Global Collaboration: IUTOX International Partners
During the ICT XIV in Merida we held the Global Collaboration Coffeeevent, which is becoming a regular appointment with our member societies. Originally developed in 2012 as an SOT Annual Meeting event to compliment their international activities, today IUTOX hosts Global Collaboration events at the SOT Annual Meeting and at our international congresses. A common message IUTOX leadership heard at the recent Global Collaboration events in New Orleans and Natal was the mandate for IUTOX to provide the means for member societies and countless other entities to share information and resources across countries and regions; discuss how and if these programs and resources can be more effective and widely available; and finally, what opportunities exist to encourage and facilitate future communication among the international scientific community. The Merida Global Collaboration event was intended to highlight just a few of the international organizations IUTOX partners with to provide programming and to meet mutual organizational goals. Also featured are IUTOX member societies that provide travel awards, innovative programming, and information about funding opportunities for their members and others who live and work in countries where toxicology is under-represented.
The event was moderated by Emanuela Corsini, formal IUTOX Director and Chair of the Communications Committee, and Elaine Faustman, formal IUTOX Secretary-General and Chair of the Education Committee. Distinguished speakers,whom have promoted science and toxicology through their professional achievements and through the work of the organizations they represent, have been invited. Each speaker had 10 min to present the organization and the opportunities. Dr. Michael Clegg Vice-President for External Affairs of the International Council for Science (ICSU) gave the ICSU Overview (see for further details); Prof. Heidi Foth, formal IUTOX Treasurer, represented EUROTOX and gave an overview on the opportunities within Europe (see for details); Dr. Hanan GhantousPresident of the American College of Toxicology focused on the ACT Programs and Resources
(see for details); Dr. Akihiko Hirose, Educational Committee Chairof Japanese Society of Toxicology (JSOT) focused on the Certification Program and International Collaboration (with SOT)
(see for details); Dr. Henk van Loveren, Professor of Immunotoxicology
at the Maastricht University presented the WHO Chemical Risk Assessment Network (see for details); and finally Dr. Ofelia Olivero, SOT Councilor (2014-2017), presented the incredible achivement of the Hispanic Organization of Toxicologists in supporting and promoting toxicology in Latino America countries (see for details)
All the presentations were very interesting and each was followed by a lively discussion. We belive this event represented an important opportunity for the exchange of information between member societies, especially for young people coming from areas where toxicology is under represented.
The next Global Collaboration event will be held in Baltimore, Maryland at the 56th SOT Annual Meeting, March 12 – 16, 2017.