Agriculture Need Assessment


Project Director

Emergency Northern recovery Project


25th October 2011


List of Acronyms and Abbreviations 1

Introduction 3

Agricultural Sector Review of FAO 6

Emergency Assistance already provided to the targeted beneficiaries of the project. 7

Gaps in the Agricultural Sector for the next cultivation season 8

Paddy, OFC and land clearing. 8

Commercial horticulture (vegetables and fruits) 10

Agricultural machinery, small equipment and tools. 11

Fisheries (Marine and Inland). 13

Livestock 14

Conclusion 15

List of Acronyms and Abbreviations

Ac - Acre

ADB - Asian Development Bank

CBO - community-based organization

CDD - community driven development

CFC - Ceylon Fisheries Corporation

CHAP - Common Humanitarian Action Plan

CIDA - Canadian International Development Agency

DoA - Department of Agriculture

DoAD - Department of Agrarian Development

DoAPH - Department of Animal Production and Health

DoFAR - Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources

DS - District Secretariat

FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

FFS - farmer field school

GN - Grama Niladhari

GNI - per capita national income

GoSL - Government of Sri Lanka

ha - Hectare

ICRC - International Committee for the Red Cross

IDP - internally displaced person

IFAD - International Fund for Agricultural Development

ILO - International Labour Organization

IOM - International Organization for Migration

JICA - Japan International Co-operation Agency

LIBCO - livestock breeders co-operative society

LKR - Sri Lankan Rupee

LTTE - Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam

Km - Kilometer

M&E - monitoring and evaluation

MoADAS - Ministry of Agricultural Development and Agrarian Services

MED - Ministry of Econominc Development

MoFAR - Ministry of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources

MoIWM - Ministry of Irrigation and Water Management

MoLD - Ministry of Livestock Development

MoNBEID - Ministry of nation Building and Estate Infrastructure Deverlopment

NARA - National Aquatic Resources and Development Agency

NAQDA - National Aquaculture Development Authority

NGO - non-government organization

NPC - Northern Provincial Council

OCHA - Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs

OFC - Other field crops

PEACE - Pro-Poor Economic Advancement and Community Enhancement Project

PTF - Presidential Task Force for Resettlement Development and Security in the Northern Province

RAP - Re-Awakening Project

UNDP - United Nations Development Programme

UNHCR - United nations High Commission for Refugees

UNICEF - United Nations Children Fund

USD - United States Dollar

VDO - Village Development Organization

VDP - Village Development Plan

WB - World Bank

WFP - World Food Programme

List of Tables

Table 1: Mullaitivu District. Returns since 15/10/2011 04

Table 2: Kilinochchi District. Returns since 07/11/2009 05

Table 3: Return status in Vavuniya District. 05

Table 4: Return status in Mannar District. 05

Table 5: Return status in Jaffna District 06

Table 6: Assistance provided during the last agricultural seasons for Paggy. 07

Table 7: Assistance provided during the last agricultural seasons for OFC. 08

Table 8: Paddy seed distribution by FAO and GIZ in 2011 09

Table9: OFC seed distribution by FAO and GIZ in 2011 09

Table 10: Land with jungle ranging from medium to high density (Ac) 09

Table 11: Land with low density vegetation (Ac) 10

Table 12: Needs, commitments and gap of commercial vegetables 10

Table 13: Needs of commercial fruits 11

Table 14: Needs, supplies and commitments, and gap of machinery and small equipment. 12

Table 15: Needs of agriculture tools 12

Table 16: WFP commitment of tools 13

Table 17: Needs of marine fishery inputs. 13

Table 18: Supplies and commitments and gap of marine fishery inputs 13

Table 19: Needs of inland fishery inputs 14

Table 20: Needs of inland fishery inputs 15


The civil conflict existed for more than three decade was generated huge number of IDPs in the year of 2009. GoSL has regained control of all the districts of the Northern and Eastern Provinces. Over 330,000 IDPs, who were displaced in 2008 and 2009, and were directly affected by the final battle front was temporarily housed in IDP camps throughout Northern and Eastern Provinces. IDP camps were predominantly located in Jaffna and Vavuniya Districts. Some months after, the resettlement process began, very closely linked to the demining process. The first areas of return were Manthai West (Mannar District), Jaffna, West Mullaitivu, and West Kilinochi, and the people were there before the November 2009.

ENReP is being supported by the Government of Sri Lanka’s afford to rapid resettling of IDPs in the North Provence’s by creating an enabling environment. Project is with the components of Emergency assistance to IDPs (A): Work fare Programme (B): Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Essential Public and Economic Infrastructure (C): Project Management, Oversight, Monitoring and Evaluation and Special Studies (D); which respectively carries 6, 12, 44 and 3 million US$.

65 million US$ were totally allocated not only for the infrastructural development but also to improve the livelihood development. Livelihood development is also expected to be parallel to infrastructure development.

Table 1: Mullaitivu District. Returns since 15/10/2011

DS Division / Population in 2007 / Total Returned at 15th June 2010 / Planned Return at 15/10/2011
Families / Members / Families / Members / Families / Members
Thunukkai / 6510 / 24831 / 3298 / 9282 / 3469 / 10653
Manthai East / 5577 / 24122 / 2248 / 6846 / 2580 / 8091
Puthukkudiyiruppu / 22272 / 89784 / 0 / 0 / 6851 / 22059
Oddusuddan / 5952 / 22694 / 3488 / 10527 / 5249 / 16697
Maritimepattu / 12948 / 54875 / 3999 / 11571 / 10646 / 33566
Sampathnuwara (Velioya) / 0 / 0 / - / - / 2954 / 9004
Total Mullaitivu / 53259 / 216306 / 13033 / 38226 / 31749 / 100070

* DSDs were not conflict zone

Table 2: Kilinochchi District. Returns since 07/11/2009

DS Division / Population in 2007 / Total Returned at 15th June 2010 / Planned Return at 15/10/2011
Families / Members / Families / Members / Families / Members
Poonakary / 7436 / 29244 / 5102 / 17474 / 6229 / 22106
Pachchilapalli / 3500 / 13027 / 1297 / 4133 / 2738 / 9034
Kandawalai / 14896 / 58259 / 4867 / 15460 / 7224 / 23171
Karachchi / 26217 / 100700 / 10884 / 31867 / 21790 / 66413
Total Kilinochchi / 52049 / 201230 / 22150 / 68934 / 37981 / 120724

* DSDs were not conflict zone

Table 3: Return status in Vavuniya District.

DS Division / Population in 2007 / Total Returned at 15th June 2010 / Planned Return at 15/10/2011
Families / Members / Families / Members / Families / Members
Vavuniya* / 30270 / 125968 / 1881 / 6841 / 4633 / 16018
Vavuniya South* / 3911 / 12965 / 1054 / 3441 / 1377 / 4516
Vengalacheddikulam* / 5976 / 23616 / 618 / 2172 / 1437 / 5143
Vavuniya North / 4197 / 15931 / 3679 / 12882 / 3717 / 12249
Total Vavuniya / 44354 / 178480 / 7232 / 25336 / 11164 / 37926

* DSDs were not conflict zone

Table 4: Return status in Mannar District.

DS Division / Population in 2007 / Total Returned at 15th June 2010 / Planned Return at 15/10/2011
Families / Members / Families / Members / Families / Members
Madhu / 1939 / 9319 / 552 / 1816 / 3278 / 11686
Mannar Town * / 13227 / 50850 / 487 / 1456 / 6868 / 26796
Manthai West / 5980 / 26868 / 4050 / 14012 / 6579 / 24120
Musali * / 4467 / 20099 / 3837 / 15522 / 6611 / 27875
Nanaddan* / 263 / 875 / 1111 / 4092
Total Mannar / 25613 / 107136 / 9189 / 33681 / 24447 / 94569

* DSDs were not conflict zone

Table 5: Return status in Jaffna District.

DS Division / Population in 2007 / Planned Return at 15/10/2011
Families / Members / Families / Members
Delft / 161 / 372
Velanai / 1678 / 5431
Kayts / 584 / 1880
Karainagar / 823 / 2539
Colomuthurai / 2265 / 7072
Nallur / 1890 / 5624
Shandilipai / 1421 / 4068
Chankanai / 1184 / 3485
Kuppilan North / 1188 / 3374
Vasavilan West / 11879 / 38637
Kopai / 2266 / 6480
Karaveddy / 1128 / 2901
Chavakachcheri / 3968 / 12408
Maruthankerny / 3462 / 10689
Total Mannar / 36114 / 111159

* DSDs were not conflict zone

Agricultural Sector Review of FAO

The appraisal was done by FAO in July 2009, in close collaboration, co-ordination and participation of GoSL at national, provincial and district levels, in particular the Government Agents for Jaffna, Kilinochchi, Mannar, Mullaittivu and Vavuniya Districts and their Departments of Planning, the MoADAS, MoLD, MoFAR and MoIWM and their respective Departments of Agriculture (DoA), Agrarian Development (DoAD), Animal Production and Health (DoAPH), Fisheries (DoFAR) and Irrigation, and the National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency (NARA) and National Aquaculture Development Authority (NAQDA).

Government staff was trying to collect information but also had limited access to some major areas. Therefore the overall needs expressed in the document were estimated on the basis of statistical data (before the different displacements in the Province), on the basis of the planned return process and numbers, and the information gathered in the “Vadakkin Wasantham” or 180 programmes done by the GoSL. FAO formulated a two-year recovery and rehabilitation programme which incorporated early recovery livelihood packages that could be included under discreet six-month recovery interventions, and “medium-term development” interventions (infrastructure rehabilitation, value addition, capacity building, and environmental protection measures).

Some of the immediate needs expressed in the document (water pumps, homestead assistance, livestock and fisheries sub sectors), were just an initial rough estimate, which have now increased as detailed assessments have been or are being done. MoFAR is doing detailed needs assessment of the fishery subsector in the Northern Province. The extent of agricultural land to be cleared is still uncertain due to the inaccessibility to certain areas.

Some of the standardized packages expressed in FAO’s appraisal have been changed, and new ones have been established by consensus between the implementing agencies and the different Government Institutions.

Immediate agriculture livelihood needs are reviewed due to the fact that Component A of the project aims to deliver livelihood emergency assistance to IDPs. Resettlement activities were undertaken by the security personals based on the minimum risk from the land mines and other explosive. The resettlement progress was expanded with time. A Survey from Green Tech Consultant (Pvt) Ltd state that 93.7 % of the IDPs were resettled in their original places. The initial 180 day plans for immediate assistance must not be considered as already gone, considering that the resettlement process is still ongoing particularly in West Mullaitivu and Kilinochi Districts, and that still lots of families are not in their places of origin but staying with host families.

Emergency Assistance already provided to the targeted beneficiaries of the project.

It is very difficult to establish a point which separates the supplied inputs form the committed ones, due to lack of clear and detailed information, and the fact that some major agencies are still doing fund raising and planning of their approved funds.

Considering the above it is more logical to present the data of what has been done until know in the major crops (paddy and other field crops), and in point number 3 the data of what has been supplied, or commited of all the major inputs required (in the crops, livestock and fisheries sub sectors), in order to calculate the gap for the next season.

Table 6: Assistance provided during the last agricultural seasons for Paggy.

Available paddy land before displacement (Ha) / Cultivated paddy land 2009 (Ha) / Cultivated paddy land 2011 (Ha) / FAO Supported out of the cultivated 2009 (Ha) / Still abandoned paddy land (Ha)
Mullaitivu / 16536 / 1410 / 9965 / 1410 / 6571
Vavuniya / 21160 / 8734 / 10530 / 625 / 10630
Mannar / 23080 / 15802 / 16356 / 2607 / 6724
Kilinochchi / 25382 / 1066 / 9735 / 1066 / 15647
Jaffna / 13102 / 11313 / 11530 / 400 / 1572
TOTALS / 99260 / 38325 / 58116 / 6108 / 40935

Table 7: Assistance provided during the last agricultural seasons for OFC.

Available other crop land before displacement (Ha) / Cultivated other crop land 2009 (Ha) / Cultivated other crop land 2011 (Ha) / FAO Supported out of the cultivated 2009 (Ha) / Still abandoned other crop land (Ha)
Mullaitivu / 13688 / 362 / 1006 / 169 / 12682
Vavuniya / 29878 / 8852 / 8360 / 0 / 21518
Mannar / 1958 / 784 / 836 / 78 / 1122
Kilinochchi / 12320 / 220 / 2650 / 0 / 9670
Jaffna / 8500 / 4565 / 4600 / 103 / 3900
TOTALS / 66344 / 14783 / 17452 / 350 / 48892

Above dataset express that after the land clearing activities undertaken by the ENReP, resulted positive impact on the cultivated extend and the paddy production.

Gaps in the Agricultural Sector for the next cultivation season

The needs have been calculated with some difficulty due to the fact that detailed needs data at GN level or even DS level has not been made available and only District wise information has been provided. The reliability of the data is also differing from source to source such as District Secretariats, Ministry, GA and Chief Secretary NPC. Regarding the data of already supplied assistance, it has been impossible to obtain it at a detailed level form the different Government Institutions. Even at District level, the needs data are not very clear in some cases, because there is duplication of information, and Government Institutions declare as assistance provided by some Agencies as provided directly by themselves (water pumps, sprayers, tractors, etc.). The assistance provided or committed by the rest of the Implementing Agencies but has been collected with detail, form interviews and the data existing in the UN Agriculture and Food Security cluster. It has to be underlined that some of the most important Agencies are still planning there distributions, and in these cases data at District level is presented.