Genesis 1:1-2
INTRODUCTION: How did God create the universe and how long did it take Him? The Bible states that God spoke everything into existence. In clear language, God created the universe in six literal days.
The Holy Spirit was involved in creation just like God’s son, Jesus Christ. In verse two, the earth is describedas being “without form, and void.” This means that God’s created work was not finished and earth was not inhabited. God’s creation would reveal His creative power and wisdom. Genesis 1 reveals the steps God used to bring the earth to its completed form.
Since the early 19th century, some Christian teachers have wanted to fit the idea of billions of years into Scripture. These sincere Christians tried to avoid intellectual conflicts with popular scientific ideas. They have reinterpreted the days of creation to mean long ages. Some believe that verse 2 allows for those billions of years.
They have translated the word “was” to “become.” They suggest that the perfect creation was changed to a chaotic condition. Their reason seems to be to harmonize biblical revelation of creation to accommodate the theories of man.
1. Gap theory.
The gap theory is one such reinterpretation designed to fit in with scientific concepts that arose in the early 1800s and is still popular today. The gap theory attempts to harmonize the biblical account of creation with man’s suppositions. Some believe that during this time Satan rebelled. The gap theory places death and suffering before Adam’s sin.
Dr. Henry Morris: “The gap theory is not only impossible scientifically but also destructive theologically.”
2. Theistic evolution.
The theistic evolutionists claim God used evolution to bring about His creation. The theory promotes the idea that Adam and Eve evolved from apelike creatures. Theistic evolution is an attack upon the character of God by blaming Him for the suffering and death of His creatures.
3. “Day-age” theory or “progressive creation.”
This is the most popular of the compromises believed in the church today. Those who believe this theory believe that the six days of creation are not natural days but long ages. Those who teach progressive creation teach the big-bang theory. They believe their theory is proven by science and by observation. They believe that the universe occurred some 13- 15 billion years ago. They believe that God created the species on earth over billions of years.
Astronomer Dr. Hugh Ross, a leading progressive creationist, believes day 3 of creation week lasted more than 3 billion years!
This theory accepts the fact of suffering and death before sin. This is a contradiction of Scripture.
“The theistic evolutionist believes essentially what the atheist believes in regard to the evolution of cosmos and life. The only difference lies in the fact that the theistic evolutionist allows God to create the primordial matter.”
In 1977, the Assemblies of God denomination adopted a “Doctrine of Creation” report. It stated:
“This Bible record of creation thus rules out the evolutionary philosophy which states that all forms of life have come into being by gradual, progressive evolution carried on by resident forces. It also rules out any evolutionary origin for the human race, since no theory of evolution, including theistic evolution, can explain the origin of the male before female, nor can it explain how a man could evolve into a woman.
The account of creation is intended to be taken as factual and historical. Our understanding of God as Creator is rooted in a revelation that is historical in nature, just as our understanding of God as Redeemer is rooted in the revelation of God’s dealings with Israel in history and in the historical events of the life, death, and resurrection of His Son.”
In 2010, they changed to a new “Doctrine of Creation.” It states: “The advance of scientific research, particularly in the last few centuries, has raised many questions about the interpretation of the Genesis accounts of creation. In attempting to reconcile the Bible and the theories and conclusions of contemporary scientists, it should be remembered that the creation accounts do not give precise details as to how God went about His creative activity. Nor do these accounts provide us with complete chronologies that enable us to date with precision the time of the various stages of creation. Similarly, the findings of science are constantly expanding; the accepted theories of one generation are often revised in the next.
As a result, equally devout Christian believers have formed very different opinions about the age of the earth, the age of humankind, and the ways God went about the creative processes. Given the limited information available in Scripture, it does not seem wise to be overly dogmatic about any particular creation theory. We urge all sincere and conscientious believers to adhere to what the Bible plainly teaches and to avoid divisiveness over debatable theories of creation.”
The Bible teaches that God created the universe in six days. These were ordinary days (24 hours).
Christians are in conflict with evolutionists because of the error and the effect that evolution teachings have upon society.
The error of the evolutionist is that he rejects the existence of God. He believes that nature is all that exists. The evolutionist attempts to explain the existence of the universe based upon his own assumptions. He makes the false claim that his theories have been proven true.
The effect of evolution leaves each person determining what he considers is right or wrong. Evolution teachings have influenced many to accept atheistic evolution. They reject God as Creator.
William Provine of Cornell University: “Evolution is the greatest engine of atheism that has ever been invented.”
If there is no God, then there are no rules—no commandments. We can live our lives as we please. We have no one to be answerable to. If there is no God, then there is no sin, no judgment, no hell and no heaven.
Years ago, our society was based on Christian absolutes. People knew what was right and what was wrong.
Faith is required to believe in God or evolution. The evolutionist believes that all life can be explained by natural processes. The evolutionist assumes many one-time events that can neither be tested nor verified.
In other words, their theories cannot and have not been proven. They teach as fact that there is no God and creation is the result of natural processes. The evolutionist must agree that scientific theories change. The theories change because scientists do not know everything. While claiming man evolved from lower life forms, they have never found the missing link.
Where are the missing links?
Piltdown Man, who for nearly a half century was acknowledged by most of the world’s leading authorities to be a sub-human ancestor of man, was shown in 1950 to be a hoax, concocted from the doctored-up jawbone of a modern ape and fragments of the skull of a modern man.
Neanderthal Man was believed for nearly a century to be a human ancestor. He is now classified fully human. His primitive features are now recognized as being the result of arthritis and rickets.
A dolphin’s rib was mistaken for a shoulder bone of a hominoid.
A skull-cap of a donkey was thought to be the skull-cap of a primitive fossil man.
The Bible claims that God created the heavens and earth. The only eye-witness to creation was God. God is a Spirit. He is invisible. His creation reveals His handiwork. The Bible states that we must come to God by faith. “But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.” Hebrews 11:6
God’s Word to Job is a reminder to us all: “Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? Declare, if thou hast understanding. (Job 38:4) Neither the creationist nor the evolutionist was there at creation.
Will you believe the fallible theories of men that have been proven to be wrong or will you believe in the infallible Word of God? Which is correct? The evolutionist who tells us to accept their teachings as fact or the Bible which states we must believe in God by faith.
1. Christians should not take man’s theories to try and explain the Bible. Neither should we take man’s theories as Bible.
2. We must remember the words of Paul: “That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.” (1 Cor. 2:5)
3. The Bible tells us that in the last “days scoffers” will deny the Creator. This is happening in our day. Again, the Bible is true. Trust its teachings and live by them.
4. It is God’s absolutes that dictate human behavior.
5. God does exist. You will stand before Him someday. Have you believed in His Son for your salvation?