Minutes from the East Kent PatientConsultative Committee Meeting (EKCCC)

Wednesday, 25thMay 2016, 14:00PM –16:00PM

Large Board Room, Eastern & Coastal Area Offices, Canterbury


Angus Gartshore (AG1)Acting Director of Operations

Cathy Nyemeck (CN)CRSL Acting Assistant Director (East/North)

Sharon Buxton (SB)Interim Service Manager, The Beacon

Andy Oldfield (AO)Head of East Kent Mental Health Commissioning

Alison Worsfold (AW1)Physical Health Lead Nurse

Nick Dent (ND)Patient Experience Team Manager

Andrew Welcome (AW2)Service User

Brian Heard (BH) SpeakUp CIC

Amanda Godley (AG2) SpeakUp CIC

James Bayley (JB)Service User (Ashford)


Kamila Lobuzinska (KL)Patient, Public and Community Involvement Administrator


Janet Lloyd (JL)Patient Public and Community Involvement Manager (chair)

Julia Hope (JH)Service User

Angela Harrison (AH)Expert by Experience – Research Group

Hazel Malik (HM) SpeakUp CIC

Maggie Gallant (MG) Managing Director SpeakUp CIC

Reference: Agenda item:
EKPCC 16/17-1 Welcome and introduction

1.1A welcome was given by CN

EKCCC 16/17-2 Apologies for absence

2.1 Apologies noted as above

EKPCC 16/17-3 Executive team representative

3.1Angus Gartshore, Acting Director of Operations updated the group onthe Single Point of Access (SPoA) and ongoing work with commissioners on bed capacity

3.2 SPoA is a referrals management function, which launched on 4 April 2016. The team is staffed by both clinically trained and support staff. The service is available 24hrs, seven days a week, including bank holidays. Patients with an urgent or emergency referral can access our services across Kent and Medway.

3.2.1 AG2, if someone is receiving secondary care and they need to access the crisis team, what’s the procedure? AG1 if people are seen by the crisis team they would need to speak to the crisis team; Monday to Friday out of hours they would be able to access the SPoA

3.3 KMPT and Commissioners work on bed capacity, the Trust need to have sufficient acute beds, focus on bringing people from the expensive private placements; AOthe broader idea is to have fewer beds in the future and focus on home treatment and more local care, at the moment 80 people are going outside the county for specialist treatment and it costs £10m a year

3.3.1 AG2 how will the service look in the future?; AG1 funding from the commissioners hasn’t gone down, mental health will look different in a couple of years, plans to have more services available around the GP practice, early intervention

3.3.2 AG2 support for long term needs? SB described the changes which new Care Act legislation brought to mental health

3.3.3 AG2 questions about the KMPT engagement; ND, The service managers or their representatives are attending the Mental Health Action group meetings, local events. JB shared his unhappiness and frustration about the engagement in Ashford; ACTION, to invite Social Care Commissioner for the next meeting

3.3.4 AG2 what does KMPT do to protect funding for mental health? AO, funding for mental health is £60m per year, reduction of services but not funding

3.3.5 AG2 what to say to angry people who are unable to access the service? ND, Live it Well and peer support provides support; AO, commissioners plan to increase commissioning services – peer support, third sector engagement

3.3.6 AG2, talked about recent stories in Thanet, SB, homeless forum available; homeless community monitored by Thanet Council;

EKPCC 16/17-4 Minutes of Last WKPCC Meeting

4.1 Minutes from the previous meeting were approved

EKPCC 16/17-5 Matters Arising

5.1 None

EKPCC 16/17-6 East Kent Mental Health Strategy

6.1AO, East Kent Mental Health Commissioning are a four persons team, main focus is working on the strategy. The strategy is based on two documents on Mental Health: The Five Year Forward view for mental health and Old problems, New solutions: improving acute psychiatric care for adults in England. Integral work of the strategy is around engagement with people

6.2AO encouraged people to be involved and complete the Mental Health priorities – Have Your Say survey, which will run until 31st May 2016; the survey is based on the strategy and will be helping in developing policy and the results will help with an understanding of where to start; the commissioners have received 300 responses and they have 170 names on the engagement list so far.

EKPCC 16/17-7 Smoke Free Policy and e-cigarettes trial/ Alison Worsfold

7.1 AW1, the Trust has been smoke free since April 2014;

7.1 1000 staff completed Level 1 or VBI (Very Brief Intervention) Training, this training gives the participants the knowledge and skills required to initially speak to someone about their smoking and signpost them about where to get support - i.e. their local stop smoking service. 144 staff completed Level 2 - Practitioner Training, this is the training required in order to become a qualified stop smoking adviser. This training will allow the practitioner to demonstrate that they have core knowledge and skills to deliver effective behavioural support.

7.3 AW1, main challenges are when unwell people coming through our service aren’t aware the Trust is smoke free, strategy for the impatient should be different for those in the community; it is a cultural shift;

7.4 Smoke free steering group meets monthly, David Hough, service user representative is a member of this group, the current work is around the e-cigarettes trail

7.5 AW2, the level 2 staff could provide counselling support, discuss with service user why they smoke, AW1, talked of the newly introduced therapeutic staff on the wards providing more activities

7.6 Discussion around the national smoking cessation program, people can take part in a research study; AW1 will share a poster with the group ACTION

EKPCC 16/17-8 Thanet Mental Health Unit

8.1 The Therapeutic Activities at the Beacon presented by SB, there are core groups available with the referral process from the care coordinator; core programme includes: An Introduction to Group Activities Workshop, Recovery Through Activity Programme, Freedom Group, CBT for Depression, CBT for OCD, Physical Wellbeing, Planning your Recovery, STEPPS, Managing Stress and Anxiety andWar Veterans Group

8.1.1 AO, how are the main groups decided? AG1, clinicians work together, workshops to determinate the core groups

8.1.2 AO, asked about the service user involvementSB, i.e. service user asked for the re-introduction of the hearing voices group

8.1.3 SB, the plan is to introduce the five main core groups to each CMHT

8.1.4 AO, what would happen to a person who waits 12 months for neuropsychological service, but attending one of the groups? Would that person be taken off the waiting list? AG1, the person would remain on the main list

8.1.5 ND, role of peer support workers? There was an expectation that each group will be facilitated by a peer worker and an expert by experience, SB will take this point back

EKPCC 16/17-9 Members’ reports

9.1 SpeakUp CIC, work on evening and weekend groups in Thanet

9.2 AW, has written a book The Mental Health Diagnostic & Relapse Prevention Planner which is available online , the main aim is to reduce suicide rate and hospital admission; CN, under the secondary services people can ask for the personalbudget, ACTION CN, to meet up with AW2

9.3 CN, talked about the PREM (Patient Reported Experience Measures); learning through the newsletter, positive messages are shared with the staff; CN and Lucie Duncan, AHP Lead for Community Recovery Service Line work on this project

EKPCC 16/17-10 Report to Trust Wide Patient Experience Group (TWPEG)

10.1 Discussion around terminology – Patient, Client and Service user – conclusion, each term is correct

EKPCC 16/17-11 AOB

11.1 CN, asked for the speakers for the next meeting – one request is for the social care commissioners

11.2 CN, suggested JB to contact her with any issues or ideas he has

EKPCC 16/17-12 Dates of the next meeting

Date: Wednesday, 27th July 2016

Time: 2:00PM – 4:00PM

Venue: Large Board Room, Eastern & Coastal Area Offices, CanterburyCT1 1AZ