14July 2016
Company Confidential
Terms of Reference – Consultants WPIP 2016Glossary of abbreviations
Abbreviation / DescriptionBSC / Bid Specification Committee
CRES / Corporate Real Estate Solutions
PRASA / Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa
REAM / Real Estate Asset Management
SCM / Supply Chain Management Department
SPPM / Strategic Portfolio Programme Management
ToR / Terms of Reference
WCR / Western Cape Region
WPIP / Workplace Improvement Programme
Table of Figures
Figure 1: Neotel Building
Figure 2: Monument Station
Figure 3: Goodhope Concourse
Figure 4: Aerial view of Cape Town Station and Cadastral Boundaries of Cape Town Station
Figure 5: Aerial View depicting location of Neotel, Monument and Good Hope Concourse
Figure 6: Neotel Building with Monument Station to the left of the picture
Figure 7: Estimated Construction Costs
Figure 8: Technical / Functionality Requirements
Figure 9: Pricing Evaluation
Figure 10: BEE Evaluation
Figure 11: Evaluation Criteria
Table of ContentsGlossary of abbreviations
Table of Figures
1purpose of the TERMS OF REFERENCE
3.1Service Provider Activities
3.2PRASA Activities
4Expected outputs and outcomes
4.2As-Built Drawings Outcomes & Location
5Time frame
6Qualifications and expertise required
7Proposal requirEments
9evaluation of proposal
9.1Evaluation Procedure
11monitoring and evaluation
11.1Definition of Indicators
12.1Project Beneficiaries
13intellectual property
14.2Professional Indemnity
15contact details
1purpose of the TERMS OF REFERENCE
The purpose of the terms of reference (ToR) is to procure the services of a Consortium of Consultants to assist PRASA CRES SPPM with the design and supervision services for the refurbishment of existing Neotel Building linked to Monument Station and Goodhope Concourse. The required services are as per typical project roll-out process published by the statutory organisations outlined herein as follows: Stage 1 – Project Initiation and Briefing, Stage 2 – Concept and Viability, Stage 3 – Design Development, Stage 4 – Tender Documentation and Procurement, Stage 5 – Construction Documentation and Contract Administration, and Stage 6 – Contract Close Out.
- Status Quo
Cape Town Station, being the main station in the Western Cape, is home to the region’s main offices. Currently there is approximately 4 000m2 office space is rented from Transnet at an annual cost of approximately R 3.7 million for use by Metrorail. The Neotel Building – Building (A), Old Monument Station – Building (B) and Good hope Concourse – Building (C) are the only partially occupied facilities with a potential of refurbishment and conversion into office space.
Building A – Neotel Building
This property is located at the Cape Town Station on the Foreshore. It is a three-storey building owned by Prasa. It is currently used by Metrorail IT Department. This building was originally designed specifically for use as a telecommunications building. The current accommodation and design is not conducive for use as office space. It is required that proper technical assessment for its upgrade be done to accommodate lifts, windows, additional floor space, and conversion of the basement into useful storage space without impacting negatively on the jungle of telecoms cables in the basement amongst other challenges.
This building is regarded as the ultimate staff accommodation for the Prasa Corporate and Regional divisions’ staff. It is therefore critical that proper assessments are done to ensure the optimum use is achieved in its design and occupation.
The picture below shows the Neotel Building from the rear exterior perspective. The position of two major opening used to hoist heavy equipment into the building can be seen to the right side of the picture.
Figure 1: Neotel Building
Building B – Monument Station
This property is located at the Cape Town Station on the Foreshore side. The accommodation in this building was let out on commercial basis where Trident Press was the major tenant for many years. This tenant has since terminated their lease. There are some tenants available but the rest of the building remains unoccupied. The unoccupied sections are being vandalised due to lack of security.
It is the intention of Prasa Cres to refurbish the unoccupied space for use as staff office accommodation. The refurbished facility would accommodate Metrorail Staff, Prasa Cres Staff and other Prasa Divisions including Prasa Corporate Regional Offices.
This subproject is viewed as a “quick-win” in the sense that whilst the longer term refurbishment of the Neotel Building as an ultimate office accommodation takes place, staff can be accommodated in this facility on a temporary basis. This space will ultimately be marketed to commercial tenant. In this way, staff accommodation which will ultimately be converted into commercial use would be refurbished.
The picture below depicts the top section to be refurbished and it proximity to the Cape Town Station deck.
Figure 2: Monument Station
Building C – Goodhope Concourse
This facility is located at the vehicular entrance to the Cape Town Station on the station deck. This used to be a location of a first class concourse during the apartheid era. This concourse has since been unused for many years. It was used as a commercial space until the planned refurbishment of the Cape Town Station for 2010 Soccer World Cup purposes. Since then, no work was done and the facility is heavily vandalised. This is also one of the possible locations for the temporary staff accommodation.
It is however, in the same line-of-thought as the Monument Station, envisioned that the refurbished facility will ultimately revert to use for commercial purposes once Neotel Facility has been fully refurbished. Secondly, it is part of the Prasa Cres plans to put the building to use immediately in order to stop the vandalism that is taking place. This will ensure that the space fully refurbished for letting purposes once the staff vacates the premises on completion of the Neotel Building Refurbishment.
The picture below shows an earlier state of the Goodhope Concourse with a metallic logo of the South African Railways (SAR), which has been removed by vandals. Other parts such as windows, roofs, gutters, which are regarded as valuable by the vandals have since been stolen.
Figure 3: Goodhope Concourse
- Problem Statement
As stated in the status quo above, concerning the rented offices of Metrorail from Transnet, this situation results in loss of income and increased expenditure on office rental space even though Prasa own properties. These Prasa property assets are not used to their optimum potential thus resulting in wasted accommodation.
Secondly, Prasa Cres and Prasa Corporate Regional offices are located in an area which is going to be developed by a third party for commercial purposes facilitated by Intersite Investments. This means that Prasa Cres and Prasa Corporate Regional offices have to be relocated as speedily as possible to make way for the proposed commercial development. It is envisaged that the commercial development may commence in the third quarter of the current financial year. This means that Prasa Cres and Prasa Corporate Regional personnel have to vacate their offices by then in order to avoid any possible penalties charged to Intersite Investments.
- Pictorials
Figure 4: Aerial view of Cape Town Station and Cadastral Boundaries of Cape Town Station
Figure 5: Aerial View depicting location of Neotel, Monument and Good Hope Concourse
Figure 6: Neotel Building with Monument Station to the left of the picture
3.1Service Provider Activities
The project entails upgrade and construction of newstaff office accommodation to conform to the latest standard specification in terms of the PRASA - Norms, Guidelines and Standards (NGS) for Station Facilities 2016 and related construction regulations, and guidelines as outlined in section 5 below.
High-Level Consulting Services shall include but not limited to the standard services offered in accordance to the relevant statutory organisations outlined herein as follows: Stage 1 – Project Initiation and Briefing, Stage 2 – Concept and Viability, Stage 3 – Design Development, Stage 4 – Tender Documentation and Procurement, Stage 5 – Construction Documentation and Contract Administration, and Stage 6 – Contract Close Out.The above services shall include:
- Review of:
- PRASA - Norms, Guidelines and Standards (NGS) for Station Facilities 2016
- Operational Plan and Maintenance User Requirements
- PrasaGroup Accommodation Policy
- Compile Integrated User Requirements
- Do Concept Design
- Site Development Plan
- Draft Conceptual Design Report
- Updated User Requirements
- Life Cycle Costing
- Conceptual Drawings
- Present and Workshop Draft Conceptual Design Report (with Prasa and selected stakeholders)
- Present Final Conceptual Design Report for Approval
- Do Detailed Design
- Draft Detail Design
- Update Life Cycle Costing
- Design Audit Report
- Drawings
- Present and Workshop Draft Detail Design Report (with Prasa and selected stakeholders)
- Update and Present Final Detail Design Report
- Propose Procurement Strategy and Compile Tender Documents
- Tender Document
- Detailed Specifications
- Safety Case Requirements
- Occupation Arrangements
- Manage Project Implementation
- Convene and Hold Monthly Contract Meetings
- Site Meetings Minutes
- Progress Report (Physical and Financial)
- Safety Audits Reports
- QA Reports
- Compile Snag List
- Snag List
- Manage Completion of Snag List
- Compile Close Out Report
- Close Out Report
- As-Built Drawings
- PRASA Activities
PRASA CRES to provide:
- ConstituteProject Steering Committee
- Compile Specific User Requirements in conjunction with the Consortium of Consultants
- Compile Operational Plan and Maintenance User Requirements in conjunction with the Consortium of Consultants
- Approve Integrated User Requirements in Principle
- Final Approval of Integrated User Requirements Report
- Approve in Principle Conceptual Design
- Final Approval of Conceptual Design Report
- Accept in Principle Detailed Design
- Final Acceptance of Detail Design - Letter
- Approve Tender Document and Go Out on Tender
- Appoint Contractors
- Do Overall Project Management and Submit Monthly Reports to HO and Region
- Handover Completed Works from Contractor to Metrorail
- Final Acceptance of Completed Works
- Final Handover
- Update GIS
- Capitalise Projects
4Expected outputs and outcomes
- Review of Policy Documents and Related Regulations
- Compile Integrated User Requirements
- Do Concept Design and Site Development Plan
- Present Final Conceptual Design Report for Approval
- Do Detailed Design
- Present and Workshop Draft Detail Design Report (with Prasa and selected stakeholders)
- Update and Present Final Detail Design Report
- Propose Procurement Strategy and Compile Tender Documents
- Manage Project Implementation
- Convene and Hold Monthly Contract Meetings
- Compile Snag List
- Manage Completion of Snag List
- Compile Close Out Report
- Close Out Report
- As-Built Drawings
- As-Built Drawings Outcomes & Location
The outcome is office accommodation designed according to the Prasa Group Accommodation policy including related legislation and related regulations:.
Building A – Neotel Building
- Upgraded Neotel building (approximately 2,700m2) as dignified and spatial efficient office space in line with the PRASA accommodation policy;
Building B – Monument Station
- Upgraded old Monument Station (approximately 2 800m2) as dignified and spatial efficient office space in line with the PRASA accommodation policy;
Building C - Goodhope Concourse
- Upgraded Goodhope Concourse (approximately 3 400m2) for staff accommodation as an interim use.
5Time frame
The program of works is expected to run for 1.5 years from the appointment of the Consortium of Consultants to completion of theconstruction works.
6Qualifications and expertise required
The required services are as per typical project roll-out process published by the statutory organisations outlined herein as follows: Stage 1 – Project Initiation and Briefing, Stage 2 – Concept and Viability, Stage 3 – Design Development, Stage 4 – Tender Documentation and Procurement, Stage 5 – Construction Documentation and Contract Administration, and Stage 6 – Contract Close Out.
The following are the technical capabilities, constraints, and other specific performance required of the work or product or services to accomplish. It is anticipated that the Consortium shall be able to organise themselves to deliver the required product in line with the following reference documents:
- PRASA – Blue Print Specs 2016 – as attached
- PRASA – Tiling Layout 2016
- PRASA - Norms, Guidelines and Standards (NGS) for Station Facilities 2015
- SANS 10400- S – South African National Standard, Part S: Facilities for Disabled Persons, 3rd Edition 2003.
- SANS 10400 204:2011 – South African National Standard on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Edition 1, 2011.
- DBM 2011 – Green Building Principles for Sustainable Architecture, 2011.
- GBG 2008 – City of Cape Town Green Building Guidelines, Draft 2008.
- NHRA 1999 – National Heritage Resources Act, April 1999.
- Safety Arrangements and Procedural Compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act (Act 85 of 1993) and Applicable Regulations (E4E); including any subsequent amendments.
7Proposal requirEments
Over and above the requirements stated in section 8 below, the principal consultant shall ensure that the appropriate professionals are brought on board as and when required without additional cost to the client. This means that the fee proposal shall take into consideration the resources required in the future as the project unfolds. Relevant agreements (JV’s, Consortium, etc.) between principal consultant and other professional service providers need to be attached as part of proposal;
The estimated construction costs per building excluding VAT is set as follows:
Building / Approved CTC BudgetA / R 32 427 384
B / R 26 902 719
C / R 8 166 897
TOTAL / R 67497 000
Figure 7: Estimated Construction Costs
All professional fee proposals are to be presented in the format as per the attached Annexure A
9evaluation of proposal
9.1Evaluation Procedure
The evaluation should be done in three stages as follows:
Stage 1: Compliance Requirements
Bidders shall comply with the following requirements failure to comply may lead to disqualification: [list project specific compliance requirements. i.e. CIDB, PSIRA].
a)Valid Tax Clearance Certificate (must be valid on closing date of submission of the proposal);
b)Valid BBBEE Certificate from a SANAS accredited rating agency or IRBA;
c)Completed and signed Tender Forms of PRASA with all the annexures thereto;
d)[Certificate for Attendance of Compulsory Briefing Session];
e)[Bid Bond] where applicable;
f)Company Registration Documents;
g)Letter of Good Standing: COID
h)COR, CM 29: (Contents of Register of Directors as issued by Companies Registration Office);
i)Joint Venture or Consortium Agreement (whichever is applicable);
j)Proof of UIF registration;
k)Cancelled cheque or letter issued by the Bank
l)Bank Rating Code (letter issued by the Bank)
m)Copies of Directors’ ID documents; and
n)Company Letter Head.
o)Security Screening
p)Bank rating
q) Proof of CSD Supplier registration number
Stage 2: Technical / Functionality Requirements
NOTE: The Technical or Functionality criteria must be guided by the project scope of works and area of focus.
Scoring of Functionality:
Responsive tenders will firstly be evaluated on functionality. The minimum score for functionality is 80% and a bidder who scores below this minimum shall not be considered for further evaluation in terms of the preference point systems.
Organisational Experience / 25 / Score will be based on successfully executed and completed similar projects in the Civil Engineering and Construction environment over the last five years of which details are provided:
0 :No information provided
1 :List of projects provided but not in the railway environment
2 :less than 3 of similar projects
3 :3 or more of similar projects with a combined value of between R15m – R49m.
4 :3 or more of similar projects with a combined value of R50m or more.
5 :5 or more of similar projects in the railway environmentwith a combined value of R50m or more.
Qualifications of Key Staff
+ Experience of Key Personnel (based on Submitted CV’s) / 25 / Score will be based on technical qualifications of key personnel including Project Manager and Design team leaders:
0 :No information provided
1 : Inadequate technical experience no professionally registered personnel
2:Technical experience of the project team but none of the listed levels below or similar.
3:Pr. Tech Eng /Pr.CPM / Level or similar as part of the project team
4:Pr. Technologist / Engineer/s / Pr.CPM level or similar as part of the team
5:Pr. Engineer/s / Pr.CPM level or similar as part of the project team.
Work Plan / Project Schedule / 25 / Ms Project Schedule/Program
0: No project schedule or Work Plan provided;
1: Work Plan or project schedule is inadequate or no information provided;
2: Work plan or project schedule is poor or poorly demonstrated;
3: Work plan or project schedule is adequate, i.e. shows estimated start and finish dates, major milestones and critical path;
4: Work plan or project schedule is adequate, i.e. shows estimated start and finish dates, major milestones and critical path and estimated duration and logic to reach works completion; and
5: Work plan or project schedule is adequate, i.e. shows estimated start and finish dates, major milestones and critical path and estimated duration and logic to reach works completion. Work plan or project schedule also contains information on execution integration and redundancy for unforeseen delays or occurrences.
Technical Approach and Methodology / 25 / 0 :No information provided
1:Inadequate / unrelated methodology provided.
2:Generic technical approach project methodology is provided, not aligned to scope.
3:Detailed technical approach and methodology is provided that is aligned to the scope of work.
4:Detailed technical approach and methodology is provided that is aligned to the scope of work/ highlighting the risk/s of the work and mitigationmeasures.
5: Detailed technical approach and methodology is provided that is aligned to the scope of work/ highlighting the risk/s and mitigation measures associated with working within the Rail environment.
Figure 8: Technical / Functionality Requirements