Goal 1.02: Analyze the political freedoms available to the following groups prior to 1820: women, wage earners, landless farmers, American Indians, African Americans, and other ethnic groups.

I.Constitutional changes

  1. The Bill of Rights (1791)
  2. A series of Amendments to the Constitution designed to protect the ______and the ______from government abuses
  3. First Amendment
  4. Freedom of ______
  5. Freedom of ______
  6. Freedom of ______
  7. Freedom of ______
  8. Freedom of ______
  9. Second thru Tenth Amendment
  10. Right to Bear Arms
  11. Defined legal searches
  12. Defined rights during arrest, trial, and imprisonment
  13. Reserves rights not spelled out for the states and the people
  14. The 11th Amendment (1795): protects government from lawsuits by citizens
  15. The 12th Amendment (1804): changed rules about electing President & VP

II.Treatment of Different Groups within US Society

  1. The only people who could vote were ______
  2. Women
  3. Traditional role as wives, mothers, and homemakers
  4. Few legal protections
  5. ______(wife of John Adams)
  6. Argued for expanding women’s access to:
  7. ______
  8. ______
  9. ______(suffrage)
  10. Native Americans
  11. Not considered citizens, negotiated with by the government as foreign nations
  12. US almost always sided with white settlers pushing west
  13. Two new states in what had once been Indian territories
  14. ______
  15. ______
  16. Western Indian Confederacy: attempt by different tribes to work together against US expansion
  17. Defeated US troops in battles in 1790 & 1791
  18. Defeated by US at Battle of ______in Ohio in 1794
  19. Led to Indians signing the ______in 1795
  20. Turned over most of Ohio and what is today the sites of Chicago and Detroit to US
  21. US agreed to pay $20,000 and respect the boundary between US and Indian territory
  22. American settlers ignored the agreement
  23. Tecumseh’s War
  24. Tecumseh formed a new Indian alliance, with the help of the British, against the US
  25. Indian forces were badly defeated at the Battle of ______in 1811 by William Henry Harrison
  26. Tecumseh fled to Canada and joined up with British forces
  27. One of the causes of the ______between the US and Britain
  28. Slaves
  29. 3/5 Compromise
  30. Each slave counted as 3/5 of a person for the purposes of the census which determined the number of seats states received in Congress
  31. Slaves themselves weren’t citizens and had no rights or legal protections
  32. Eli Whitney’s ______
  33. Machine that separated cotton from its seeds, making cotton farming more efficient and therefore more profitable
  34. Led to the rise of “______”: the South’s economic dependency on cotton and the slaves needed to grow it
  35. Abolitionism
  36. Slavery banned in the ______states
  37. Even though many Southerners questioned the morality of slavery, they considered it a “______” from which they could not escape.