The Antelope Valley Wednesday Evening Net

QST! QST! QST! Calling all Amateurs! Calling all Amateurs! This is K6OX wishing you a good evening and welcome to the Antelope Valley Amateur Radio Club's Wednesday evening net. This is an open and informal net designed to spread information of interest to all amateurs, including the latest edition of Newsline report. Our only request is that all communications be directed through K6OX Net Control. Any station wishing to pass traffic but unable to do so may call me at ______My name is ______and my call is ______

We will begin by inviting officers and board members only to check in, with or without traffic. This is K6OX Net Control. (Solicit and acknowledge check-ins). Make final request for any missed officers; return to those officers with traffic after the conclusion of the roll call.)

No. / Ham Call / Name / Traffic / Date: / 02-27-08
n6nq / Jon / No. / Ham Call / Name / Traffic
KG6tbr / Margie / kg6dhq / Bob
ki6dwe / Carol / KE6kis / Mac
K6GET / Don / WB6JIQ / Larry
wa6wfc / Gary / af6gf / Larry
wa6pzk / Dan
kB7iay / Chris
k6gxo / Keith
kg6slc / Eugene
wa6yeo / Adrienne
KI6DWG / Paul

This is K6OX. Are there any late or missed officers or board members, if so, please check in now.

We would now like to invite anyone who has never checked in to this net using your current call sign to please do so now. Please give your complete call, name and general location.

No / Ham Call / Name / QTH / no / Ham Call / Name / QTH

We will now proceed with the general roll call, which consists of those Amateurs who checked into last week's net in the order that they checked in. As you check in please let me know if you have any traffic. (Solicit and acknowledge check-ins)

No. / Ham Call / Name / Traffic / No. / Ham Call / Name / Traffic
wa6slc / Jim / n6run / Mike
wb6cyp / Tully / aj6t / Walt
kf6sae / Dick
n6cic / Scott
n6vnr / Bea
n6srz / Frank
KG6PQA / Dan
AD6WZ / Ralph
W6DAW / Dan
KI6IED / Tom
ki6chg / Julie
KI6LKd / Ray
KI6DIH / Ken
ki6bwg / Paul
wb5lcq / Scott
k6kmn / Doug
wr6s / Pat

This concludes the roll call of the people who checked in last week, we will take missed or late check-ins after Newsline.

We are now ready for this week’s Newsline report so we'll turn the net over to this is K6OX, Net Control.

This is K6OX, Net Control. Thank you very much for Newsline

We will now take missed or late check-ins with or without traffic, in the order of your call sign suffix: This is K6OX.If your suffix begins with the letters A through F, ALPHA through FOXTROT, please check in now.

No. / Ham Call / Name / Traffic / No. / Ham Call / Name / Traffic

This is K6OX. If your suffix begins with the letters G through L, GOLF through LIMA, please check in now.

No. / Ham Call / Name / Traffic / No. / Ham Call / Name / Traffic

This is K6OX. If your suffix begins with the letters M through S, MIKE through SIERRA, please check in now.

No. / Ham Call / Name / Traffic / No. / Ham Call / Name / Traffic

This is K6OX. If your suffix begins with the letters T through Z, TANGO through ZULU, please check in now.

No. / Ham Call / Name / Traffic / No. / Ham Call / Name / Traffic

One last call for late or missed member check ins or visitors. All call sign suffixes Alpha through Zulu, please check in now.

No. / Ham Call / Name / Traffic / No. / Ham Call / Name / Traffic

(Return to those checking in with traffic after the conclusion of the general roll call.)

That completes the roll call. We've had a total of _____check-ins tonight and we would like to thank everyone who was able to join us. Thanks also to Dick, KJ6W and Mac, KE6KIS, for the use of the repeater. Don't forget the club meetings, which are held on the first Thursday of each month at the Larry Chimbole Cultural Center located at 38350 Sierra Highway next to the Palmdale library. We also encourage you to visit the club website at for club activities, newsletters and other items of interest relating to Amateur Radio. The Antelope Valley Amateur Radio Club's Wednesday evening net is now closed at ______. This is K6OX, clear.