Global Ed Committee Meeting Minutes
Feb 12, 2013
Present: Marilee Bush, Phyllis Boone, Peggy Bulla, Valerie Watts, Kate Bove, Melanie Parham, Brinda Caldwell-Ramsey, Gigi Derballa, Kelly McEnany, Peter Kennedy,and Vicki Thompson
Study Abroad Update- Marilee, Kelly, Kate
-Kelly announced that the England/Ireland trip has been canceled due to low enrollment.
-Marilee reported that the service trip to Honduras has seven students signed up so far (6 from dental hygiene and 1 from nursing)
-Kate’s Ecuador trip has only two students signed up so far, so Kate is trying various recruitment strategies.
-Kelly’s Scotland trip has only two students signed up.
-Kate has planned two panels for next week that have Ecuador 2012 students answering questions to students still “on the fence” about summer 2013 trips. Kelly will fill out work requests to get the March 1st deadline advertised, as well as the panels next week. The goal is to plan around the upcoming “refunds” that students will get as a result of their Pell Grants. According to the Financial Aid Office, students may use Pell money towards faculty-led abroad trips.
-The deadline for students to “sign up” for all Summer 2013 trips is March 1.
-Kelly reported on the WISE conference she attended. She learned a lot about marketing and planning study abroad trips, which should have a timeline from August through May.
-Community Colleges for International Development – CCID - Conference in Atlanta (Feb. 22-24) –Kelly McEnany, Shelley White, Kate Bove and Melanie Parham will attend the conference. AB Tech is a member of CCID, and Kelly and Shelley are co-presenters in a session about growing Global Ed on our campus.
Update from Sister Cities- ISTVA exchange–Kate Bove is currently serving on the Valladolid subcommittee and is working out details for a summer exchange program for students looking for an international internship experience. Asheville Sister Cities has put aside $500 scholarships for AB Tech students and an accompanying faculty member to visit this summer. Kelly McEnany is currently working with the proposed Sister City region of Highland Perthshire, and she hopes to create exchanges in Scotland too.
Global Ed budget request meeting- Kelly shared an agenda that she had planned to go over with Melissa Quinley, for review by the committee. Kelly asked the committee for other ideas regarding the agenda. The committee recommended cutting down budget requests to focus on hosting guest speakers and attending conferences related to global education.
-Another topic that Kelly will bring up to Melissa has to do with Professional Development opportunities and “leave policies” Peggy is going to ask what the perimeters are for attending conferences (a policy and ask HR). Will the administration support the group? Will they pay subs? Do instructors/staff have to take vacation days to attend?
Global Ed at AB Tech newsletter
-Kelly and Phyllis put together a global education newsletter outlining the four professional development workshops available. One of the objectives of the committee is to offer PD, and Spring semester 2013 we have 4 offerings. The committee commended her.
Upcoming events
-"Get Engaged"- SGA event 2/14 9-noon. We will have table to promote Study Abroad 2013.
-Earth Day- SGA event on 4/19 around the deck 11a-1pm. The committee couldn’t come up with any ideas for exposure at this gathering.
-March 8- GLC Western Region meeting at Western Piedmont– Kelly, Kate, Gigi, and David Dry will attend.
Promoting Opportunities
-Fulbright– Kelly handed out flyers.
-World View workshops– As a member of World View, we hope to advertise upcoming opportunities and workshops for faculty/staff.
Next meetings: March 12, 3-4pm in Holly 120
April 9, 3-4pm in Holly 120 Neil Bolick from World View to meet with us*