Global Public Health BA
Concordia Common Experience:
Life and LeadershipLDR 1100/1100T(1)
Leadership Theory and PracticeOR Peer LeadershipLDR 2201 orLDR 3301(2-3)
Old TestamentREL 1301(3)
New TestamentREL 1311(3)
Written CommunicationsENG 1316(3)
Quantitative ReasoningAny MTH college level or higher(3)
Verbal CommunicationCOM 1300(3)
WellnessKIN 1301 or any KIN activity(3)
Behavior ScienceANT 1301, PSY 1311, or SOC 1301(3)
Political SciencePOLS 1303(3)
English LiteratureENG 1317(3)
Fine Artsany MUS, ART, or THEA(3)
HistoryHIS 1301 or HIS 1302(3)
Natural Science with LabBIO, CHE, ESC, PHY, or SCI(3-4)
TechnologyCOM 2314(3)
Bachelor of Arts Requirements:
Two Consecutive Terms of a Non-English LanguageSPN, FRE, GER, ASL, HEB, GRE, CHI, or LAT (6)
3 hours of the following courses
World Literature: ClassicismENG 2301(3)
World History to 1500HIS 2311(3)
Western Civilization to 1715HIS 2322(3)
Asian History and CultureHIS 3308(3)
History of MexicoHIS 3301(3)
Traditions/Values of Classical CivilizationsHIS 3314(3)
Critical Thinking About Great TextsHON 3311(3)
Survey of Western PhilosophyPHIL 3301(3)
Global Public Health Major:
MacroeconomicsECO 2301(3)
Statistics for Behavioral ScienceSOC 2341 or PSY 2341(3)
Race and Ethnic RelationsSOC 2306 or HIS 2306(3)
Public PolicyPOLS 3321(3)
International Relations and Comparative PoliticsPOLS 3333(3)
Intercultural CommunicationCOM 3335(3)
World History from 1500HIS 2311(3)
Essentials of Global Public HealthBADM 3314 orPUBH 3314(3)
Comparative Health Care SystemsBADM 3315 orPUBH 3315(3)
Public Health Organizations, Ethics and LawBADM 4321 orPUBH 4321(3)
Program Management, Health Evaluation (capstone)BADM 4398 or PUBH 4398(3)
Global Public Health and Innovation PracticumBADM 4302orPUBH 4302(3)
Immigration, Violence, Disasters, and HealthBADM 4319 orPUBH 4319(3)
Health CommunicationCOM 3370 orPUBH 3370(3)
Globalization, Trade, and Health PolicyBADM 3323 or PUBH 3323(3)
27 hours of the following courses
Chemistry I with LabCHE 1341 and 1141 or CHE 1431(4)
Introduction to PsychologyPSY 1311(3)
Lifespan DevelopmentPSY 2301(3)
Research Methods and ScientificPSY 2491(4)
Group DynamicsPSY 3304 or COM 3304(3)
Interpersonal RelationshipsPSY 3325 or COM 3325(3)
Communication TechnologyCOM 2314(3)
Introduction to AnthropologyANT 1301(3)
Introduction to Criminal JusticeCRIJ 1301(3)
Ethics in Criminal JusticeCRIJ 3314(3)
American Government and CitizenshipPOLS 1303(3)
Environmental PolicyPOLS 3301(3)
Introduction to SociologySOC 1301(3)
English LiteratureENG 1317(3)
Introduction to StatisticsMTH 2301(3)
Spanish for Healthcare Workers or 3 credits of SPNSPN 2301(3)
General Microbiology for Health ProfessionalsBIO 2402 or BIO 3401(4)
Human Anatomy and Physiology IBIO 2411 or BIO 3411(4)
Human Anatomy and Physiology IIBI 2412 or BIO 3412(4)
NutritionBIO 3310(3)
Survey of Western PhilosophyPHL 3301(3)
History of MexicoHIS 3301(3)
Asian History and CultureHIS 3308(3)
Environmental LawESC 3303(3)
Creativity, Critical Thinking, and ChangeBADM 3313(3)
Global EntrepreneurshipBADM 4358(3)
Business and EthicsBADM 4370(3)
Writing for PublicationENG 3318(3)
Introduction to Christian EthicsREL 3333(3)
Governmental FinanceECO 4365(3)
Additional Requirements:
Total of 128 credits
Minimum 2.0 GPA
Minimum 45 Credits Total at Concordia
Minimum 27 Upper DivisionCredits
Minimum 2.25 GPA in Major
Minimum 18 Major Credits at Concordia