General changes to the Gold Wings scheme.
Change to the heading: Currently, the 3 lines that make up the heading are a complex mixture of inconsistent line spacing and a text box overlay. They are not centred correctly to each other because of the different components that make up the heading. This seems rather unnecessary and complicated. Hence, this has been changed to be three lines of text without the additional text box that made up the heading. The underlines have been removed because these seemed unnecessary and busy looking.
To be consistent, the letters No have been added to AUS.
Example: This is to certify that …………...... …………..……………… AUS No…...…….
The addition in the third paragraph is to clarify the requirements. It reads:
Example: To qualify for a Gold Wings certificate, both Task 1 and Task 2 in this scheme must be accomplished.
The second Notehalfway down the page had the word the missing. The missing word has now been included and reads:
Example:Wings will be sent to the Pilot unless the Club address is noted below.
The new manoeuvres in Task 2 - Slope are more in line with the Gold Wings scheme for powered aircraft - and so they should be, considering that slope soaring usually involves a considerable amount of aerobatic procedures. The manoeuvres listed in the current scheme are simply inadequate.
There are two samples of the proposed manoeuvres. One is designed by Ian Slack (VARMS) and the other is designed by me. I will be asking the MAAA Victorian Gliding Representative to organise a trial day to test these versions and any other versions that may come forth in the meantime.
This Test is to be assessed by an MAAA Fixed Wing Glider Instructor or State Senior Instructor.
The requirements specified have been determined by the MAAA and are not to be varied.
Gold Wings (Glider) are awarded when a member demonstrates, in the course of one session per task below, that he/she has the skills to perform the manoeuvres listed below, in a competent manner and to the required standard.Note: To qualify for a Gold Wings certificate, both Task 1 and Task 2 in this scheme must be accomplished.
This is to certify that ………………………………………………………..……………… AUS No .………...…….
of ………………………………………………………… …………………………………… P/Code ……..……..
Club …………………………………………………… Note address below if wings to be sent to Club
has demonstrated the degree of proficiency in radio controlled flying of model aircraft to be awarded the MAAA Gold Wings (Glider).
……………………………… ……….………....……………….……………… ……..……… …………….
Signature MAAA Instructor’s Name (BLOCK LETTERS) AUS No. Date
At the successful completion of the test this form shall be completed by the MAAA Instructor and sent to the State Association.
Note: Wings will be sent tothePilotunless the Clubaddress is noted below.
Task One
Manoeuvres / Flight 1 / Flight 2 / Flight 3 / Flight 41 / Rise off Ground Launch
2 / 5 seconds inverted flight
3 / 2 consecutive loops
4a / 2 tied 360 degree turns
(in each direction immediately following each other)
4b / 2 tied 360 degree turns – reverse
5 / Rectangular approach pattern, a good landing within 3 metres of a nominated spot
Task Two – Slope
Manoeuvres / Flight 1 / Flight 2 / Flight 3 / Flight 41 / Launch
2 / Fly model to approximately 500 feet
3 / 10 seconds inverted flight
4 / 2 consecutive inside loops
5 / 1 outside loop
6 / Flight time must exceed 10 minutes
7 / Model must be landed within 30 metres of launching point
At least one week must elapse between testing sessions of a candidate.
Wings to be sent to Pilot? YES / NO(If NO, note address below)
Strike out as applicable
……………………………………………………………………………Post Code: ………………………
© Form No. MAAA019 Page 1 of 1 09/03/2008
Two alternative suggestions from Ian Cole and Ian Slack
These and any other suggestions for Task Two - Slope, need to be evaluated before a final decision is made. Obviously my choice is number 1.
Those wishing to changeTask One - Thermal, need to contacttheir respective MAAA state representative with their suggestions.
Ian Cole’s version
Task Two – Slope
Manoeuvres / Flight 1 / Flight 2 / Flight 3 / Flight 41 / Launch
2 / Outward Figure of Eight
3 / Inward Figure of Eight
4 / Procedure Turn, 90° upwind to 270°, left to right
5 / Procedure Turn, 90° upwind to 270°, right to left
6 / Slow Axial Roll (barrel roll for rud/ele models)
7 / Two Consecutive Inside Loops
8 / Inverted Flight, 5 seconds minimum
9 / D Shaped Circuit, passing over landing area in any direction. 1st 3 legs straight, last leg ½ circle.
10 / Landing. Model to land within 20mof a specified area. 1st 3 legs level flight, last leg½ descending circle.
Ian Slack’s version
Task Two – Slope
Manoeuvres / Flight 1 / Flight 2 / Flight 3 / Flight 41 / Launch
2 / Two Consecutive loops
3 / Inverted flight, 5 seconds minimum
4 / Roll across pilot from right
5 / Roll across pilot from left
6 / Outward Figure Eight
7 / One turn Spin
8 / Two Consecutive 360 degree turns to left
9 / Two Consecutive 360 degree turns to right
10 / Triangular Pattern