Glossary for Odd one out: Identity
allusion / direct or indirect reference to another text or texts or to events, things or peopleannotation / note commenting on or explaining a feature in a text
analyse / to break down a text to identify its parts and to explore the relationship between the parts; to convey the meaning
attitude / approach or position on a certain topic
composing / process that occurs when students write, speak or produce visual texts
connotations / secondary or implied meanings or connections
consequence / that which follows, an effect or a result
context / personal, cultural, social and historical setting or background in which a text is composed and responded to
culture / ways of living developed and passed on generation after generation by a group of people who share the same beliefs, values, knowledge and customs
documentary / factual TV or radio program or film
emotive / relating to emotion or arousing feelings such as excitement, fear, joy, sorrow etc
empathy / understanding about the spirit or feelings of another person
features / special language, poetic effects or images
icon / image or likeness that is admired and valued because of the qualities it represents
image / mental picture or representation
imaginative text / writing which relies on mental images
imagery / concrete descriptions which appeal to the senses so that you can see or sense what is being written about
interdependence / sharing issues of human and community wellbeing and identifying action that supports personal and global wellbeing
irony / outcome of events or a description different from what might have been expected
mask / anything used to hide, protect or cover part or all of the face
metaphor / figure of speech in which something is described as something else
mood / attitude of the composer to the subject matter. This can be shown by the words he/she has used, for example the actions expressed by the verbs. You might detect some uncertainty, desire, emphasis or doubt
nerd / someone who is obsessed about something and often considered foolish; sometimes called a ‘nut’
orientation / setting or background to the series
perspective / point of view from which you see something
persuasive / something that urges or convinces you to believe
point of view / point or position from which composers, responders or characters see something or interpret events
representing / communicating meaning from visual texts such as images or pictures, for example, diagrams, graphs, photographs, drawings, PowerPoint presentations or webpages
responding / process of reading, listening to, or viewing texts that produces some understanding or connection with them
value / (noun) importance, worth or merit of something, for example, one value of studying English is that you learn to be a better communicator
value / (verb) process of determining something has a certain value, importance or usefulness, for example, valuing writing poetry because it is an important way to express your feelings
Identity: Glossary