(8 VAC 20-131-310.F; 8 VAC 20-131-310.G)

School Improvement Plan for the Period : 2011-2012 / School Name: Mt.OlivetElementary School
Targeted Academic Area(s):
English (Writing)
Social Studies / School Number: 0750
Division: Henry County Public Schools
Grade Levels Served: K-5
Amount of Time in School Day Devoted to Instruction in the Four Core Academic Areas: 5 1/2 hours
(8 VAC 20-131-310.G.3)
Plan Developed with Assistance from (check all that apply):
(8 VAC 20-131-310.F.1.)
Building Administrators
Central Office Administrators
Community Members
Other (specify): ______ / Description of Data Reviewed Supporting Need for Improvement:
English – 93.9% of K-2 students were at or above the benchmark based on spring, 2011 screening.
WIDA – Areas of need: Kindergarten – Reading,Writing; 1st grade – Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing; 2nd grade – Listening, Writing; 3rd grade – Speaking, Writing
Virginia Standards of Learning Assessment:
English – 3rd 87.50% pass; 4th 89.74% pass; 5th 93.75% pass; 5th Writing 87.10% pass; 2nd district 74.4% pass English
Math – 3rd 95% pass, 4th 90% pass, 5th 92% pass; 2nd district 86.5% pass
Science – 3rd 92% pass, 5th 94% pass; 2nd district 86.1% pass
Social Studies – 3rd 95% pass, 5th90% pass; 2nd district 97.2% pass
Student Performance by Question Analysis (by strand):
Reading –Second Grade: areas of vocabulary, reference materials,writing stories and letters, and editing were below 75% pass; Third Grade: ability to use context clues to identify the meaning of a word and identify a question that is answered in a paragraphwere below 75% pass; Fourth Grade: ability to analyze the author’s purpose for including specific information in a text, analyze the author’s purpose for writing a narrative,and to identify which paragraph answers a question were below 75% pass; Fifth Grade: ability to apply knowledge of prefixes, evaluate usefulness of a resource, determine main idea, determine author’s reason for including specific information, and draw inferences about a character idea were below 75% pass.
Writing – Fifth Grade: ability to combine two sentences, identify correct use of commas with interrupters, identify correct verb tense were below 75% pass.
Math – Third Grade: All of the following were below 75% pass: round a 4-digit number to the nearest hundred, solve a division problem using a model, subtract two proper fractions represented by models, solve a problem that requires subtraction with two four digit numbers, given a pictograph, identify table that correctly matches data, solve a problem by interpreting a bar graph with increments of two. Fourth Grade: compare the relative magnitude of two fractions, identify fraction of least value, identify decimal that rounds to a specified number, identify equivalent fraction using a number line, estimate the difference between two whole numbers, identify equivalent measurements of weight within the US Customary system, identify models of lines in a specified relationship, identify geometric term shown on a model, extract information from a bar graph to solve a problem, extend a pattern in a table Fifth Grade: order a set of fractions and decimals, compare the relative magnitude of two decimal numbers, round a decimal number to the nearest tenth, solve a problem involving division of two whole numbers, identify the geometric shape with specified characteristics, determine elapsed time in a twenty-four hour period, determine dimensions of a rectangle given specified perimeter and area, identify the symbolic form of an expression presented in words, identify the symbolic form of a quantitative relationship given in words
Science – 3rd Apply and understand effect of temperature on solubility, identify examples of organism with a specific role in the food chain, recognize agents that help to reduce soil erosion, evaluate life needs of animals in a given situation, analyze adaptive characteristics of organisms in desert environments, determine the function of a part of a plant, apply an understanding of adaptations in animals for survival, analyze the effects of natural events on the survival of organisms, recognize the components of soil all below 75% pass
-5th analyze data to identify unusual or unexpected results, identify experimental variables involved in formulating hypotheses, apply an understanding of the properties of light, classify organisms on the basis of their characteristics, identify structures for photosynthesis, identify characteristics of nonvascular plants all below 75% pass
Social Studies – All of the following were below 75% pass: 3rd Classify characteristics of a community, recognize a written form of language, identify characteristics of specific American Indians, describe the word climate, distinguish between a good and a service
-5th Associate a specific historical figure with a contribution, identify a Virginia region based on a characteristic, understand the importance of Jim Crow laws, understand the massive resistance movement in Virginia, identify a specific group brought to Virginia, identify Supreme Court case with its decision, use map to identify primary location of an industry in Virginia, identify the beliefs of a specific group, identify factor enabling economic growth in specific region, identify an industry in Virginia
Waiver(s) Needed and Request(s) Attached (check one):
(8 VAC 20-131-310.G.8.)
No / Date Approved by Local School Board/Superintendent: ______
(8 VAC 20-131-310.F.3.)
Superintendent Signature
Principal Signature

Three-YearSchool Improvement Plan

A Description of How the School will Meet the Provisional Accreditation Benchmarks, or the Requirements to be Fully Accredited, for each of the Years Covered by the Plan

(8 VAC 20-131-310.G.1)

Goal Statement: Mt.Olivet will maintain full accreditation; and by the end of the 2011-2012 school year, students in grades three, four and five will meet or exceed NCLB requirements in all core areas and among all sub-groups. Pass advanced percentages will increase by 20%, depending on the grade level and subject. 30% of ELL students will exit the ELL program for the 2011-2012 school year.

Objective: By the end of the 2011-2012 school year, 95% of all third, fourth, and fifth grade students will pass the Virginia English SOL test with emphasis on the economically disadvantaged, LEP, Hispanic, students with disabilities, and black subgroups. (Pass advanced percentages will increase from 51% to 71% in 3rd grade reading, from 59% to 79% in 4th grade reading, and from 29% to 49% in 5th grade reading.)

Specific measures of student achievement that will be taken throughout the school year(s) and used to monitor academic improvement over time (8 VAC 20 – 131-310.G.2):

Types of Assessments

/ Frequency of Measures and Data Collection / Evidence/Data to be Collected
PALS / Three times per year, grade 3 / Phonological awareness skills
Tests of Higher Learning Standards/Benchmark Tests (Flanagans)/Interactive Achievement / Four times per year, grades K-5 / Diagnostic Skills test
Benchmark Tests (teacher created Interactive Achievement) / Four times per year, K-5 / Diagnostic Skills test
CoGAT / Once per year, grade 3 / Intellectual ability test
WIDA / Once per year, grade K-5 ELL / English language skills for LEP students
Reading Mastery Placement / Once per year and as needed, grades K-5 / Reading Grade level placement
Core Reading Program Mastery Tests and Rate and Accuracy Checkouts / Weekly at primary level and bi-weekly at upper levels, grades K-5 / Progress monitoring
SOL Test / Once per year, grades 3-5 / Outcome assessment
AIMS Web / Three times per year and progress monitoring for identified students, grades K, 1 / Reading skills diagnostic
Earobics / As needed, grade K-3 / Phonological awareness, diagnostic
Internet-based Subscriptions: Accelerated Reader, STAR and ePAT / Three times per year and/or as needed, grades 1-5 / Reading skills, diagnostic
SOL Released Tests / As needed 3-5 / Question by Question Analysis Spreadsheet


Strategies and/or Action Steps / 8 VAC 20-131-310 Code
(place x by any that apply) / Projected Time Frame / Person (s)
Responsible / Financial Resources Needed (estimate amount and cite sources)
G.9 / Other Resources Needed / Evidence of Implementation of the Strategy /


(If not implemented according to projected time frame, provide explanation.)
STRATEGY: Provide at least 145 minutes of uninterrupted, appropriate and differentiated daily literacy instruction. / G.4 G.5
G.6 G.7 / 8/11-5/12 / -Principal
-Reading specialist
-Reading tutors / None / Schedule available in school handbook, teachers’ websites, school literacy plan, and posted outside classroom doors / Schedule completed 8/11.
Action Step #1: Provide continuing professional development in the core reading program, SRA’s Reading Mastery Plus and Corrective Reading / G.4 G.5
G.6 G.7 / 9 days / -JP Associates Consultant
-Reading specialist / $1650.00/day for coaching / None / Contract on file at division curriculum office / Monthly coaching on-going
Action Step #2: Improve 9-week benchmark assessments for reading, based on grade level pacing guides and previous question-by-question analysis. / G.4 G.5
G.6 G.7 / 8/11-5/12 / -Teachers
-Support staff / County funds / Interactive Achievement, Flanagan, Pacing Guides / 9 week assessments and schedule for testing
Strategies and/or Action Steps / 8 VAC 20-131-310 Code
(place x by any that apply) / Projected Time Frame / Person (s)
Responsible / Financial Resources Needed (estimate amount and cite sources)
G.9 / Other Resources Needed / Evidence of Implementation of the Strategy /


(If not implemented according to projected time frame, provide explanation.)
Action Step #3: Collect and analyze data to determine the effectiveness of the literacy program
* Utilize Flanagan materials, SRA consumable workbooks, English SOL tests, Off-grade 2nd grade test(Question-by-question analysis), 9-week benchmark assessments in reading. / G.4 G.5
G.6 G.7 / 8/11-5/12 / -Teachers
-Reading specialist
-Division test coordinator / Interactive Achievement, Flanagan, Core Reading Program,
PALS / Data analysis is filed in school literacy plan and notebooks in the reading suite
(PALS, SRA Reading Mastery tests, Reading Mastery Check-outs)
Achievement update sheets
Results from each 9 week benchmark assessment
On-line data from AIMS Web site / On-going. Mastery tests every 5th and 10th lessons, lesson plans turned in, Progress monitoring as required
Action Step #4: Contact parents of students reading below grade level to enlist parents’ help in improving their child’s academic performance. / G.4 G.5
G.6 G.7 / 8/11 As needed / -Teachers
-Reading specialist
-Principal / None / Staff records all parent contact as required / On-going.
Action Step #5:
Invite parents to observe their child’s SRA small-group instruction. / G.4 G.5
G.6 G.7 / 9/11 and 3/12 / -Teachers
-Reading Specialist / Paper for invitations / Parent sign-in sheet
Action Step #6:
Update school-wide parent e-mail list for additional avenue of communication with parents. / G.4 G.5
G.6 G.7 / 8/11-5/12 / -Teachers
-Reading Specialist
-Principal / Paper / Parent contacts in Google Mail and e-mail records of school staff / On-going
Action Step #7: Provide continuing professional development in differentiated instruction in reading. / G.4 G.5
G.6 G.7 / -DI coach 8/31/11
-Lead teacher training 9/21/11
Learning Styles Workshop / -Differentiated instruction coach
-Lead Teachers
-JP Coach
-Reading specialist
-Faculty / Division cost, Harvest Foundation / Interactive Reading and Notetaking Supplies / Contract on file at division curriculum office
JP exit letters on file in reading suite
Observation of consultants in the building
sheets at workshop / 8/31/11-Lead teacher observations
Action Step #8: Conduct grade level meetings to review student performance / G.4 G.5
G.6 G.7 / 8/11-5/12 / -Grade level teams
-Principal / Team meeting sheets / On-going. Weekly by grade level.
Action Step #9: Offer a Word Study Course to certified personnel and monitor implementation / G.4 G.5
G.6 G.7 / 7/11-6/12 / -UVA / None / Teacher Transcript on file
List of teachers who took the course
Lesson plans
Action Step # 10: Continue training in the development of a school-wide professional learning
community with data-driven teams. / G.4 G.5
G.6 G.7 / 8/11-5/12 / -PLC consultant
-Lead team members
-Select members of SIP team / Sign-in sheets available with principal / On-going.
STRATEGY: Increase comprehension strategy instruction based on English SOL data. / G.4 G.5
G.6 G.7 / 8/11-5/12 / -Teachers
-Reading specialist
-Reading Aides / None / Making Meaning program / Lesson plans, observations / On-going.
Strategies and/or Action Steps / 8 VAC 20-131-310 Code
(place x by any that apply) / Project
ed Time Frame / Person (s)
Responsible / Financial Resources Needed (estimate amount and cite sources)
G.9 / Other Resources Needed / Evidence of Implementation of the Strategy /


(If not implemented according to projected time frame, provide explanation.)
Action Step #1: Continue the use of Making Meaning to provide explicit instruction in comprehension strategies for both fiction and non-fiction text. / G.4 G.5
G.6 G.7 / 8/11-5/12 / -Teachers
-Reading specialist
-Principal / None / None / Teacher kits are in classrooms; comprehension strategy libraries are in the reading suite / On-going.
Action Step #2: Train staff on the implementation of Making Meaning. / G.4 G.5
G.6 G.7 / As requested during teacher planning / - Reading specialist
-Teachers / None / None / Reading Specialist schedule
Action Step #3: Supply classrooms with English instructional materials. / G.4 G.5
G.6 G.7 / 8/11-5/12 / - Reading specialist / ~$4000 Title I Funds / None / Order forms on file in reading office / On-going.
Action Step #4: Continue to utilize Accelerated Reader, including STAR assessments, by division guidelines. / G.4 G.5
G.6 G.7 / 8/11-5/12 / -School Accelerated Reading Committee
-Division AR committee
-Media Specialist
-Reading specialist / Reading log pocket folders and AR incentives/ rewards (Parent Involvement Funds and PTO funds) / None / Student reading logs and teacher schedules reflecting time for silent reading, record of students and parents attending summer library. / Ongoing
Action Step #5: Use Tier II vocabulary words intentionally during daily teacher talk to foster more advanced vocabulary usage by students. / G.4 G.5
G.6 G.7 / 8/11-5/12 / -School staff / None / None / Observation of teachers and students using advanced vocabulary. Easy, Smart, Brilliant charts posted in all classrooms. / Ongoing
Action Step #6: Add higher-level thinking questions to the script of Reading Mastery Plus and Corrective Reading to elevate student thinking to quadrant D of the Rigor /Relevance framework. / G.4 G.5
G.6 G.7 / 8/11-5/12 / -JP Consultant
-Reading Specialist
-Tutors / None / None / Observation of teachers
Strategies and/or Action Steps / 8 VAC 20-131-310 Code
(place x by any that apply) / Project
ed Time Frame / Person (s)
Responsible / Financial Resources Needed (estimate amount and cite sources)
G.9 / Other Resources Needed / Evidence of Implementation of the Strategy /


(If not implemented according to projected time frame, provide explanation.)
Action Step #7: Continue in a book study of Mosaic of Thought / G.4 G.5
G.6 G.7 / Scheduled faculty meetings / -Principal
-Reading Specialist
-Teachers / None / Paper, markers, charts for activities / Schedule of meetings
Action Step #8: Teachers participate in Dan Mulligan Workshops on “Teaching Student to Think” and “Instructional Strategies” / 09/29/11
11/29/11 / -Dan Mulligan
-Resource Teacher / CountyFunds / Teacher sign-in sheet
Action Step #9: Require students to answer questions in complete sentences on SRA worksheets and textbook assignments. / 8/11-5/12 / -JP Consultant
-Reading Specialist
-Tutors / None / Completed SRA worksheets and assignments / On-going
STRATEGY: Provide explicit and systematic instruction in test-taking strategies. / G.4 G.5
G.6 G.7 / 8/11-5/12 with particular emphasis March- May, 2012 / -Teachers
-Reading Specialist
-Guidance counselor
-Resource teachers / None / Lesson plans of teachers, guidance counselor and resource teachers, strategy posters posted in every classroom
Action Step #1: Teach a previously established list of test-taking vocabulary during daily instruction. / G.4 G.5
G.6 G.7 / 8/11-5/12 / -Teachers
-Reading Specialist -Guidance counselor
-Resource teachers / None / None / Copy of words in the possession of each teacher, words posted in rooms;
Student achievement of the words (vocabulary tests)
Sight word contest
Test taking strategy posters posted in each classroom / On-going
Action Step #2: Purchase additional SOL test prep materials to correspond to new standards. / G.4 G.5
G.6 G.7 / 8/11-5/12 / -Principal / Site license for solpass.com, $200; Flanagan materials $2400; ROS on-line $300 / None / solpass.com available in computer lab;
Results of assessments reported to principal
STRATEGY: Provide multiple opportunities for students to practice test-taking strategies. / G.4 G.5
G.6 G.7 / 8/11-5/12 / -Teachers
- Reading Specialist
-Resource teachers
-Guidance counselor / None / Lesson plans of teachers / On-going
Strategies and/or Action Steps / 8 VAC 20-131-310 Code
(place x by any that apply) / Project
ed Time Frame / Person (s)
Responsible / Financial Resources Needed (estimate amount and cite sources)
G.9 / Other Resources Needed / Evidence of Implementation of the Strategy /


(If not implemented according to projected time frame, provide explanation.)
Action Step #1: Use Flanagan, released SOL tests, Interactive Achievement, solpass.com, Paula Brown essential test vocabulary, Paula Brown test-taking strategies, and other SOL prep materials (CAMS, STAMS, CARS, STARS, Hampton’s Eleven). / G.4 G.5
G.6 G.7 / 8/11-5/12 / -Teachers
-Guidance counselor / solpass.com - $200.00 / Poster machine supplies / Results posted on each hall and in main hall near office
STRATEGY: Improve the performance of all AYP subgroups to at least 95% passing on the Virginia English SOL test. / G.4 G.5
G.6 G.7 / 8/11-5/12 / -Teachers
- Reading Specialist
-Guidance counselor
-Resource teachers
-Tutors / Teaching resources such as alphabet letters and mats, word cards, etc. depending on grade level, ~$4000 Title I funds / None / Lesson plans of teachers and tutors; grade book; Essential Knowledge and Skills Checklist
Action Step #1: Teachers will identify students in each subgroup; especially those in hispanic, LEP, economically disadvantaged, and special education subgroups in order to chart progress throughout the year. / G.4 G.5
G.6 G.7 / 8/11-5/12 / -Teachers
-Principal / None / None / Team meeting notes with targeted intervention for individual students; benchmark charts
Action Step #2: Begin after-school peer tutoring program, Learning Together, for teacher-recommended students in grades 2-5. / G.4 G.5
G.6 G.7 / Tuesdays & Thursdays beginning Nov. 2011 / -Principal
-Program Coordinator / County funds / None / Student attendance records
Action Step #3: Administer and analyze 9-week benchmark assessments using Interactive Achievement, Flanagan, and other teacher created assessments. / G.4 G.5
G.6 G.7 / 10/11-5/12 / -Teachers
-Principal / School purchase of Interactive Achievement / None / Hard copies of tests and student data / Ongoing
Action Step #4: Remediate and retest students scoring below 80% on any teacher-made reading test or quiz. / G.4 G.5
G.6 G.7 / 8/11-5/12 / -Teachers
-Resource teachers / None / None / Teachers will record retest grades in progress monitoring notebooks, weekly achievement updates to principal / On-going. Team Thursday – identification and planning
Action Step #5: Provide teachers 20 minutes/day for remediation of small groups. / G.4 G.5
G.6 G.7 / 8/11-5/12 / -Principal
-Reading specialist
-Tutors / None / None / School schedule
Action Step #6: Classroom teachers assigned to teach our most struggling readers at least every three weeks for three weeks at a time. / G.4 G.5
G.6 G.7 / 8/11-5/12 / -Reading specialist
-Selected teachers / None / None / School schedule marked to indicate weeks 1, 2 and 3 so that teachers can keep up with changing groups on week 1; observation by principal and reading specialist
Strategies and/or Action Steps / 8 VAC 20-131-310 Code
(place x by any that apply) / Project
ed Time Frame / Person (s)
Responsible / Financial Resources Needed (estimate amount and cite sources)
G.9 / Other Resources Needed / Evidence of Implementation of the Strategy /


(If not implemented according to projected time frame, provide explanation.)
Action Step #7: Provide Special Ed/SWD teacher with question-by-question analyses on unit and benchmark tests to inform instruction of SWD’s. / G.4 G.5
G.6 G.7 / 8/11-5/12 / -Teachers
-Reading specialist
-Special Ed/SWD teacher / None by school / Hard copy of reports to Special Ed/SWD teacher
Action Step #8: Provide response to intervention (RTI) based AIMS Web testing for grades K-1. / 8/11-5/12 / -Teachers
-Reading specialist
-School Psychologist
-Guidance Counselor
-Child Study Committee / County funds / Instructional materials / AIMS Web reports; intervention schedules
STRATEGY: Align reading curriculum, instruction, and assessment. / G.4 G.5
G.6 G.7 / 8/11-5/12 / -Principal
- Reading Specialist
-Resource teachers / None / Increased SOL scores; notes from formal observations and walkthroughs
Action Step #1: Better utilize classroom libraries so that when students finish work they can readily access print material. / G.4 G.5
G.6 G.7 / 8/11-5/12 / -Classroom teachers
- Reading Specialist / None / None / Classroom observation of students accessing books / On-going.
Action Step #2: Purchase instructional supplies and/or books to improve literacy instruction. / G.4 G.5
G.6 G.7 / 8/11-5/12 / -Principal
- Reading Specialist / From Title I funds / None / Books and supplies in classrooms; notebook of expenditures in Reading Suite
Action Step #3: Continue Team Thursdays to regularly discuss student achievement and response to assessment/work sample results. Special education self-contained teacher to communicate with all homeroom teachers concerning plans for classroom instruction and student progress. / G.4 G.5
G.6 G.7 / 8/11-5/12 / -Principal
-Resource teacher
-Classroom teacher
-Tutors / None / School schedule and minutes from team meetings; student data discussed at team meetings; coverage schedule for resource/classroom teacher weekly meetings. / On-going.
Action Step #4: Utilize multiple measures including projects, oral presentations, etc. to assess students. / G.4 G.5
G.6 G.7 / 8/11-5/12 / -Teachers / None / Lesson plans
Action Step #5: Use SRA text to teach skills at which students were deficient, based on Student-Performance-by-Question reports from spring, 2011 SOL testing. / G.4 G.5
G.6 G.7 / 8/11-5/12 / -Teachers
-Reading Specialist / None / Observation; lesson plans
Action Step #6: Implement consistent grading guidelines in Power School Gradebook. All subjects: 30% Daily Work, 30% Quizzes, 40% Tests / Projects. / G.4 G.5
G.6 G.7 / 8/11-5/12 / -Teachers
-Reading Specialist
-ITRT / None / PowerSchool Gradebook / Gradebook Set-up completed in Power
School / Done 8/20/10
Action Step #7: Change the phrase “The Student Will” in SOL objectives to “I Can” in order to focus student learning. / 8/11-5/12 / -Teachers
- / None / “I Can” statements posted in every classroom

Goal Statement: Mt.Olivet will maintain full accreditation; and by the end of the 2011-2012 school year, students in grades three, four and five will meet or exceed NCLB requirements in all core areas and among all sub-groups. Pass advanced percentages will increase by 20%, depending on the grade level and subject. 30% of ELL students will exit the ELL program for the 2011-2012 school year.