Global Project Opportunities: February’ 2017

February: 2017

Compiled by

Satpreet Kaur


(Set up by Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India)

1112 Arunachal Building, 19 Barakhamba Road, New Delhi-110001

Tel.:+91-11-41563287, 41514673

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2.0 (Construction/Turnkey/Consultancy) : list of projects 2
2.1Construction / Turnkey
Social Infrastructure 21
Energy 30
Consultancy 40
I News Clippings

II Market/Country news

A. World Region / markets
(c)Middle East
B.India news
(ii)Business Delegations
(iii)Symposia/ Conferences/Training Programmes
8.0 Update 87
- Screening Committee Guidelines 90
10.0 Financial Assistance 93
(MDA & MAI Schemes)
i. MDA Scheme
ii. MAI Scheme
iii. Screening Committee- Guidelines
11.0 Sources of Information 98

The news items and information published herein have been collected from various sources, which are considered to be reliable. While every care has been taken for authenticity of the material published, PROJECT EPC accepts no responsibility for authenticity or accuracy of such items

S.No. / Project / Country / Last date of submission of bids / Page No.
GPN) Rwanda National Integrated Water Supply and Sanitation Master Plans Project / Rwanda / General Procurement Notice / 4
Supply, Delivery, Installation & Commissioning of an Integrated Real-TimeHydro-Meteorological Monitoring System for Upgrading The Nzoia River Basin Flood Early Warning System in Lake Victoria North Catchment Area / Kenya / 08.03.2017 / 5

ONEE Water Supply: Rehabilitation of water hammer arresters/ water anti-surge protection (check) valve ofTAMOUDA's system, Morocco

/ Morocco / 22.02.2017 / 7
ONEE Water Supply: Rehabilitation of instrumentation equipment at Raouz treatment station, Morocco / Morocco / 22.02.2017 / 8
Construction of 1 no RCC Bridge (22.00 m) and 2nos RCC box culvert in Barguna Pourashava, Bangladesh / Bangladesh / 27.02 2017 / 10
Rehabilitation and Expansion of Water Supply System in New Namtha, Luang Namtha Province / Bangladesh / 03.03.2017 / 11
Djizzak Sanitation System Development Project, Tashkent / Tashkent / 09.03.2017 / 13
Construction and supply treated water transmission pipeline (D100 to D800), Vietnam / Vietnam / 13.03.2017 / 14
Khatlon Water Rehabilitation Project, Tajikistan / Tajikistan / 14.03.2017 / 16
Completion of Samarkand main WWTP upgrading and reconstruction / Uzbekistan / 16.03.2017 / 19
Multinational Uganda – Kenya Kapchorwa – Suam – Kitale & Eldoret Town Bypass Roads Project Lot 2 – Upgrading of Kitale Endebess Suam / Kenya / 20.04.2017 / 21
Improvement of 3 (Three) nos road totaling 3992 m with road site drain totaling 496 m at Bhola Pourashava, Bangladesh / Bangladesh / 28.02.2017 / 23
Coastal Towns Environmental Infrastructure Project, Bangladesh / Bangladesh / 23.02.2017 / 24
Tripoli Eastern Ring Road - Package I (ABOU HALQA-SIR ROAD) / Lebanon / 17.03.2017 / 25
Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Corridors 2, 5, and 6 (Dushanbe–Kurgonteppa) Road Project, Tajikistan / Tajikistan / 06 March 2017 / 26

Second Northern Greater Mekong Subregion Transport Network Improvement Project - Additional Financing, Vietnam

/ Vietnam / 20 March 2017 / 28
Construction of Railway Flyover, Vietnam / Vietnam / 20.03.2017 / 29
General Procurement Notice Zimbabwe Alaska – Karoi Power Transmission Rehabilitation Project (AKTP) / Zimbabwe / General Procurement Notice / 30
General Procurement Notice : Liberia Energy Efficiency And Access Project / Liberia / General Procurement Notice / 32
Power Distribution Enhancement Investment Program – Tranche 1 / Azerbaijan / 03.03.2017 / 33
Design, Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of 33 kVSwitching Stations, Bangladesh / Bangladesh / 13.03.2017 / 36
Power Transmission Investment Program - Tranche 3, Vietnam / Vietnam / 15.03.2017 / 39
General Procurement Notice: Guinea Bissau Gambia River Basin Development Organisation (OMVG) Run-Off River Hydropower Project Saltinho / Senegal / General Procurement Notice / 40
GENERAL PROCUREMENT NOTICE United Republic of Tanzania Renewable Energy Investment Facility / Tanzania / General Procurement Notice / 42


GPN) Rwanda National Integrated Water Supply and Sanitation Master Plans Project

Project Name: / Rwanda National Integrated Water Supply and Sanitation Master Plans Project
Country: / Rwanda
Funding agency: / African Water Facility and the Government of Rwanda.
Last date of bid submission: / General Procurement Notice
Address for further information: / Attn: WASAC Procurement Management Services Office,
P.O Box 2331 Kigali-Rwanda,
Tel: + (250) 788181427
E-mail: and copy to or


1. The Government of the Republic of Rwanda has received a grant from the African Water Facility (a special fund administered by the African Development Bank) to finance the “Rwanda National Integrated Water Supply and Sanitation Master Plans Project”. The Water and Sanitation Corporation, WASAC is the Implementing Agency. The project will be jointly financed by African Water Facility and the Government of Rwanda.

2. The overall objective of the project is to provide the Government of the Republic of Rwanda with longterm 25 year Master Plans including 10 year investment plans for Water Supply and Sanitation for the entire country that will allow the identification and implementation of effective water supply and sanitation projects. Capacity building activities will also be undertaken under the project.

3. The project has a number of activities which are grouped into three components, namely:

N0 / Component / Component description
1 / Integrated water supply and sanitation master plans development / This involves the development of the National Integrated Water Supply and Sanitation Masterplans.
2 / Capacity building / In order to be able to achieve sustainable water supply and sanitation targets, capacity building in the implementation, operation, maintenance and management of water supply and sanitation projects for WASAC, District and Private sector staff will be undertaken.
3 / Consultation and project management / This component comprises project management and consultation activities and aims at effective and efficient implementation of the project and the achievement of the project outputs within the planned resources.

4. All procurement of goods and acquisition of consulting services financed by the Bank will be in accordance with the Bank’s Procurement Policy dated October, 2015, using the relevant Bank Solicitation Documents and the provisions stipulated in the Financing Agreement.

5. The procurement arrangements are summarized as follows:

 Consultancy Services shall be procured through Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS)

 Goods contracts, which will cover the procurement of office supplies and equipment will be undertaken through Shopping.

6. Interested bidders may obtain further information and should confirm their interest, by contacting the Implementing Agency:

Attn: WASAC Procurement Management Services Office,

P.O Box 2331 Kigali-Rwanda,

Tel: + (250) 788181427

E-mail: and copy to or

Supply, Delivery, Installation & Commissioning of an Integrated Real-TimeHydro-Meteorological Monitoring System for Upgrading The Nzoia River Basin Flood Early Warning System in Lake Victoria North Catchment Area

Project ID No.
/ MOWI/KWSCRP-1/011/2016-2017
Project Name: / Supply, Delivery, Installation & Commissioning of an Integrated Real-TimeHydro-Meteorological Monitoring System for Upgrading The Nzoia River Basin Flood Early Warning System in Lake Victoria North Catchment Area
Country: / Kenya
Funding agency: / World Bank
Last date of bid submission: / 08 March 2017
Address for further information: / Principal Secretary,
State Department for Water Services
Ministry of Water and Irrigation,
Maji House, Ngong Road, 5thFloor, Room No 456/453
P. O. Box49720,
ZIP Code:00100
Telephone:+254 02 2716103 ext 42366
  1. TheGovernment of Kenya has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Kenya Water Security and Climate Resilience Project, and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the contract forSupply, Delivery, Installation & Commissioning of an Integrated Real-Time Hydro-Meteorological Monitoring System for Upgrading The Nzoia River Basin Flood Early Warning System in Lake Victoria North Catchment Area: Contract No.MOWI/KWSCRP-1/011/2016-2017. Bidding will be governed by the World Bank's eligibility rules and procedures.

2.TheMinistry of Water and Irrigation now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders forSupply, Delivery, Installation & Commissioning of an Integrated Real-Time Hydro-Meteorological Monitoring System for Upgrading The Nzoia River Basin Flood Early Warning System in Lake Victoria North Catchment Area.

3.The contract is for a single lot and bids will be evaluated as such. If a Price Schedule shows items listed but not priced, their prices shall be assumed to be included in the prices of other items. An item not listed in the Price Schedule shall be assumed to be not included in the bid, and provided that the bid is substantially responsive, the average price of the item quoted by substantially responsive bidders will be added to the bid price and the equivalent total cost of the bid so determined will be used for price comparison.

4.Bidding will be conducted through the National Competitive Bidding procedures but will in all respects comply with the World Bank'sGuidelines:Procurement of Goods, Works, and Non-Consulting Services under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits& Grants by World Bank Borrowers January 2011 Revised July 2014("Procurement Guidelines"), and is open to all eligible bidders as defined in the Procurement Guidelines. In addition, please refer to paragraphs 1.6 and 1.7 setting forth the World Bank's policy on conflict of interest.

5.Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from the address below and inspect the bidding documents during office hours from 09:00 to 16:00 hours from Monday to Friday excluding lunch hour (13:00 to 14:00 hours) and public holidays

6.A complete set of bidding documents in English may be obtained in form ofCDfrom the address belowfree of charge or from theMinistry website free of charge. Bidders whodownload the bidding documents are required to notify the Purchaser by email: with full contact details that they intended to participate, this will facilitate issuance of notifications by the Purchaser, to all bidders where necessary.No arrangements have been made for other methods of delivery of bidding documents.

7.The packages should be clearly marked "Supply, Delivery, Installation & Commissioning of an Integrated Real-TimeHydro-Meteorological Monitoring System for Upgrading The Nzoia River Basin Flood Early Warning System in Lake Victoria North Catchment Area: Contract No. MOWI/KWSCRP-1/011/2016-2017"and placed in the Tender Box located atGround Floor, Maji House, Ngong Road, Nairobi,Kenya. Electronic bidding willNOTbe permitted. Late bids will berejected. Bids will be opened in the presence of the bidders' representatives who choose to attend in person at the address below on8thMarch, 2018 at 10:00 hours EAT.

8.The amount and currency of the bid security shall beKenya Shillings Two Million Only (KES 2,000,000) in form of an unconditional guarantee issued by a bank

9.The address referred to above is:

Principal Secretary,

State Department for Water Services

Ministry of Water and Irrigation,

Maji House, Ngong Road, 5thFloor, Room No 456/453

P. O. Box49720,


ZIP Code:00100


Telephone:+254 02 2716103 ext 42366


ONEE Water Supply: Rehabilitation of water hammer arresters/ water anti-surge protection (check) valve ofTAMOUDA's system, Morocco

Project ID No.
/ 8517-IFT-43597
Project Name: /

ONEE Water Supply: Rehabilitation of water hammer arresters/ water anti-surge protection (check) valve ofTAMOUDA's system, Morocco

Country: / Morocco
Description: / Rehabilitation of production facilities (water supply, pumping station, etc.)- Lot 21
Funding agency: / EBRD
Last date of bid submission: / 22 February 2017
Address for bid submission: / Office National de L'Electricite et de l'Eau Potable (ONEE)- Branche Eau
Direction Regionale du Nord
Adresse : 6, Rue Melila, Castilla,a Tanger
Telephone : 05 - 39 - 32 - 85 /15/20/25 - Fax : 05 - 39 - 94-02-08

This Invitation for Tenders follows the General Procurement Notice for this project which was published on the EBRD website, Procurement Notices ( on 19/05/2015.

The Office National de l'Electricite et de l'Eau Potable, hereinafter referred to as "the Employer", intends using part of the proceeds of a loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the Bank) towards the cost of ONEE Water Supply Project

The Purchaser now invites sealed tenders from Contractors for the following contract to be funded from part of the proceeds of the loan:Rehabilitation of water hammer arresters/ water anti-surge protection (check) valve ofTAMOUDA's system.

Tendering for contracts to be financed with the proceeds of a loan from the Bank is open to firms from any country. The proceeds of the Bank's loan will not be used for the purpose of any payment to persons or entities, of for any import of goods, if such payment or import is prohibited by a decision of the United Nations Security Council taken under ChapterVIIof the Charter of the United Nations.

To be qualified for the award of a contract, tenderers must satisfy the following minimum criteria:

  • The tenderer must have an average annual turnover of at leastseven hundred fifty thousand Moroccan DirhamsMoroccan Dirhams excluding tax (750000.00MAD), which is the total of effected payments received for on-going and / or completed contracts during the last three (03) years (2013-2014-2015).
  • The minimum amount of cash and / or cash facilities (cash engagement only) net of other contractual commitments which the tenderer must have isthree hundred sixty thousandMoroccan Dirhams (360000.00MAD).
  • Experience as principal contractor in the context of at least two (2) contracts of similar work type and nature in the past ten (10) years that include:

The tender documents (only French version) can be obtained free of charge from the tenders office of the ONEE-Branche Eau at the address below.

The same documents can be downloaded from the public procurement portal at: Drawings, on CD, are available at the tenders office of the ONEE-Branche Eau and are part of the tender documents.

All tenders must be accompanied by a tender security of leastseven thousand two hundred Morocco Dirhams (7200 MAD) or its equivalent in a convertible currency.

The project site visit is not scheduled for this project.

Tenders must be delivered to the office at the address below on or before22 / 02/ 2017at 10.00 hours(local time), at which time they will be opened in the presence of tenderers representatives who choose to attend.

Tenders will be opened in the presence of tenderers representatives who choose to attend at the opening on22/02/2017 at 10.00 hours(local time) at the address below.

Prospective tenderers may obtain further information from, and inspect and acquire the tender documents at, the following office:

Office National de L'Electricite et de l'Eau Potable (ONEE)- Branche Eau
Direction Regionale du Nord
Adresse : 6, Rue Melila, Castilla,a Tanger
Telephone : 05 - 39 - 32 - 85 /15/20/25 - Fax : 05 - 39 - 94-02-08

ONEE Water Supply:Rehabilitation of instrumentation equipment at Raouz treatment station, Morocco

Project ID No.
/ 8518-IFT-43597
Project Name: / ONEE Water Supply: Rehabilitation of instrumentation equipment at Raouz treatment station, Morocco
Country: / Morocco
Description: / Rehabilitation of production facilities (water supply, pumping station, etc.)
Funding agency: / EBRD
Last date of bid submission: / 22 February 2017
Address for bid submission: / Office National de L'Electricite et de l'Eau Potable (ONEE) - Branche EauDirection Regionale du Nord
Adresse : 6, Rue Melila, Castilla,a Tanger
Telephone : 05 - 39 - 32 - 85 /15/20/25 - Fax : 05 - 39 - 94-02-08

Performance Improvement Programme Component- C.9-Sub project no 1-Rehabilitation of production facilities (water supply, pumping station, etc.)- Lot 20Rehabilitation of instrumentation equipment at Raouz treatment station.

This Invitation for Tenders follows the General Procurement Notice for this project which was published on the EBRD website, Procurement Notices ( on 19/05/2015.

The Office National de l'Electricite et de l'Eau Potable, hereinafter referred to as "the Employer", intends using part of the proceeds of a loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the Bank) towards the cost of ONEE Water Supply Project

The Purchaser now invites sealed tenders from Contractors for the following contract to be funded from part of the proceeds of the loan:Rehabilitation of instrumentation equipment at Raouz treatment station.

Tendering for contracts to be financed with the proceeds of a loan from the Bank is open to firms from any country. The proceeds of the Bank's loan will not be used for the purpose of any payment to persons or entities, of for any import of goods, if such payment or import is prohibited by a decision of the United Nations Security Council taken under ChapterVIIof the Charter of the United Nations.

To be qualified for the award of a contract, tenderers must satisfy the following minimum criteria:

  • The tenderer must have an average annual turnover of at leastone million two hundred fifty thousand Moroccan DirhamsMoroccan Dirhams excluding tax (1 250000.00MAD), which is the total of effected payments received for on-going and / or completed contracts during the last three (03) years (2013-2014-2015).
  • The minimum amount of cash and / or cash facilities (cash engagement only) net of other contractual commitments which the tenderer must have isSix thousandMoroccan Dirhams (600000.00MAD).
  • Experience as principal contractor in the context of at least two (2) contracts of similar work type and nature in the past ten (10) years that include:

The tender documents (only French version) can be obtained free of charge from the tenders office of the ONEE-Branche Eau at the address below.

The same documents can be downloaded from the public procurement portal at: Drawings, on CD, are available at the tenders office of the ONEE-Branche Eau and are part of the tender documents.

All tenders must be accompanied by a tender security of leasttwelve thousand Morocco Dirhams (12 000 MAD) or its equivalent in a convertible currency.

The project site visit is not scheduled for this project.

Tenders must be delivered to the office at the address below on or before22 / 02/ 2017at 10.00 hours(local time), at which time they will be opened in the presence of tenderers representatives who choose to attend.

Tenders will be opened in the presence of tenderers representatives who choose to attend at the opening on22/02/2017 at 10.00 hours(local time) at the address below.

Prospective tenderers may obtain further information from, and inspect and acquire the tender documents at, the following office:

Office National de L'Electricite et de l'Eau Potable (ONEE) - Branche EauDirection Regionale du Nord
Adresse : 6, Rue Melila, Castilla,a Tanger
Telephone : 05 - 39 - 32 - 85 /15/20/25 - Fax : 05 - 39 - 94-02-08