Saturday 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. (Spanish Mass)
Sunday 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
8:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m. on statutory holidays
NO Wednesday evening Mass in July and August
9:00 a.m. on the first Saturday of each month
Sunday 11:30 a.m.
NO Masses celebrated for July. Masses will resume in the month of August on Tuesday 10:30 a.m.
Wednesday 11:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. on Fridays
PARISH OFFICE HOUR for July and August
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon weekdays only
Office Closure
Monday, July 3rd for Canada Day
Monday, August 7th for Civic Holiday
Monday, September 4th for Labour Day
WILL NOT published in July and August
Bulletins will resume from September 3rd, 2017
Announcements deadline: 12:00 noon on Tuesdays
July 2017 in the Parish
Mon / July 03 / Office Closed for Canada Day
Thu / July 06 / 7:00pm / Spanish Prayer Group
Sat / July 08 / 3:45pm / 5pm Choir Practice
Sat / July 15 / 3:45pm / 5pm Choir Practice
Tue / July 18 / 7.00pm / Finance Council Meeting
Sat / July 22 / 3.45pm / 5pm Choir Practice
Tue / July 25 / 7:00pm / Parish Pastoral Council Meeting
Sat / July 29 / 3:45pm / 5pm Choir Practice
August 2017 in the Parish
Sat / Aug 05 / 3:45pm / 5pm Choir Practice
Mon / Aug 07 / Office Closed for Civic Holiday
Sat / Aug12 / 3:45pm / 5pm Choir Practice
Tue / Aug15 / 7:00pm / Finance Council Meeting
Sat / Aug19 / 3:45pm / 5pm Choir Practice
Tue / Aug22 / 7:00pm / Parish Pastoral Council Meeting
Sat / Aug26 / 3:45pm / 5pm Choir Practice
Wed / Aug 30 / 7:30pm / K of C Executive Meeting


God of love and hope be with us as we remember our parishioners and all those who are sick and in need of our prayers, especially:

Ed Cade, Charles Turner, Jim Beckie, Madeleine Pearson, Jeremmi Gamad, Dave Grelowski, Bob Steele-Belot, Marie Cameron, Zach Berini, George Dorn, Murray Porter, Ferdinand Wolff, Holly Flegal, Garey Cameron, Peter Leano and Irene Monteith.

Reluctantly, Fr. Ignatius is leaving Holy Spirit Parish. Fr. Ignatius’ heart is with Holy Spirit but due to circumstances, he has been appointed Pastor of St. Gerard’s Parish. Fr. Freddy Valdivia is moving to St. Luke’s Parish as Associate Pastor.Both appointments are effective August 1, 2017.
We wish to express our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to Fr. Ignatius and Fr. Freddy for sharing their gifts of devotion and faith. May God continue to bless them in their faithfulness.
We will be welcoming Fr. David Meadows as our new Pastor and Deacon Alex Jaime Martinez-Lievano effective August 1, 2017. Mr. Shane Lambert has been assigned to our Parish for his Seminarian Internship effective July 1, 2017.

may he rest in peace
Tyrone Kellerman
Our deepest sympathy to his family.
through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
Holy Spirit – Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) will be needing 4-5 adult parishioners to sit on the council in the Fall, for a 3-year term. Below is a summary of the PPC that you may want to consider over the summer, to discern if that is how you want to assist the Parish in achieving its vision of ‘making disciples’.
Parish Pastoral Council's purpose is to enhance the process of: pastoral planning, developing pastoral programs, improving pastoral services, and evaluating the pastoral effectiveness of programs and services. PPC members research, discuss and makes recommendations to advises the Pastor, on all parts of the Parish Pastoral plan and the 4 Ministries in the Parish focusing on Catechesis - Faith Formation Ministry; Liturgy - Ministry of the Christian Mystery; Service and Stewardship– Life in Christ Ministry; Prayer – Prayer Ministry. Decisions are reserved for the Pastor.
A council member is not a representative for a neighborhood, age bracket, demographic, special interest group or organization. PPC does not deal with financial, administrative or personnel issues. Serving on the council is a great service to the whole parish. Potential candidates should be: 1) of proven faith, 2) with sound morals, 3) demonstrating the gifts of wisdom and prudence, 4) willing to commit their time, talent and wisdom in a consultative and collaborative manner.
PPC membership process: 1) Informal discussions with parishioner’s expressions of interest and recommendation to the Pastor, during August and September; 2) Decision and Appointed by the pastor, October; 3) On boarding of new PPC member at November PPC meeting.
If interested in serving on the PPC, or want more information, please contact Paul Moroney at 587-585-4996, at your convenience.
For additional information also refer to the Parish website at links below:

VOLUNTEERS REQUIRED - every Monday a small, dedicated group of volunteers meet for a couple of hours to count our weekend collection. This Ministry is in need of help, if you can make time available to assist them, please call either John Duckett at 403-238-1803, or Richard Dobson at
403-251-0394 for more information. Thank you.

Save the date –
Saturday, October 14, 9am – 3pm
This one-day workshop, co-sponsored by the Diocese of Calgary and the Alzheimers Society will provide participants with an understanding of Alzheimer’s Disease and related dementias. For further information or registration, contact Susan Duckett 403-238-1803 or .

Together In Action (TIA) is the annual fundraising campaign of the Calgary Diocese. All parishes work together to raise two million dollars.
Thank you for your generosity in donating $30,755 so far this year to TIA. Together we have raised 48% of our parish goal of $64,329.
TIA has good governance, transparency and an exceptionally low fundraising cost. All identified donations are tax deductible. To learn more, contact the Parish office or explore the Parish or the Diocesan websites.
One of the agencies that receives TIA funding is the Bishop O’Byrne Housing Foundation. The Foundation provides below-market housing to low income Calgarians. For one family of three with a teenage son it allowed them to move out of a bachelor suite that they all shared into a two bedroom unit – where both parents and child can have their own space. For another family it means they can now consistently afford medication that the mom needs. TIA support makes it possible for families in need to pay their rent, reducing their risk of becoming or returning to homelessness.
Please give what you can during these challenging economic times. Together, through our stewardship, we can show our care for those in need, and make a difference.
Envelopes are in the pews and at the Welcome Desk, or simply write TIA on the memo line of your cheque. Direct deposits may also be set up.
Thank you for your help.

Thank you to the six Parishioners who worked with the Maintenance Committee on the construction of the retaining wall at the back of the Church. Due to their expertise and brawn, we have a more secure system for flood prevention.

Thank you with all our hearts to the volunteers in our Gardening Ministry who have enhanced the peaceful area of special devotion to our Blessed Mother with the addition of an “Angel Garden”. This delightful rock garden near Mary is full of flowers, angels, woodland creatures and little sensor lights. It is a joy to look at and take in its creativity and beauty. The parishioners who participated in its design and construction, also provided all the plants, angels, other figurines, rocks and stones and rock border, all at their own expense. To them we are very grateful. Please bring your families and especially the children to enjoy a few moments with Mary in her garden.

Thank you to Judy Look for initiating the Parish Prayer. She had submitted her version, which was taken to the Parish Council. In collaboration with three members, the final version was written, beautifully printed and introduced to the Parish on Pentecost Sunday. This is a wonderful way to celebrate as Holy Spirit’s family of faith.

Eucharistic Adoration of our true source of strength and our provider.
Jesus calls us closer to Him each day. Prayer and communion with Him, opens the door to our joy and inner peace. Jesus asks us to come sit with Him and hear Him speak to us, the words we need to hear. Words of comfort so that our heart and mind will be at peace.
Our lives are in His hands and He wants us to realize His tender love and concern for us and to place our total trust in Him.
He asks us to be His love to others around us. When we listen to God, we will live in safety and be at ease without fear of harm.
God made us and wants us to live with Him for eternity. Lets become closer and closer to Him each day, through our prayers and adoration.
If you wish to participate in a scheduled hour of adoration each Friday, please call 403-281-6025.
May our God continue to guide us and protect us.
Holy Spirit Widow/Widowers Group will meet again September 2, 2017 following the 5pm Mass for its monthly potluck and fellowship. Any person walking this journey is welcome. If you are reading this and feeling a nudge that means the Holy Spirit is prompting you to come. We look forward to seeing you.
There will be no meeting in July or August.
For further information please call the parish office at 403- 251-3381.
  • Annual Used Book Sale
ALL BOOKS are 50 cents each
Gently used books can be donated beginning August 26, by dropping them off at the Church. Please no magazines, textbooks or encyclopedias.

  • Craft Sale will be Saturday, November 18. We are looking for crafters! If you have locally, hand crafted items please contact Gail Poshtar at 403 803 6543.

If you are like many of us, you may forget to make your gift to the church when you are away for your summer vacations and activities. Let me invite you to make your gift to the church’s ministry even in the midst of vacations and summer fun. There are three easy ways to do this:
  • Mail your gift to the parish (cheques or post-dated cheque)
  • Bring your gift to worship or drop it off at the church office (cheques or postdated cheques)
  • Register for pre-authorized debit.
  1. Request a form at the parish office
  1. Go on line and select “Support the Parish” to download the form. Please return your signed form in a sealed envelope – Attn: Office Staff – put it in thecollection basket during mass, drop off at the Parish office, or via regular mail.
Have a wonderful summer and thank you for your support.
All Masses begin at 7:30pm(Rain or Shine)
Tuesday, August 15Queen’s Park Cemetery
Wednesday, August 16Mountain View Cemetery
FIRESIDE PRAYER with Sisters of the Diocese, 8pm - 9:30pm, Friday, July 28.An opportunity for young, single women interested in meeting religious to share prayer as well as to have fun roasting marshmallows. On grounds of FCJ Christian Life Centre, 219-19 Avenue, SW. For more information call 403-228-3623.

August 11-13 at the Tsuut’ina Rodeo Grounds, near Bragg Creek, where we will celebrate Canada’s 150thAnniversary. The One Rock Festival of Faith supports young adults, youth and families in a communal experience of faith.
This year’s Festival features many bands such as Informants and Flood the Stone as well as presenters: including a former model turned inspirational speaker Leah Darrow, who shares her powerful witness story of discovering real truth, beauty and love, Fr. Raymond De Souza, columnist for the National Post, who uses the media to witness to the truth.
Uniting people in this faith experience for three days, will impact you forever. To purchase your pass, to sign up as a volunteer or just to find out more information please visit
Mount St. Francis Retreat Centre
41160 Retreat Road, Cochrane, AB
“Encountering the Sacred: Intimacy with God”
Retreats begin with supper Friday at 7pmand end with lunch on Sunday
To register contact:
Ann Ivan 403-227-4695 or ,

WeekendRetreat–September 8-10, 2017
To register contact:Audrey Mulrooney-Hutmacher 403-342-2801 or ,

Summer Week-Long Retreatsfor Men Women
Directed Retreat –July 30 - August 6, 2017
“All Praise be Yours”
Spiritual Directors: Retreat Team, cost $650.00.
To register403-932-2012 .
to allCandidates, Parents, Sponsors, Catechists and Parish Ministries for your on-going support to our Sacramental Preparation Program.
Confirmation Candidates for 2018 are invited to start their parish community service this Summer.
Each candidate will be expected to complete 4 hours minimum of Community Service.
The Diocese Feed the Hungry Community Garden Program is looking for Volunteers.
Please contact Linnea Ferguson at .
Congratulations to Makenzie Parks - she is the winner of our raffle for the beautiful oil painting by Andy Dorosh!
The Rosary Makers would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all our parishioners for your overwhelming support of the Raffle and Bake Sale Fund Raiser for Father Joseph Billiat’s motorcycle.
Many, many thanks to all those who baked and/or bought and sold goodies and raffle tickets to help fund this beautiful project.
May God bless you for your loving kindness and generosity -- We raised $1,700.00!

The Canadian Badlands Passion Play takesyou 2000 years back in time for a dramatic portrayal of the life and death of Christ. The play takes place in a natural 2500-seat outdoor amphitheatre formed by the massive Badlands coulees in Drumheller, Alberta. With costumes and sets based on historical data from ancient Jerusalem, the Passion Play transports audiences back to the time of Roman soldiers and peasant masses. For tickets, call 1-888-823-2001 or purchase online at
Show Dates
July 07, 6pmJuly 08,6pmJuly 09,4pm
July 14, 6pmJuly 15,6pmJuly 16,4pm
July 21, 6pmJuly 22, 6pmJuly 23,4pm