FALL 2004
The July storm wreaked havoc with the trees in Glenview. The movement of traffic in the city was almost totally shut down for 12 hours as nearly 40 downed trees blocked our roads. Thanks to the diligent efforts of The Harrods Creek Fire Department and Twin Mac Services our streets were passable in about 12 hours.
Our beautiful city still shows scars from the storm. Many trees are down or broken and still need to be removed. Property owners are reminded to clear their property all the way to the edge of the road. Everyone’s help is needed to restore the safety and beauty of Glenview.
Glenview is home to the Chance School on Lime Kiln Lane. The school is located on a dangerous stretch of Lime Kiln Lane and motorists are reminded to slow down to 25 miles per hour when approaching the area during school hours. Metro police are often on duty in the area when school lets out and will quickly award a citation to speeding drivers.
Recently the trustees of The Harrods Creek Fire District voted unanimously to merge with St. Matthews, Lyndon and Worthington to form the largest fire district in Jefferson County.
The merger takes effect on January 1, 2005 and should have no noticeable impact on services provided. Fire taxes will not go up as a result of this merger.
The merger will consolidate administrative functions and bring about more financial efficiency. The name for the new mega district has not yet been selected.
The current City of Glenview tax bills were mailed in July. If you have not received your tax bill or have a question about the bill please call our city clerk, Susan McCracken at 897-9113 for further information.
In the aftermath of the July storm Glenview and surrounding areas experienced a rash of break-ins. High on the list of items taken were generators, chainsaws and lawn equipment. Garages have been hit hard. In response to this activity Glenview has increased the police patrol hours.
Here are some tips that might help to deter the thieves.
· Consider leaving outside lights on at night or install motion detectors on your lights.
· Keep your garage doors locked.
· Cars kept outside should be locked.
· Let a neighbor know when you are out of town.
· Arrange to have mail and newspapers picked up when you are gone.
· Report any suspicious activity to the Metro police.
The City of Glenview’s web site (www. or www. is in need of a volunteer web maintenance person to process routine updates. If anyone would be interested in volunteering for this task please call the office at 292-1997
The long awaited work on the post office is 99% complete. Lancaster Built Homes did a great job cleaning, painting and making numerous general repairs to the building and the smelly gas space heaters have been replaced by a modern heating and air conditioning system. Hopefully the building will be in good shape for years to come.
The City of Glenview now receives the portion of the insurance premium taxes that formerly went to The City of Louisville. Please remind your insurance company and your agent that you live in Glenview, Kentucky and not Louisville. This will insure that Glenview receives this valuable tax revenue.
Leonard Heydt
City Administrator