Aztlán Cup Packet: Berkeley (Seth Teitler)


1. Upon assuming the presidency, he quoted Mussolini, saying "Follow me if I advance! Kill me if I retreat! Revenge me if I die!" His sister-in-law, called the Dragon Lady, said she would "clap hands at seeing another monk barbecue show." He became prime minister after the French withdrawal, but one year later he set aside Emperor Bao Dai. Murdered in 1963 during a US-backed coup of ARVN generals, FTP name this first President of South Vietnam.

ANSWER: Ngo DinhDiem

2. The berimbau (pron. bear-eem-bow) sets the pace of the jogo (pron. zhoh-go) being played in the roda (pron. ho-da). The main schools are Angola and the newer Regional style. The fundamental movement is the ginga, and attacks are primarily based on kicks and sweeps. During breaks the two players circle in a volto do mundo. Developed by slaves and disguised as a form of dance, FTP name this Afro-Brazilian martial art.

ANSWER: capoeira

3. He receives beatings when he attempts to steal the clothes of some Benedictine monks, and again when his companion's horse disturbs the fillies of the Yangüesian horse-breeders. He also suffers when he drinks "the true balsam of Fierabras" prepared by his companion. He tries to convince his master that a cage is not an enchantment. He rides the donkey Dapple, and is repulsed when he learns that his friend's beloved Dulcinea is a common woman. FTP name this sidekick of Don Quixote.

ANSWER: Sancho Panza

4. The vierbein formulation uses 4 reference vector fields. Alternatives include the Brans-Dicke theory, which predicts the Nordtvedt effect in binary system orbits due to violations of the Strong Equivalence Principle. Its field equation includes the cosmological constant to allow for a flat universe. Corroboration came with Eddington's 1919 observation of shifted star positions during a solar eclipse. FTP name Einstein's theory in which gravity results from mass-energy bending spacetime.

ANSWER: general relativity or GR

5. It was stolen from its owner, who then fought against Accolon, who had taken possession of it from its owner’s half-sister. In most versions of the story it is received from an arm clad in samite. Its owner died at his final battle after losing the scabbard that protected him from harm; as he lay dying, he asked Bedivere to return it to the Lady of the Lake. FTP, name this magical sword of King Arthur.

ANSWER: Excalibur (prompt on Caliburn or Caledfwlch (CAL-ED-FOOLKH))

6. Herodotus claimed that its namesake had to strip temple treasures and prostitute one of his daughters to pay for its completion. Named for the son of Snefru, a secret chamber was discovered here with a barque to allow its owner's ka to join the daily voyage of the sun. It is flanked by the modest tomb of Menkaure and the smaller pyramid of Khaefre, and can be found near the Great Sphinx. FTP name this largest pyramid at Giza.

ANSWER: The Great Pyramidor Pyramid of Khufu or Pyramid of Cheops

7. The fourth earned the nickname "cummin-splitter" for his frugal habits. Lucius Verus is not included in this group, although he served as co-ruler from 161 to 169 CE. The second annexed Dacia, celebrating his exploits on his column; the third and fourth constructed walls in Britain. The Pax Romana came to an end with the death of the last, who was a Stoic philosopher who wrote the Meditations. FTP name this group of Roman emperors starting with Nerva and ending with Marcus Aurelius.

ANSWER:Five Good Emperors

8. Pictures of the Sibyls of Eritrea and Cumae next to Micah and Zechariah, and the donors Elisabeth Borluut and Joos (YOOS) Vijd (VIDE) adorn some of the outside panels of this polyptych in St. Bavo's Cathedral. A rhymed quatrain on the frame confirms that it was begun by Hubert. The dome of Utrecht was added in the background of the central panel, which includes the Fountain of Life in the Adoration of the Lamb. FTP name this huge altarpiece primarily attributed to Jan van Eyck.

ANSWER:Ghent altarpiece

9. This molecule's shape permits strain-free sigma bonding since the valence-bonds form 120 degree angles. This molecule's magnetic susceptibility shows strong anisotropy, as magnetic fields perpendicular to the molecular plane can induce a ring current. Its standard enthalpy of hydrogenation is not simply three times that of ethene, because this molecule is stabilized by pi electron delocalization. FTP, what simplest aromatic hydrocarbon with formula C6H6?

ANSWER: benzene

10. This element can be found in albite but not in anorthite in the plagioclase feldspar series. The first observation of the Zeeman effect involved magnetic field splitting of a doublet which produces its two bright yellow D lines, which are prominent in many stellar spectra. Back-propagation of action potentials is prevented by temporary inactivation of its ion channels after depolarization, and the resting potential is restored by an efflux of potassium ions. FTP name this element whose chloride is known as table salt.

ANSWER: sodium

11. He ekes out a living by carrying fuel every day from the jungle to the Bazar on his three asses. To weigh the Ashrafis he finds one day, he borrows scales from his brother Kasim. His nemesis comes to his house and asks for unsalted meat, intending to kill him, but the clever slave girl Morgiana saves him. Morgiana had earlier saved him by pouring boiling water in thirty-seven jars. Becoming rich after learning the magic words "Open Sesame," FTP name this title character paired with forty thieves in the Arabian Nights.

ANSWER: Ali Baba

12. The subject of this poem is "Under the terrible burden of destiny laughing as a young man laughs,/ Laughing even as an ignorant fighter laughs who has never lost a battle." The poet believes allegations of wickedness, having "seen your painted women under the gas lamps luring the farm boys." Focusing on the "Tool Maker, Stacker of Wheat…City of the Big Shoulders," FTP name this Carl Sandburg poem about the "Hog Butcher for the World."

ANSWER: Chicago

13. An important symbol of this religion is the fire altar. Funeral ceremonies involve leaving the dead in towers of silence for vultures to consume; a traditional funeral was given to practitioner Freddie Mercury. This religion's founder wrote the Gathas, which are part of the Avestas. Premised on the struggle between Ahriman and Ahura Mazda, FTP name this early dualistic religion of Persia whose founder appears in the titles of works by Richard Strauss and Nietzsche.

ANSWER: Zoroastrianism or Parsees or Mazdaism

14. He wrote his folk-inspired Humoresker for piano after meeting Rikard Nordraak, and helped found the Christiana Musikforening. His later works include the Holberg Suite and The Mountain Thrall, but he is best known for a work which includes "The Death of Ase" and "Anitra's Dance." FTP, name this Norwegian composer whose incidental music for Peer Gynt also includes "In the Hall of the Mountain King."

ANSWER: Edvard Hagerup Grieg

15. The beginning of Spinal Tap's Big Bottom contains the lyrics "The bigger the cushion, the sweeter the pushin'" from his song Sex. Some of his other lyrics include "She was buns up, kneeling'/ I was wheelin' and dealin'" from Dina-Moe Humm. Other songs include Dirty Love, My Guitar Wants to Kill Your Mama, and Valley Girl. FTP, name this leader of the Mothers of Invention.

ANSWER: Frank Zappa

16. Name's the same: this state's original capitol building was lost or destroyed after it had been dismantled and shipped to Nashville for the Tennessee Centennial. The last name of the man who created the political cartoon "Join, or Die," headed the Pennsylvania delegation to the Albany Congress, became the first Postmaster General, and identified positive and negative charge. FTP give the first name of the 14th President, Pierce.

ANSWER: Franklin

17. Hans-Jurgen Walter and Fritz Perls developed therapeutic methods based on this school's theories. One founder developed the concept of insight based on his studies of chimps on Tenerife. Organizational concepts include grouping by proximity, and prägnanz. Another founder worked with a toy stroboscope, establishing the phi phenomenon in which blinking images appear to move. FTP name this psychological school founded by Koffka, Köhler and Wertheimer, which argued that perception is irreducible.

ANSWER: Gestaltpsychology

18. The title's similar: a story which ends, "Save the children." A novel whose title character tries to bribe his daughter-in-law Satsuko for sexual favors. And a third story in which a civil servant worries about the Earth mounting the Moon. One story shows a young man's growing fear that he is surrounded by cannibals; in the other, Poprishchin discovers he is the King of Spain on April 43. FTP give any of the titles of the Lu Xun story, the Tanizaki novel, or the Gogol story about mentally disturbed men keeping personal journals.

ANSWER: The Diary of a Madman or Madman's Diary or Diary of a Mad Old Man or Zapiski sumasshedshego or Wuang Jen Jih Chi or Futen Rojin Nikki

19. He often asks his wife not to mend her stockings. He was inspired by Dave Singleman, who still made his living at eighty-four calling buyers without leaving his room, and had a very well-attended funeral. His elder son won a scholarship to the University of Virginia, but flunked math and gave up after catching him in Boston with The Woman. First appearing carrying two large sample cases, FTP name this father of Happy and Biff who commits suicide in Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman.

ANSWER:Willy or Willy Loman

20. In this device, the namesake angular frequency is independent of the particle energy, and is given by the charge times the magnetic field strength over the mass. It is similar to a mass spectrometer, but an alternating voltage is applied across the gap between the two large dipole magnets, which are D-shaped. FTP name this first type of particle accelerator, developed by Ernest O. Lawrence and later improved to make the synchrotron.


21. He showed that yeast were tiny organisms, and in 1836 he discovered and prepared the first known animal enzyme, pepsin. His namesake cells are a variety of neuroglia whose outer layers form the neurolemma. In the peripheral nervous system his namesake cells allow saltation conduction by wrapping around axons, with the inner layers forming myelin sheaths. FTP name this man who posited the cell theory with Schleiden.

ANSWER:Theodore Schwann

22. This meeting was the subject of Henry Kissinger's doctoral dissertation. It never met in plenary session, and the Prince of Ligne commented that it "does not walk; it dances," in response to the entertainments provided by the host, Emperor Francis. It transferred Norway from Denmark to Sweden, formed the Deutscher Bund, and made Krakow a free city. FTP name this meeting whose attendees included Castlereagh, Talleyrand, and Metternich, held in 1815 to determine the fate of post-Napoleonic Europe.

ANSWER:Congress of Vienna

23. In his biggest assignment, he is supposed to mastermind the kidnapping of the most beautiful woman in the world and leave her dead on the border of Guilder. He recruited the strongest man in the world, a Turk, in Greenland. His other companion thinks he doesn't know the meaning of the word "inconceivable," since he keeps misapplying it to the Man in Black, who kills him in a duel of wits using cups of wine and iocane powder. FTP name this criminal genius who hires Fezzik and Inigo in The Princess Bride.

ANSWER:The Sicilian or Vizzini

Aztlán Cup Packet: Berkeley (Seth Teitler)


1.Name these characters from the Odyssey FTPE.

A.On the isle of Aeaea, Odysseus's men were turned into pigs by this witch, who bore Odysseus a son named Telegonus.


B.Odysseus spent seven years on the island of Ogygia as the captive of this nymph.


C.This helpful god gave Odysseus the moly herb he used to defeat Circe and convinced Calypso to let Odysseus go.


2.Answer the following on the Peloponnesian War FTPE.

A.Athens' defeat was precipitated by this disastrous 405 BCE battle in which Lysander destroyed the Athenian navy.


B.This pro-Spartan oligarchy was installed in Athens after Athens' surrender. Its two leading members were Critias and Tharamenes.

ANSWER:Thirty Tyrants

C.The Thirty Tyrants were overthrown by Thrasybulus with the help of this city, which rose to prominence over Sparta following victory under Epaminondas at Leuctra.


3.Identify the following from the work of expert yodeler Carl Jung FTPE.

A.Jung rejected this concept from Freudian theory, perhaps because Jung found his mother fat and unattractive. Instead he explained a child's attachment to the mother in terms of a dependency need.

ANSWER:Oedipus complex or Oedipal complex

B.This archetype, the primitive part of personality, contains the immoral and unacceptable desires and activities, but is also the source of creativity and deep emotion.

ANSWER: the shadow archetype

C.Individuals of this type direct libido inward. They are contemplative and resistant to external influences.


4. Name these participants in important debates from clues FTPE.

A.When his opponent Bishop Wilberforce died after falling from a horse and hitting his head, this man said, "For once, reality and his brains came into contact and the result was fatal." He was known as "Darwin's Bulldog."

ANSWER:Thomas Henry Huxley

B.This man's "godlike" oratorical skills were given full play in his two-day reply to Robert Hayne during a debate on slavery stemming from a proposal to abolish the office of surveyor general.

ANSWER: Daniel Webster

C.Following the restoration of the encomienda system, this native's rights activist brought about a 1550 debate in Valladolid (pron. vie-ah-doh-LEED), arguing against the colonists' advocate Juan Gines de Sepulveda (pron. HUAN HEEN-ess de seh-pull-VEH-da).

ANSWER:Bartolomé de Las Casas

5.This anthropologist wrote The Mind of Primitive Man and studied the Kwakiutl people. FTPE:

A.First, name this teacher of Ruth Benedict and Margaret Mead.

ANSWER:Franz Boas

B.Boas studied this ceremony of the Kwakiutl, an example of a gift economy, in which slaves and material goods were displayed and traded.


C.Boas's first doctoral student was Alfred Kroeber, who worked with this man, the last of the Yahi. He is thought to be the last Native American to live in the wild.


6.Given some clues, name the series of Goya paintings or prints FTPE.

A.This series of prints includes "Out Hunting for Teeth" and "The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters."

ANSWER:Los Caprichos or The Caprices

B.This series of etchings includes "Mob" and "One Cannot Look." They were inspired by scenes of French occupation and Spanish retaliation.

ANSWER:Disasters of War or Desastres de la Guerra

C.Goya painted this fresco series in the Quinta del Sordo near the end of his life. It includes The Witches' Sabbath and Saturn Devouring His Children.

ANSWER:BlackPaintings or Pinturas Negras

7.Given clues, name the type of quadrilateral being described FTPE.

A.2 pairs of adjacent congruent sides, but not all 4 sides are congruent.


B.All four sides are congruent, but the diagonals aren't necessarily congruent.


C.One pair of opposite sides are parallel. The other pair of opposite sides is congruent but not parallel.

ANSWER:isosceles trapezoid

8.Answer these related literature questions FTSNOP

A.F5P, Friar Lawrence tries to get this Shakespeare heroine to run away, but she stabs herself with her lover's dagger after realizing he didn't leave enough poison for her.


B.F5P, during this play, Jacques, Rosalind, and Touchstone all move into the forest of Arden.

ANSWER:As You Like It

C.F10P, in this Shakespeare play, the title king's daughter Imogen runs away at the prospect of marriage to his stepson Cloten.


D.F10P, Sybil Vane plays the parts of Juliet, Rosalind, and Imogen, and later commits suicide after being abandoned by the title character in this novel.

ANSWER:The Picture of Dorian Grey

9.Name these labor unions and organizations FTPE.

A.This association of trade unions was founded in 1886 by Samuel Gompers, president of the Cigarmakers International Union. He served as its president until 1924.

ANSWER:American Federation of Labor

B.5 unions split from the AFL in 1938 to form this rival organization led by John L. Lewis of the Mine Workers; in 1955 it recombined with the AFL, under Lewis's leadership.