- Call to order
A meeting of the GO Team for L.O. Kimberly Elementary School was held at Kimberly Elementary School (Media Center) on Tuesday, January 31, 2017, 6:00pm.
- Meeting Protocols
- Attendance
GO Team Members Present.
Keisha Sewell / Rosa McKnight / Jennifer Saunders / Theodore LeeOdalis Whatley / Joseph Salley / Donny Gray / G. Brady Stringer
Faye Hammonds / Kelley Young
Community Observers
Lesley TaylorQuorum present: Yes or No
Members not in attendance included.
- Approve Meeting Agenda
- Addition to agenda: GO Team duties and responsibilities review (in lieu of public comment; review handbook section 2.6 by GO Team members)
- Approve 011717 Meeting Minutes
- Adjustment to minutes
- Include meeting guests
- Mr. & Mrs. Drew Lewis & Joyce Lewis
- Mr. Marcus Bivins
- Include presentation by Mr. Marcus Bivins (HR Resource)
- Public comment
- No public comment
- Action Items
View Budget Approval Process Video /
- Viewed by GO Team Members
- Secretary re-sent link for members to complete assessment
FY ’18 Budget Approval /
- Principal Salley presented FY ’18 budget
- Change: Moved $3500 from contract services (original amount $10,000) to Other Purchased Services (for purposes of subscribing to U-Stream to provide live streaming services).
- Subscription to U-Stream will allow for live broadcasting which supports school’s strategic plan.
- Question re: cluster focus and funds spent
- Response: Cluster focuses on IB and all schools offer full time foreign language. All schools in cluster offer band instruction.
- Question re: sharing SST employee
- Response: Kimberly shares with Bunche. Principal Salley will plan with Principal Watkins to structure resource for both schools.
- Question: Could hourly SST employee be hired?
- Response: Principal Salley says yes, but does not recommend hiring hourly for that position.
- Question: Is there a fund for community donations to be received?
- Response: PTA is the avenue to collect funds to enhance school and programs.
- Question: What business partners are currently in place?
- Response: We are actively seeking out community business partners. Everyone is encouraged to solicit partnership.
- Question: How will professional development be implemented?
- Response: Train the trainer model used. Plans are to train instructional coaches and grade level chairs to re-deliver to staff.
- Approval of FY ’18 budget.
- Information Items
Principal’s Report /
- Principal Salley provided updates about ongoing building maintenance
Meeting Minutes /
- Request: Provide detailed minutes
Online Payment System /
- Mrs. Saunders will add link to website for online payments and donations
Partnerships/Assistance from Organizations /
- For outside organizations to assist, 2 online modules are required for volunteers (child abuse & ethics)
- Watch D.O.G.S. currently active at Kimberly
Agenda Items for Next Meeting /- Determine & identify specific needs of the school.
- What types of outreach efforts can be implemented in the school to benefit students.
Ribbon Cutting /
- Early March (Date TBD)
Invitees /
- Intentionally invite PTA President & officers to GO Team Meetings
Next meeting: Tuesday, February 14, 2017| 6pm @ Kimberly ES Media Center
Jennifer SaundersSecretary / Date of approval
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