May 13, 2005 FINAL DRAFT



SUNDAY, MAY 15, 2005

1:00 pm – Initial Volunteers Arrive

1:30 – Shift One:

Parking Volunteers Begin

Ticket Volunteers Begin

Usher Volunteers Begin

2:00 – Gates Open

(2:30) – Praise and Worship Music Begins

- Various songs, etc –

2:45 – 15 Minute Warning Announced

- Christ video clip (EV HILL?)

2:50 – 10 Minute Warning Announced

- GDP Music video

2:55 - “Housekeeping” Announcements

2:58 – Please Be Seated, About to Begin Announcement


3:00 – Welcome to the Event, MC – PAUL LAWLER and OSCAR MONTGOMERY MC

and Welcome from MAYOR SPENCER

3:03 – Transformation Africa Video – short video (video is 5 minutes) – MC – PAUL LAWLER

3:08 – JOSEPH MAISHA (intro by Doug Wever) – Opening Prayer

- God’s will and His Spirit, may He be glorified, etc.. PRAISE AND HONOR TO GOD

3:20 - A Prayer for the World – Part 1 – first 3 sections (3 minutes) – MC – OSCAR MONTGOMERY

3:23 - Prayer for our community (SMALL GROUP) – BRUCE MARTIN

- Forgive us and our land (forgive us for Romans 1:18-24)

- Save the lost in our midst (may we cry out and fulfill Matthew 28:19-20)

(closing prayer for this segment)

(3:25) - Homeless and needy (may we walk out 2 Cor. 8:13-15) – WENDELL DAVIS

- Cancer and sickness (James 5:13-16) (DR. WAPLES?)

- Freedom for those bound in sin of addiction (drugs, alcohol, sexual impurity)

(closing prayer for this segment)

(3:27) - Single parents/marriage – GREG ANDERSON

- Kids/youth issues

- Godly roles and strong bonds that honor God (1 Peter 5:5)

(closing prayer for this segment)

3:30 Scripture Prayer – Romans 12:1-2 – RUSTY NELSON

3:35 - Dance/ Music – Amazing Grace - P/W/ Choir

3:40 – Prayer for City and Local Leaders (SMALL GROUP) – OSCAR MONTGOMERY

-Mayor, and city employees (HSV, Madison and beyond)

- police and fire department

- schools

(closing prayer for this segment)

(3:43) - NASA and their mission – MURRAY WILTON

- Military here locally

-military students at Redstone

- All industry and contracting companies

- Marketplace leaders – that they would live and help others live godly lives

- sinful desires and sinful products would be cast out of our community

(closing prayer for this segment)

(3:45) - Revival and unity in local churches under the banner of Christ – GREG SIMON

- Local Pastors and Christian Leaders – (1 Peter 5:2-4, 2 Timothy 4:2-5)

- Congregations would continue meeting together in forums such as this

- that our hearts would be joined together in heavenly places

- that denominational lines would not divide us, that nothing would separate us collectively from the love of Christ - Give God the glory for the spreading of the Gospel in our area (Paul plants and Apollos waters, but God makes it grow)

(closing prayer for this segment)

3:50 – Scripture Prayer - Isaiah 61 – PRAISE – JOEL MCGRAW

3:55 - (10 Days of Prayer Pastors Present Offering to GDP Board Representation [Paul for Jerry] for use in GDP events thru Mission Huntsville)

4:00 – Praise and Worship song/songs (for a quiet transition)

(Caution against using political platform here)

4:12 – A Prayer for the World – Part 2 – sections 4 and 5 (3 minutes) –MC – OSCAR MONTGOMERY

4:15 – Participants around the nation – MC – PAUL LAWLER - call out states that have stadium events going on simultaneously – pray that we would all be in unity of spirit thru the bond of peace (Ephesians 4:3-6) – Praise God for what He has done! – Where two or more are gathered…pray and praise for the participation

4:20 –JOSEPH MAISHA – Praying for our Nation

- that we would become a people of prayer

- that we would win others to Christ

- that we would be a reflection of Christ to the world around us

- Christians to be a positive witness to the people around us – not to malign the word, and that they would draw others into the Christian faith, not push them away.

4:25 – State Prayer (small group) – HAROLD GOODLOE


- State Leadership – Protection, Provision, Believers, Bold in Faith

- Godly Leaders

- Biblical Principles to Prevail

- That we would be a people of prayer


4:30 to 7:30

Second Shift Ushers

Clean Up Crew

4:30 – Scriptural Prayer – 2 Chron 7:14 – TERRELL HARRIS



4:45 – National Prayer – (small group) – RITA WIGGINS


- Repentance of Sin of the Land

- heal our land

- God’s Hand on the leadership and their decisions – so that all is reflective of Biblical principles.

(4:47) - National Prayer continued (small group) – CAROL SIMON

- may the exaltation of Your Name be the desire of our hearts

- Unbelievers

- Crime

- Protection of freedom for believers

- Protection of families

(closing prayer for this segment)

4:50 – Kids Song – interactive with crowd and prayer for youth -

SONYA MERRITT/Youth “Awesome God”

CHAD RHENBERG (PRAYER for the youth in our nation)

4:55 – Praise and Worship song/songs (quiet transition)


(continue praise songs for a longer interlude)

5:05 – A Prayer for the World- Part 3 – sections 6 and 7 (3 minutes) – MC – OSCAR MONTGOMERY

5:08 – Prayer for Africa, then Prayer for Nations of the World – (small group) – BOB SOMERVILLE

-saving knowledge of Jesus Christ

- for the Lord to be exalted in the earth

- transformation and blessing

- healing the sick, removal of widespread disease, protection from demonic presence on earth

Prayer for the Jewish people - protection, salvation, and peace in Jerusalem

(5:13) - Prayer for Christians Worldwide – (small group) – GEORGE SAWYER

- protection from those who come against them and their faith

- health and blessed life for believers as they boldly proclaim the message of Christ throughout the earth

– boldness of faith for all Christians

- unity in Christ

5:17 - (SEVEN MINUTE GDP SUMMARY VIDEO) – (will be available that day…somewhat tentative that we will have it available) – MC INTRO – PAUL LAWLER

5:25 – Prayer for those who were obedient to God in establishing a GDP – WENDELL THOMPSON

- protection from the enemy, strength, and blessing for their obedience

5:28 – We Speak to Nations – Dance/Music

5:38 – Reading of list of nationalities living in Huntsville – (although not a complete list)…MC PAUL LAWLER – intro to Lord’s Prayer…

5:40 – Lord’s Prayer – Various Languages – ROB PEAVY facilitates, many volunteers with him…

(30 seconds to speak in English, allotting 1 minute per language just in case – would like to have 10 to 12) – (flag to be held by one of the dancers per language)

(Sign Language with kids doing Lord’s Prayer as well) – ALL IN ONE SENTENCE, or over and over the whole prayer?

5:48 – BILL DAVIS – Video about outreach opportunities, and a closing prayer/call to salvation

(3 to 5 minute video, then prayer right after)

5:58 – NEXT GDP – JUNE 4, 2006 – MC PAUL LAWLER

5:59 – JOSEPH MAISHA – Closing Benediction

6:00 – (End of Prayer Event) – Song “Majesty” to usher them out…

(Clean up stadium, take down stage immediately following dismissal)

Small Group Prayer concept:

In that group of prayers, all facilitators will come to the stage together – they will go one after the other introducing the prayer and the time allotted, and will be quiet until the time to close that prayer…they will say a closing line, and the next facilitator will join them, introducing the next prayer focus, etc…until that segment is complete.

For Small Group Facilitators:

Please start them off by saying: “We would like to begin a segment of small group prayer. Please take a moment to join with your neighbor, or a few people near you. We will begin the prayer from the podium by leading into the prayer with the topic, and will give you a few minutes to pray about that specific issue with your group. We will close that prayer out from the podium, and will lead into the next issue to be covered. When the segment is finished, the last facilitator will close in prayer and say “Amen and Amen”. Join with us now in prayer…

“Housekeeping Announcements”:

- We do not have a scheduled intermission, and we invite those who need to get up and use the restroom or move about to do so at any time of the program.

- The concession stands are open for your refreshment needs, and there is a first aid/emergency station by the entrance gate.

- Only those who are facilitating the event are allowed on the field – we appreciate your cooperation.

– Please be sure to move about quietly as the entire program will be dedicated to prayer.

- Volunteers are here to help you – they are wearing the RED GDP shirts – or red shirts and blue pants - we thank them for their help during this wonderful event!