Goal Planning for Women in EMS Mentor Program (Mentees)

Process with Mentors for your goals:

  • All mentees will work with their mentors to set appropriate goals during the first meetings with your mentee in the fall and the spring.
  • Mentees need to email a copy of their goals each semester to .
  • First semester’s goals are due September 25th and second semester’s goals are due February 12th.
  • Name your goals in this format: Lastname_Firstname_fall_goals.
  • Mentees will discuss goal progress with mentors during meetings throughout the semester.

Description: Goal planning can be a great way to think in an intentional way about your future. It also helps you hold yourself accountable for achieving all that you want to accomplish. In the Women in EMS Mentor Program, goal-setting is important because it allows your mentor to collaborate with you and support you in the things that are important to you. Mentors and mentees will set goals for themselves each semester because your goals can change over time. .

Goal planning in the Women in EMS Mentor Program incorporates a number of components intended to help you live holistically and get the most out of your total college experience. It is important to remember that the goals you set should be challenging, but achievable, and should be personal to you. The following categories areexamples to use:

  • Academics – Goals might include grades, class attendance, going to faculty office hours, attending tutoring, mentor meetings, etc.
  • Career/Professional – Goals might include developing/revising your resume, applying for an internship or co-op, introducing yourself to at least two companies at the career fair, joining a professional organization, selecting graduate schools of interest, etc.
  • Social – Goals might include mentor activities, attending a CPR event on campus, inviting a classmate to dinner, etc.
  • Extracurricular – Goals might include joining a student organization, participating in community service activities, getting a job on campus, etc.
  • Physical – Goals might include eating well, exercising on a regular basis, making sure to allow for down time, getting enough sleep, etc.
  • Financial – Goals might include attending a financial literacy workshop, creating a budget, saving a certain amount of money, developing a plan to pay off student loan debt, etc.

Example Goal Plan Formats:

Here is an example that might help you think through how to organize your goals. This format is not required; it is simply a suggestion. Each goal should have 1-3 actions as to how your are going to achieve the goal.


Goal 1 – General statement about what you hope to accomplish (for example, Earn 3.2 cumulative GPA for the year).

Action 1.1 – Specific task, program, event, or action you will take to help reach Goal 1 (for example, Attend faculty office hours for Calculus III).

Action 1.2 – A second specific task, program, event, or action you will take to help you reach Goal 2 (for example, Miss no more than one day for each class).

Action 1.3 . . . etc

Goal 2

Action 2.1

Action 2.2

Action 2.3


Goal 1 – General statement about what you hope to accomplish (for example, Go to the career fair in the fall)

Action 1.1 – Specific task, program, event, or action you will take to help reach Goal 2 (for example, Prepare a resume to take with me to the career fair).

Action 1.2 – A second specific task, program, event, or action you will take to help you reach Goal 2 (for example, Discuss the career fair with my mentor and what I need to do to prepare).

Action 1.3 . . . etc

Goal 2

Action 2.1

Action 2.2

Action 2.3

Name______goals for ______(fall/spring) ______(year)





