ASHA Board of Directors Meeting
Minutesof 20thof August, 2016
In Attendance: Blair Corbeil, Rod Starkewski, Connie Kolthammer, Jamie Gray, Norman Kennedy, Kelly Hoerdt, Sam Johnson and Diane Bertrand (attended via phone in conference call). Regrets - John Hind. Absent - Bill Andrew, and Ryan Grundy. Also,present Fred Gillis, and Michelle Aschim. Meeting called to order at 5:58pm.
1)Approval of the Agenda -Moved byNorman Kennedy and seconded by Kelly Hoerdt for approval of the agenda.
Motion Carried.
2)Approval of Minutes of previous Director Meeting held on June 11th, 2016- Moved byConnie Kolthammer and seconded by Jamie Gray that with no errors or omissions noted, minutes of the meeting of April 11th, 2016 approved.
Motion Carried.
3)HRA Update – Bill Andrew-
Due to Bill’s absence, the report was not available. Blair statedthere are four applications for the new track and presentation of the recommendations to the HRA board happens in mid September.
4)2016 Racing
a)Financial Report to May 2016 – Fred Gillis
Fred delivered the financial report in John’s absence; the budget is on target. Moved byJamie Gray and seconded by Connie Kolthammer for approval of the financial report.
Motion Carried.
b)2016 Handle Report – Fred Gillis
The handle remains on target and well in control. Due to the careful managing of this budget, it is possible to add a race occasionally if needed. Diane asked about how much needs to carry over to offset the cutbacks. This item was addressed in a previous meeting and at that time, determined that 5% is enough to hold, along with small tolerable decrease to the purseand fewer race dates.
c)Northlands Racing Contract – Blair Corbeil
The closure (of Northlands) is not yet official. Discussion of the 20/20 Vision takes place at the meeting scheduled for August 31st. Century Downs agreed to extend the meet if necessary. A meeting will occur on September 13th with CTHS, HPBA, HRA and ASHA to discuss the slots and handle splits.
5)Racing 2017
a)Stake Committee – Connie Kolthammer
- Due to Northlands pending closure and lack of information, the stakes schedule (and budget) is on hold. October is anticipated as when the information will be available, to be discussed in the upcoming (October) meeting.
- Fred is generating sponsors for the Stakes to generate revenue.
6)Committee Reports:
a) Breeders Report – Connie Kolthammer
- The Silent Auction plans for Tim Blair and A.L.S. is under way; contact Colleen to donate items, and requested to be at the office by September 5th.
- The Chuck Wagon exhibition charity event will be held on September 10th; there are at least 10 drivers willing to take part
- The three 4-H participants are preparing to show their project horses at the track on September 10th
- To date, there are no withdrawals from the Yearling Sale, maintaining the number of 71.
- Security is in place for the sale.
- Tickets are available for the $2500 Yearling Sale Credit.
- Consignors can arrive the day before of the sale.
- The veterinary hired for the sale is Jordon Cook from Moore Equine Veterinary Clinic.
- Century Downs has implemented the retention barn.
- Work commenced regarding the stakes program. With no early bird stakes, the stakes could move up three weeks to May or June and two-year-old races could move to later in the year.
b)Owners Committee - Diane Bertrand
- Not much to report except the conditions at the trackas discussed earlier
- The Pacing for Charity BBQ went very well and created positive moral all over.
c)Drivers/Trainers Chair - Kelly Hoerdt
- With the issuing of the Lasix Vouchers, reports are favourable as it is showing success.
- HRA implemented the whipping rule and reports from the horsemenare positive.
7)Olds Regional Exhibition Loan Schedule – John Hind
Olds Regional Exhibition has agreed to the terms set out in the letter from John.
8)Lasix(addressed during the HRA report)
9)New Business-
- Blair discussed attracting interest by allowing spectators to ride in the two-seater jog carts during warm ups on race days. The Owners booth is a good place to promote this, which yet requires signage and operating.
Meeting adjourned at 8:46 pm
Alberta Standardbred Horse AssociationPage 1