New Staff Workshop

Saturday, September 14, 2013, Session 1


Goals of the First Session of the New Staff Workshop

  • To explore some issues prevalent in the lives of adult learners
  • To introduce you to the adult education system in New Hampshire
  • To provide you with information and resources for your work
  • To provide you with a network of mentors that will assist you as needed in your adult education role
  • Sample lessons for use with adult learners

8:45-9:00Registration and Light Refreshments

9:00-9:15Welcome and Housekeeping (contents of folders, explanation of “Pebble in Shoe”, location of restrooms etc.)

9:15-10:00Performance by the NH Literacy Theater

10:00-10:15Adult Education and Advocacy and Letter Writing Campaign (Art Ellison)

10:15-10:25Anecdotes from the Mentor teachers in regards to letter writing

10:25-10:35NH COSH (Brian Mitchell)

10:35-10:50Introductions of Mentors and New Staff with an ice breaker

10:50-11:00Break (Mentors to pass out primers)

11:-11:10Adult Education in New Hampshire (Robin Letendre)

11:10-11:40Small Group Discussion: Building a Classroom Community (Building A Classroom Community: (adapted with minor changes from an article by Thom Stecher, Newman-Stecher International) (Facilitated by Mentors)

11:40-12:00Feedback from Small Groups

12:00-12:45Lunch will be provided by “In a Pinch”

12:45-12:55LD in New Hampshire Adult Education (Robin Letendre)

12:55-1:05College Transitions in New Hampshire Adult Education

(Steven Reid)

1:05-1:15Career Readiness in New HampshireAdult Education

(Pam Shore)

1:15-3:00Meetings with Mentors (please see schedule below for room assignment)

3:00-3:15Closing and Evaluations (at this time, complete evaluations and feel free to seek out mentors with specific questions pertaining to college transitions, career readiness, LD, or your content area)

**Please put evaluations on table near exit along with your name tag.

Room Assignments for Small Group with Mentors

Room 3 : ABE

Room 4 : ESOL

Room 5 : Diploma

***Please do not hesitate to contact a mentor.

Here are their contact emails:

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Susan Bubp:

Elise Hood:

Denise Reddington:

For Diploma

Debby Kanner (liaison to Adult High School Advisory Committee:

Elizabeth Feingold:

Peter Galamaga (Adult High School Advisory Committee member):


Chris Powers:

For College Transitions

Steven Reid:

For Career Readiness

Pam Shore:

For LD and other disabilities

Robin Letendre:

GED/Hi SET Consultant

Debbie Tasker:

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Good luck to you and see you in January!

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