
Change DescriptionPage 1 of 5

Affected / Affected / Bug / New Feature / Issue
# / Users / Modules * / Fix / Major / Minor / Action Item / GMSU / Date
1 / AB Users / All Modules / X / The “Open All Files in a Directory” was broken. This bug has been fixed. / 8.4.31
2 / All Users / Sys Suit / X / A line of code evaluating the Sample Type was incorrectly written. This bug has been fixed. / 8.4.31
1 / Thermo Users / GCV / X / Full Scan Trace Analysis Module: The Excel reporting feature has been tweaked concerning reporting of retention times. / 8.4.30 / 8/28/14
2 / Thermo Users / All Modules / X / The Assign RT functions were causing GMSU to crash. This bug has been fixed. / 8.4.30 / 8/28/14
1 / All Users / All Modules / X / If a custom report is being prepared, the hyperlinks in the Report/Summary sheets are not created. This bug has been fixed. / 8.4.29 / 8/21/14
1 / Thermo Users / All Modules / X / General tweaking to accommodate Full Scan workflows / 8.4.28 / 8/19/14
1 / Thermo Users / All Modules / X / Added the ability to retrieve Sample Wt from the Thermo .sld / 8.4.27 / 8/18/14
1 / Thermo Users / All Modules / X / Full Rooney data was not being processed correctly. This bug has been fixed. / 8.4.26 / 8/1/14
1 / Thermo Users / All Modules / X / When Assigning Transitions with Full Scan data, the previously defined extracted exact mass was being set to 0. This bug has been fixed. / 8.4.25 / 7/30/14
1 / AB Users / All Modules / X / The “If HT Processing: Sync Analyte RT to Int Std RT” feature has been extended to Sciex data / 8.4.24 / 7/29/14
2 / All Users / All Modules / X / A column for the Save Settings database table (tblReportTemplates.charString) was modified from 100 to 255 allowable characters. / 8.4.24 / 7/29/14
3 / All Users / PK / X / The PK Calculator now accepts data sets with one time point / 8.4.24 / 7/29/14
4 / AB Users / All Modules / The “Menu –HT Acquisition Tools…-Rapidfire-Retrieve injection time data” window was not properly displaying Sciex HT-A retention time windows. This bug has been fixed. / 8.4.24 / 7/29/14
5 / AB Uses / All Modules / X / The HT-A Ret Time windows were not displaying properly on the chromatograms. This bug has been fixed. / 8.4.24 / 7/29/14
1 / AB Users / HC / X / The following custom columns are now supported in the Sciex Analyst Batch:
AnalyteName, GubbsSpecies, TimePointSet, QMF / 8.4.23 / 6/27/14
2 / Thermo Users / GCV / X / Rooney Method users: The Rooney Method Assign Retention Time function was not working. This bug has been fixed. / 8.4.23 / 6/27/14
1 / All Users / PK / X / The PK Calculator Generate Reports function was crashing. This bug has been fixed. / 8.4.22 / 6/22/14
2 / Thermo / All Modules / X / A bug was identified that would affect Thermo users acquiring data in the HT-A mode. In some scenarios, opening saved data would result in no chromatographic data being displayed. / 8.4.22 / 6/22/14
1 / Thermo Users / All Modules / X / The contents of the HT-A Chromatographic Method grid can now be copied to the clipboard. / 8.4.21 / 6/12/14
2 / Thermo Users / GCV / X / The ‘Retrieve exact masses from .sld’ was tweaked to be more reliable for HT-A data. / 8.4.21 / 6/12/14
3 / Thermo Users / All Modules / X / The Apply Chromatographic Method feature was not forcing peaks to be identified according to supplied Retention Time information. This bug has been fixed. / 8.4.21 / 6/12/14
4 / Thermo Users / All Modules / X / A function that fills the Calibr Stds table was not being called after the implementation of the new Analog Channel feature. This bug has been fixed. / 8.4.21 / 6/12/14
1 / Thermo Users / GCV / X / The Retrieve RT’s from Analog Channel function needed to be tweaked. / 8.4.20 / 6/6/14
1 / All Users / All Modules / X / The new Generate Reports date filter function was tweaked to accommodate non-US(English) regional settings. / 8.4.19 / 6/1/2014
2 / AB Users / .Dam Creator / X / The .Dam Creator will now access Discovery Quant™ databases. / 8.4.19 / 6/1/2014
1 / All Users / All Modules / X / The Sample List text file input functionality has been enhanced to accommodate differing column labels. / 8.4.18 / 5/27/14
2 / All Users / All Modules / X / The Generate Report window Date Filter function has been improved to accomodate Regional Languages other than English (United States). / 8.4.18 / 5/27/14
3 / All Users / All Modules / X / A variable specific to Thermo data was not being reset at the point of new file opening and can result in unwanted information in the FileName field of the Sample List. This bug has been fixed. / 8.4.18 / 5/27/14
1 / Thermo Users / All Modules / X / The algorithms to differentiate full scan HT-A TIC data have been tweaked to become more reliable. / 8.4.17 / 5/23/14
1 / AB Users / .dam Creator / X / The .dam Creator ‘DQ Output Paste’ function was not pasting the last line of the clipboard. This bug has been fixed. / 8.4.16 / 5/10/14
2 / All Users / Report Windows / X / The Generate Report code was optimized to better accept different types of custom reports / 8.4.16 / 5/10/14
1 / All Users / All Modules / X / The Generate Reports window now contains a date filter function. / 8.4.15 / 5/8/14
2 / All Users / All Modules / X / The algorithm to synchronize the string filters in the .raw and .pmd files has been modified to be more robust. / 8.4.15 / 5/8/14
1 / All Users / Console / X / Qual/Quan should be displayed, not Exact Mass Tools on the Console. This bug has been fixed. / 8.4.14 / 4/30/14
1 / AB Users / .dam Creator / X / The .dam Creator was tweaked to be more user-friendly. / 8.4.13 / 4/21/14
1 / AB Users / .dam Creator / X / A new feature call ‘.dam File Creater’ has been introduced. This feature allows users to quickly create multiple and complex .dam files. / 8.4.12 / 4/14/14
2 / Thermo Users / .sld Parser / X / The Predict feature now brings over the Analyte name when automatically pulling Analyte and Int Std exact masses from the Exact Mass Library. / 8.4.12 / 4/14/14
1 / Thermo Users / All Modules / X / When adding analytes to the Exact Mass library via the Add Many window, the Int Std designated by the user was not being applied to analytes. This bug has been fixed. / 8.4.11 / 4/3/14
2 / All Users / All Modules / X / The HT-A Zoom Scroll feature has been tweaked and added to Sciex data. / 8.4.11 / 4/3/14
3 / All Users / Exact Mass Libr / X / The Add Many paste function would cause GMSU/QC to crash if the 3rd and 4th paste columns were blank – which should be allowed. This bug has been fixed. / 8.4.11 / 4/3/14
4 / All Users / Exact Mass Libr / X / The Add Many function was not including the Int Std when chosen from the Int Std dropdown box. This bug has been fixed. / 8.4.11 / 4/3/14
5 / All Users / Exact Mass Libr / X / The Add Many function was not incrementing the Group ID when saving a set as a Drug Set. This bug has been fixed. / 8.4.11 / 4/3/14
6 / Thermo Users / All Modules / X / The Matrix Chromatographic Viewer was not displaying correctly. This bug has been fixed. / 8.4.11 / 4/3/14
7 / Thermo Users / All Modules / X / In v8.4.9, a bug was introduced that would cause a problem with the identification of the Int Std in MRM data. This bug has been fixed. / 8.4.11 / 4/3/14
1 / Thermo Users / All Modules / X / When using the new Thermo Sequence Parser, if the Analyte Name column is blank, GMSU fails to enter a generic compound name. This bug has been fixed. / 8.4.10 / 3/21/14
2 / Thermo Users / All Modules / X / The dreaded 3-decimal ‘5’ error is re-occurring. It is completely solved by rounding to 1 rather than 2. / 8.4.10 / 3/21/14
1 / Thermo Users / All Modules / X / The dreaded 3-decimal ‘5’ error is re-occurring. It is completely solved by rounding to 1 rather than 2. / 8.4.9 / 3/20/14
1 / Thermo Users / All Modules / X / The Full Scan Sequence Parser now brings over Analyte name as well as Analyte Exact Mass from the Exact Mass Library. / 8.4.8 / 3/10/114
2 / AB Users / All Modules / X / The ability to open all .wiff files within a directory has been compromised. This bug has been fixed. / 8.4.8 / 3/10/14
3 / All Users / All Modules / X / The RT Criteria Window text box was visible for HT-A data, even though this variable does not pertain to HT-Data. This text box is now hidden for HT-A data. / 8.4.8 / 3/10/14
4 / AB Users / All Modules / X / HT-A data: If a text file containing sample-specific information has been provided, the information was not being applied. This bug has been fixed. / 8.4.8 / 3/10/14
5 / All Users / All Modules / X / RapidFire users: the peak identification algorithm was modified to more consistently identify the correct peak in the RapidFire peak window. / 8.4.8 / 3/10/14
1 / Thermo Users / All Modules / X / Tweaked the Full Scan QQuan function to better adapt to user variability. / 8.4.7 / 3/1/14
2 / All Users / GVC / X / The ‘Select a file’ grid is now sortable / 8.4.7 / 3/1/14
1 / Thermo Users / GCV / X / The Rooney Method algorithms were optimized to minimize false assignments of filter strings. / 8.4.6 / 2/26/14
1 / All Users / GCV / X / The Files grid may now be sorted. / 8.4.5 / 2/24/14
2 / All Users / All Modules / X / The Flags row coloring and display were not functioning properly. This bug has been fixed. / 8.4.5 / 2/14/14
1 / AB Users / All Modules / X / The AB S/N function was tweaked further to be more reliable. / 8.4.3 / 1/9/14
1 / AB Users / All Modules / X / The AB S/N function was tweaked to be more reliable. / 8.4.2 / 1/9/14
1 / All Users / All Modules / X / Full Scan accurate mass window choices have been expanded to include AMU and MMU. / 8.4.1 / 1/5/14
2 / AB Users / All Modules / X / S/N calculation has been added for AB users. / 8.4.1 / 1/5/14
1 / All Users / All Modules / X / The Analyst QMF module has been tweaked to perform more efficiently. / 8.4.0 / 12/19/13
2 / AB Users / All Modules / X / The Print Chromatogram function was inadvertently calling a Thermo routine. This bug has been fixed. / 8.4.0 / 12/19/13
* / Module Legend
  • HC:
/ Hepatic Clearance Calculator /
  • Perm:
/ Permeability Calculator /
  • TBI:
/ To Be Issued
  • PK:
/ PK Calculator /
  • GCV:
/ Generic Chromatographic Viewer /
  • FSL:
/ Full Scan Library
  • TFSP
/ Thermo® Full Scan Parser