The City of Manchester’s strategic aims for domestic abuseare:
- To ensure domestic abuse is a strategic priority for all
- To improve early identification and prevention of domestic abuse
- To reduce the prevalence of domestic abuse
- To ensure that victims of domestic abuse and their children are adequately protected and supported
- To hold perpetrators of domestic abuse accountable and increase the rate of domestic abuse offences that are brought to justice
- To ensure that victims and perpetrators receive quality services which meet the needs of Manchester’s diverse communities
The definition for domestic abuse has been widened to include young people under 18 and other forms of coercive and controlling behaviour. Therefore the Manchester Crime and Disorder Partnership defines domestic abuse (also referred to as domestic violence) as any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive or threatening behaviour, violence or abuse (psychological, physical, sexual, financial or emotional) between those aged 16 or over who are or have been intimate partners or family members regardless of gender or sexuality. This definition goes beyond abuse that occurs between intimate partners, thus allowing a wider range of issues, such as forced marriage, ‘honour’ based violence and female genital mutilation to be addressed within this context.
Domestic abuse threatens the health and safety of victims and their children, costs the city approximately £40.6 million each year and is affecting the city’s economic growth and regeneration plans. Manchester has a zero tolerance attitude to all forms of domestic abuse. Multi-agency work at a strategic and operational level has a duty to prioritise support for victims and their children as well as tackle the behaviour of perpetrators.
The following is the 2013/2014 delivery plan for Manchester’s Domestic Abuse Strategy.
Objective 1:
Communication - to ensure domestic abuse is communicated as a key Manchester priority
PRIORITY / ACTIONS and RAG status / OUTCOME MEASURE / TIMESCALE / NAMED PERSON RESPONSIBLE / LINKS TO KEY STRATEGIES/BOARDS / UPDATES / PROGRESS- Communicate Manchester’s one message – Domestic Abuse will not be tolerated. (VAWG p.8 and HQN recommendation 1 and 59)
- Map key partner action plans and key reporting boards and groups.
- Ensure relevant sections of the domestic abuse delivery plan are on key partnership agendas for senior strategic prioritisation.
/ - ensure that domestic abuse is recognised as a priority at a senior and strategic level across all agencies.
- ensure that key multi-agency strategic action plans reflect the principles of Manchester’s domestic abuse strategy.
/ January 2013
January 2014 / All Forum members /
- Manchester’s LAA
- NHS Manchester operating plan
- Community Strategy
- State of the city
- Performance Board
- NHS Commissioning Strategic Plan 09-14
- Continue to progress the Greater Manchester Wide publicity campaign.
September 2013
March 2014 / Paul Whitemoss
Shirley Woods Gallagher
Edith Attoh
(Domestic Abuse Coordinator) /
- CDRP -Communications strategy
- DA Forum member’s communications strategies
- Independent choices business plan
- Provide information to the manager of the End the Fear website for victims, perpetrators and practitioners to ensure the site is up to date
May 2014 / (GMP)
Karen Harrison
Objective 2:
Prevention- changing attitudes and preventing abuse: awareness-raising campaigns, safeguarding and educating children and young people, early identification/intervention and training
2.Development of a new children’s and adults strategy for domestic abuse / Task and finish group to:
- Draw up a comprehensive strategy for supporting children and adults affected by domestic abuse based upon consultation with children, young people and parents.
- Implement the Children’s DA strategy work plan.
- report on progress of strategy implementation. / May 2013
November 2013
May 2014 / Ian Rush (MSCB)
Edith Attoh
(Domestic Abuse Coordinator) /
- Manchester Safeguarding Children and Adult Boards and Business Plans
- Think Family Strategy
- Youth Crime Strategy
Task and finish group to:
- Ensure co-ordinated delivery of domestic abuse education materials to Manchester schools.
- clear referral pathway in place. Report to DA Forum and MSCB which schools have delivered the DA pack and number of teachers trained.
- domestic abuse posters displayed in settings where there are children and young people / September 2013
March 2014 / Lynda Karalis(Education)
Edith Attoh
(Domestic Abuse Coordinator) /
- Manchester Safeguarding Children and Adult Boards and Business Plans
- Think Family Strategy
- Youth Crime Strategy
- Ensure that agencies are working together to prevent children and young people being forced into marriage.
-ensure relevant agencies have access to training on forced marriage.
- data on forced marriage reported to DA Forum. / September 2013 / Edith Attoh
Domestic Abuse Coordinator)
Cllr Sameen Ali
Afzal Iqbal (GMP) /
- Manchester Safeguarding Children and Adult Boards and Business Plans
- Think Family Strategy
- Youth Crime Strategy
- Female Genital Mutilation Group meets quarterly
- report to MSCB and MSAB on law enforcement, progress on community work, implementation of the protocol in terms of early intervention and referrals. / July 2013
July 2014
July 2013
January 2014 / Greater Mcr Female Genital Mutilation Forum
Edith Attoh (DA Reduction Co-ordinator) /
- Manchester Safeguarding Children and Adult Boards and Business Plans
- Think Family Strategy
- Youth Crime Strategy
- Work with MSCB, MSAB and Community Safety Partnership to provide information and analysis on domestic abuse for relevant serious case reviews and domestic homicide reviews.
- Implement learning and the recommendations that arise from serious case reviews.
May 2013
September 2013
January 2014
May 2014 / Jill Thomson
(Strategic Lead Adults and Central Locality Delivery)
Head of Safeguarding
Edith Attoh
(Domestic Abuse Coordinator)
All Forum members /
- Manchester Safeguarding Children and Adult Boards and Business Plans
- Think Family Strategy
- Youth Crime Strategy
- Work with MSCB and MSAB to ensure that domestic abuse is integrated into all key safeguarding policies, protocols and responses.
- feedback provided on all consultation requests. / March 2013
March 2014 / Jill Thomson
(Strategic Lead Adults and Central Locality Delivery)
Jane McGuire
Emma Fowler
Head of Safeguarding /
- Manchester Safeguarding Children and Adult Boards and Business Plans
- Think Family Strategy
- Youth Crime Strategy
3. Promote domestic abuse training including mandatory training and safe (routine/selective) enquiry by key agencies/departments (VAWG consultation p.30 and 57 and HQN recommendation 6, 17, 55, 57, 58). /
- Support senior leads to planand resource training of frontline staff in domestic abuse.
- Work with senior leads with the view to prioritising domestic abuse as compulsory training within safeguarding training.
- All professionals who provide front line support to individuals or families or who provide oversight of cases to receive full (level2) training on domestic abuse.
- Monitor the Domestic Abuse procedures implementation plan
- agencies to broadcast the DA training as compulsory.
- submit data on numbers of staff who have attended training.
-agencies to give overview of training and how it has impacted their practice / May 2013
November 2013 / All DA Forum members /
- Safeguarding adults board and multi agency business plan.
- MSCB business plan
Objective 3:
Provision- helping those affected by domestic abuse to continue their lives: effective provision of services, advice and support, emergency and acute services, refuges and safe accommodation
PRIORITY / ACTIONS / OUTCOME MEASURE / TIMESCALE / NAMED PERSON RESPONSIBLE / LINKS TO OTHER KEY STRATEGIES/BOARDS / UPDATES / PROGRESS4. Ensure a quality response and survivor focused service provision by Manchester agencies. (p.61-62 of VAWG strategy and HQN recommendation 5, 27) /
- All DA Forum representatives to annually review the minimum standards and self assessment chart to ensure a quality response is being offered to survivors and that their agency is progressing the domestic abuse response offered.
March 2014 / DA Forum chair
DA Forum members –
Edith Attoh(DA Reduction Co-ordinator)
Graham Rutherford (Courts)
Clare McCann (Public Health)
Helen Perry (Voluntary sector)
Joanne Muccio (St. Mary’s SARC)
Alex Delap (Homelessness/IDVA) /
- ASB strategy
- Community cohesion strategy
Task and finish group to:
- Look at accessibility of services for older people and people with disabilities who experience domestic abuse
/ Area Safeguarding Service Manager
Head of Safeguarding /
- Safeguarding Adults board and multi agency business plan
- Supporting People commissioning and strategy 2010 - 2015
- Evidence of cross-sector work between domestic abuse and substance misuse services with agreed protocols for joint working where appropriate.
- link DA Forum with the MSCB Substance Misuse services safeguarding forum. / May 2013
November 2013
May 2014 / Clare McCann
(Public Health Manager) /
- Safeguarding Adults board and multi agency business plan
- The alcohol strategy
- The annual drug treatment plan
- Review accessibility of services for victims within the LGBT community.
- agencies own statistics highlighting where domestic abuse was identified / disclosed. / March 2013
September 2013
March 2014 / Edith Attoh (DA Reduction Co-ordinator)
Lucy Rolfe
Lesbian and Gay Foundation
- Review accessibility of services for victims within the BME community.
- agencies own statistics highlighting where domestic abuse was identified / disclosed. / July 2013
January 2014 / Edith Attoh (DA Reduction Co-ordinator)
Julie Church – Taylor (MARAC)
Priya – (Saheli Project)
Parveen Jahed (Pakistani Resource Centre)
- Explore the service needs of victims of domestic abuse who are partners/ex partners or family members of gang members.
- link with the work of the Integrated Gang Management Unit. (IGMU) / September 2013
September 2013
September 2013 / MCC
Protect Team
Task and finish group to:
- consider the particular support needs and any gaps in service for victims of domestic abuse who are also sex workers or victims of trafficking.
- single referral pathway to be used with this client group. / November 2013 / Edith Attoh (DA reduction Co-ordinator)
Manchester Action on Street Health (MASH)
Joanne Muccio (St. Mary’s Sexual Assault Referral Centre)
Anne Stebbings (Rape Crisis)
- Enable women who have experienced domestic abuse and who have no recourse to public funds or state benefits are able to receive a holistic response to their needs.
- ensure guide for practitioners on remains up to date.
- report to DA Forum. / July 2013 / Safety4sisters group (including legal rep)
Edith Attoh (DA Reduction Co-ordinator)
- Enable GPs to provide an early response to domestic abuse.
- ensure GP’s refer to MARAC whenever necessary
- link to safeguarding of adults at risk work. / November 2013 / Clare McCann
(Public Health Manager
Helen Perry (MWA)
Lisa Ryder (CMFT specialist trainer)
Alan Calvert
(Head of Safeguarding and Governance)
- Develop the identification process and responses to domestic abuse within A&E and other departments at South Manchester University Hospital Trust, Central Manchester Foundation Trust and Pennine Acute Trust.
March 2014 / Clare McCann (Public Health)
Edith Attoh (DA Reduction Co-ordinator)
Lynn Shaw (Victim Support)
Objective 4:
Protection-delivering an effective criminal justice system: investigation and prosecution;victim support and protection; perpetrator programmes
5. Monitor and improve the effectiveness of the criminal justice system including MAPPA, IDAP and the SDVC (HQN recommendation 10 and VAWG p.59-60) /
- Increase the number of victims safeguarded by the use of DVPO’s, Clare’s Law from GMP and partner agencies
- Reduce the numbers of ineffective trials (current target = 18% or below) and of unsuccessful outcomes (current target = 26% or below)
- Improve responses for victims within the criminal justice system (CJS), including with better links between all of the agencies within the CJS, and between criminal and civil court matters
- report to the DA Forum highlighting the numbers of ineffective and cracked trials relating to domestic abuse using current figures as baseline, compared to target figures.
- evaluation of victims’ perception of the CJS system using research already carried out in the city, as well as LCJG sub group work in identifying and putting in interventions for cases identified as ‘vulnerable’. / September 2013
July 2014
May 2013
January 2014
May 2013
January 2014 / Phil Owen (Supt ,GMP)
Edith Attoh (DA Reduction Co-ordinator)
Graham Rutherford (Courts Manager)
Andrew Snaddon (CPS)
Phil Owen (Supt, GMP)
Vanessa Jardine
Graham Rutherford (Courts Manager)
Andrew Snaddon (CPS)
Phil Owen (Supt, GMP) /
- Local criminal justice plan and the LCJG delivery plan
- Outline the effectiveness of current interventions with perpetrators through the criminal justice system including Integrated Offender Management, IDAP and other community programmes
- Outline the effectiveness of the DVPO and Clare’s Law pilot scheme throughout the city
- methods to improve the effectiveness of responses to perpetrator’s of domestic abuse.
- numbers of repeat MARAC perpetrator’s.
- repeat offender rates.
- update to DA Forum with DVPO figures / September 2013
July 2014 / Andrew Connolly(Greater Mcr Probation Trust)
Phil Owen (Supt, GMP)
David Nixon
Phil Owen (Supt, GMP)
Edith Attoh (DA Reduction Co-ordinator /
- GMPT Business
- Ensure effectiveness of interventions to tackle substance misuse including:
- Alcohol arrest referral scheme
- Alcohol treatment requirements
- Drug treatment requirements
November 2013
May 2014 / Andrew Connolly (Greater Mcr Probation Trust)
Phil Owen (Supt, GMP)
Lydia Fleuty (DAST)
Specialist substance misuse services
Clare McCann
(Public Health)
6. Quality assure Manchester’s MARAC (Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference) (HQN recommendation 13 and VAWG p.9) /
- Manchester’s MARAC to adopt a suitable information technology system to ensure accountability of agencies and their actions.
- Co-ordinated Action Against Domestic Abuse (CAADA)’s to complete Quality Assurance (QA) process on the three city MARAC’s
- QA report to be submitted to the DA Forum. / September 2013
November 2013 / Edith Attoh (DA Reduction Co-ordinator
Julie Church-Taylor
(MARAC coordinator)
Edith Attoh (DA Reduction Co-ordinator
Review MARAC to determine consistency of referral and procedure across the 3 divisions. / - review finished and reported to DA Forum. / September 2013 / Julie Church-Taylor (Supt, GMP)
Edith Attoh / Think Family Strategy
\\mcc001c27fsos\sos$\users\AttohE\My Documents\Edith\DA Co-ordinator\DA forum\Strategy, delivery plan, workplan etc\DA Forum delivery plan 2013-14 021211v2.doc