652-4277, extension 2; Fax Line: 201-652-3245
Worship Service for Sick & Homebound: 1-855-231-0914, code 218-237-7378 #
Pastor Chris email:
Church office email:
2013 ~ 2014 Council Members
Elders Deacons
Peter Steensma (HH #7) Craig Borduin (HH #1)
Ron Steiginga, Clerk (HH #9) Skip Bruining, Secretary (HH #2)
Steve Bruining (HH #1) Harrison Bruining (HH #3)
Henry Rozema (HH #3) Rob Dykstra (HH #4)
Keith Post, Assistant Clerk (HH #5) Bob Minnaard, Chairman (HH #10)
Pete Spalt (HH #8) Paul Laauwe (HH #6)
Rick Botbyl, Vice President (HH #2) Mark Anema, Treasurer (HH #7)
Paul Heerema (HH #4) David Den Hollander (HH #8)
Jeff Steiginga, President (HH #6) Craig Faber, Comptroller (HH #9)
Child Care (Year-round)
Ø Nursery for infants and toddlers available during all services. Main floor, library corridor.
Ø Children’s Worship (Ages 3 ~ Pre-K) meets on the lower level during the morning service. (Contact Jo-Ann Angelucci at 973-427-5443 with any questions.)
Ø Junior Church (Kindergartners and 1st graders) meets in the lower level.
Children are dismissed as a group following the Children’s Message in the morning service.
(Contact Katia Faber at 201-612-9605 with any questions.)
Christian Education Hour ~ 11 AM – 12 PM (September ~ May)
Ø Sunday School (Preschool ~ Grade 8) meets in lower level classrooms.
Ø Catechism (Grades 9 ~ 12) meets in the lower level classrooms.
Ø Adult Sunday School meets in the Youth Room, main level.
(Contact Katia Faber at 201-612-8892 with any questions.)
Fellowship ~ Tuesday Night Connection (September ~ April): 1st and 3rd Tuesday evenings at 6 PM, begins with a family dinner with various youth and adult activities following.
Worship Aids ~ Tape Ministry: The Tape Ministry Table provides audio/video tapes of all services, main lobby. Assistive-Listening Devices, Large Print Bibles, and Orders of Worship are available in main lobby.
**Our ushers or greeters will gladly assist you with any questions or if you need direction**