SCENE 1: At School


(GUSTAVO and ANNA are center stage)

GUSTAVO: So tell me, Anna, what was your favorite Christmas present?

ANNA: I got an IPOD (she holds it up for everyone to see). It plays the coolest songs!

GUSTAVO: An IPOD? Wow, that’s cool. I guess my best present was some black rocks I got in my stocking. They look pretty cool in my rock collection.

ANNA: I have to go to class now.

GUSTAVO: Okay. See you later.

(ANNA EXITS, but accidentally drops her IPOD)

GUSTAVO: (picking it up) Anna; you dropped your . . . Hey! Why am I giving it back? I could have some fun with this IPOD. Hey Gina!


GINA: Hi, Gustavo.

GUSTAVO: I’ve got a great deal for you.

GINA: What kind of a deal?

GUSTAVO: How about an IPOD for ten dollars?

GINA: Ten dollars! Does it work? Let me see it!

GUSTAVO: Yeah, it works . . . it’s brand new! Check it out . . . (GUSTAVO hands it to GINA).

GINA: (tries it out and then hands it back to GUSTAVO) Wow! It’s awesome! I don’t have the money right now, but my sister owes me ten dollars. I’ll get it from her and then pay you. Okay?


GINA: All right then. See you later.



SCENE 2: At Home

PROPS: Ten-Dollar bill

(GINA and CECI are center stage)

GINA: Hey, Ceci; remember that ten dollars you owe me?

CECI: Yeah.

GINA: Well I need it now.

CECI: Okay. I think I have it . . . let me check . . . (she checks her purse/pockets) Yeah, here you go, Gina (CECI hands her a $10 bill)

GINA: (all excited) Thanks, Ceci!

CECI: You seem pretty excited, Gina. What are you planning to buy?

GINA: Gustavo is going to sell me a brand-new IPOD!

CECI: (incredulous attitude) A brand-new IPOD for only $10? I don’t like the sound of it, Gina, especially because it’s Gustavo. We both know Gustavo can’t be trusted.

GINA: But it’s a really cool IPOD, Ceci. I tried it out myself.

CECI: But how do you know it wasn’t stolen or something? I mean if Gustavo really has an IPOD that belongs to him, I don’t think he would want to sell it for ten dollars. It just doesn’t make sense, Gina.

GINA: I know it seems to good to be true, Ceci, but I want an IPOD so bad! It was on my Christmas list, but I didn’t get one.

CECI: Probably because they cost about $200.

GINA: Well I can have one for only $10. And I’m going to buy it from Gustavo. It’s just too tempting.

CECI: Okay, Gina, but I smell trouble. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.


SCENE 3: At School

PROPS: Ten-Dollar bill, fake IPOD

(GUSTAVO is center stage at the beginning of the scene)


GINA: (still excited) Gustavo! Gustavo!

GUSTAVO: Yeah, that’s my name; don’t wear it out, okay?

GINA: I have the ten dollars (she hands it to GUSTAVO, who pockets it).

GUSTAVO: And the IPOD is now yours (he hands it to GINA).


GINA: Yeah! My very own IPOD! (she tries it out)


ANNA: (looking at the IPOD that GINA is wearing) What are you doing with my IPOD?

GINA: It’s my IPOD. Gustavo just now sold it to me.

ANNA: I don’t believe you. Look! It has my name “Anna” on it. It’s mine.

GINA: (looking at the IPOD more carefully) You’re right; it does have your name on it.

ANNA: (ANNA grabs it from GINA and walks away) You’re a thief, Gina!

GINA: (just stands there with her mouth open in disbelief at what just happened) I should have listened to Ceci!