A meeting of the Glynde & Beddingham Parish Council was held at Beddingham Reading Room on Thursday 27th March at 7.00pm

Present:Cllr Tony Fortnam (Chairman)Cllr Jane Levine

Cllr Sam Morgan Cllr Jean Connell

Members of Public:Paul Martin – Neighbourhood Watch

John Pelham – Glynde FC

Ten Minutes Speaking Time:

Paul Martin gave an update on neighbourhood watch. Residents living near to the recreation ground were spoken to and asked to report any vandalism and incidences around there. A notice will be put up in the Parish notice boards encouraging residents to look at the community police website.

1.Apologies:Cllr SmallCllr Wilson

2.Declarations of Interest:


3.Minutes of Last Meeting

The minutes of the last Parish Council meeting held on January 24th 2008, were agreed and signed as a true record.

4.Matters Arising from Previous Minutes

It was agreed there was no rush to make a decision whether to join SALC (Sussex Association of Local Councils).

Street Lighting – As the two councillors involved were both absent it was agreed to put on next agenda.


The Clerk gave out a summary of income and expenditure to the end of February.

Instant Access account: £11.437.34Current Account: £1.184.52

Cllr Morgan queried payment of electricity supply to swimming pool. This has traditionally always paid for by the Parish Council.


Clerk to arrange date for risk assessment to be carried out by Graham Beattie of sites identified by the Parish Council for speed detection.

A26 – Warning signs are still missing. Clerk to contact ESCC again.

Old A27 – a good clean up job has been undertaken.

From 7th April for approximately 4 months work will be done on the Glynde turning onto the A27. This will cause some disruption.


Consent given for Tearooms at Ranscombe farm, Ranscombe Lane.

8.Recreation Ground

Refurbishment - The deadline for application for grant to Viridor was met. Cllr Morgan had spoken to Mr Attwood from Viridor and he confirmed that £20,000 has been given to the Parish Council. Third party funding of 10% is required and discussion is underway with Glynde Estates. Also Glynde Estates wish to be consulted on proposals for new playground equipment.

Cllr Morgan suggested applying to Lottery for more funding and suggested a public consultation on new equipment.

Fencing - A quote has been received from Geoff Miller for £230.00 to fix the broken fencing around the recreation ground. It was agreed to go ahead with this.

Flint Wall - Mr Craggs of Glynde Estates has asked if the Parish Council could open up the flint wall adjacent to the recreation ground at the end nearest to Ranscombe Lane for extra access. Clerk to write to Lewes District Council to see if this is viable.

Car Park Barrier – Mr Craggs has said that those who need keys have them.

Broken Glass – Cllr Morgan to monitor situation.

Damaged tree – A large tree in the recreation ground looks rotten and needs attention. Clerk to ask Cllr Small who is responsible for this.

Football Club

John Pelham from Glynde FC introduced himself to the Councillors and talked about Glynde FC and their wish to continue to use the football pitch after complaints about litter and noise.

The Parish Council appreciate the efforts Glynde FC have made and the Sunday Football League for also taking the matter seriously.

Clerk to email Councillors contact details to Mr Pelham should he wish to inform them of any matters.

Thanks are also given to Cllr Morgan who cleared up the football pitch and Chris Arnold of Glynde Estates who took away the large amount of litter at no cost.

The Parish Council thanked Mr Pelham for taking the time to come to the meeting and agreed, subject to recent improvements being maintained, to allow the Club to continue to use the football pitch.

9.Emergency Plans

Cllr Fortnam and Cllr Levine met Mr Craggs on 26th March and are trying to set up steering committee to discuss terms of reference and how to go about launching. Glynde Estates are keen to move forward with plans.


Reading Room – Letter received from Reading Room Treasurer asking the Parish Council to pay for use of reading room as from 1st April 2007 at rate of £6 per hour.

Elm Trees – Letter received from South Downs Joint Committee re population of Elm trees in Sussex and request for contributions from Parish Councils to help maintain them. It was agreed to circulate letter and decision made at a later date.


Clerk to arrange meeting with Chris Whitmore, Cllr Fortnam and Clerk to discuss link to Glynde website for Parish Council.

12.Travellers Issues

Agreed to leave off next agenda.

13.Tree Planting

Francis Brand is interested in sponsoring tree planting in the village along Glynde Reach. Cllr Fortnam to talk to Cricket Club to seek their views. The Parish Council think this is an excellent idea and will let the Estate have their views. Cllr Connell agreed to lead on this item on behalf of the Parish Council.

14.Parish Clerk

Tracey Dadswell, Parish Clerk announced her resignation at the end of June due to other work commitments.

15.Items for Next Agenda

Street Lighting

16.Date and Time of Next Meeting

May 22nd 2008, Reading Room, Beddingham at 7.00pm