Independent Power Generation One-day Conference

17 March 2016

Glenhove Conference Centre, Rosebank, Johannesburg



The promulgated Policy Adjusted scenario of theIntegrated Resource Plan (IRP) 2010for electricity capacity planning to 2030 included 6 250 MW of new coal capacity. So far the coal baseload IPP procurement programme aims to procure 2500 MW of electricity from coal-fired power stations, with individual bids capped at 600 MW per project. The programme is designed to contribute to socio-economic development and sustainable growth, and to start and stimulate the participation of independent power producers in the baseload energy generation capacity industry in South Africa. Most of the plants are likely to use fluidised bed technology.


o  The South African IPP programme, with a focus on coal base load

o  Overview of coal resources for IPPs – new coal and discards

o  Unique qualities and combustion characteristics of Southern African coals

o  Cradle-to-grave concepts in designing IPPs with relevant environmental aspects

o  Experiences in fluidised bed combustion (FBC) for power generation IPP intentions and potential projects

o  The role of Eskom in future electricity generation from coal

o  The implications of COP21 for South Africa’s energy plans, with particular focus on coal and

current and future environmental limits


o  Government legislators and policy makers; parastatals

o  Producers, marketers, traders of coal and gas (conventional and unconventional - UCG/CBM/CMM)

o  Power, process and heat generation managers, engineers and technologists

o  Metallurgical ore processing, reduction and smelting managers, engineers and technologists

o  Boiler, kiln, furnace and gasifier manufacturers and operators

o  Suppliers of ancillary equipment including on-line analyses, mills, crushers, ash handling and emissions monitors

o  Traders and marketers of coal and gas (conventional and UG): local, regional and export

o  Environmental scientists and engineers

o  Technologists, consultants, researchers and academics


Brian North, CSIR

David Collins, MAC Consulting

Barry MacColl, Eskom


Independent Power Production (IPP 2016) – Coal and the IPP Programme*

07:15-08:15 / REGISTRATION with TEA and COFFEE
08:15-08:20 / Welcome and Opening - Ras Myburgh, President, Fossil Fuel Foundation
08:20-09:00 / Viability of power generation from coal in Africa - a political perspective – Sisa Njikelana, Chairman, SAIPPA
Session 1 Setting the scene
Chair: Oliver Barker
09:00-09:25 / Overview of coal resources of Southern Africa and their unique qualities - Rosemary Falcon, Wits University
09:25-09:50 / South African coal quality, current and future ( for IPP use) - Lesley Jeffrey, SRK, and Johan de Korte, CSIR
09:50-10:15 / Successful coal IPPs for Africa: what is required – Yousuf Haffejee, Marubeni
10:15-10:40 / A case for a South African CFBC pilot plant – Brian North, CSIR / Rosemary Falcon, Wits University
10:40-10:55 / Q & A
10:55-11:20 / TEA and COFFEE
Chair: Brian North
11:20-11:45 / European perspectives on emerging Fluidised Bed Power Plant opportunities in South Africa - Tom Canning, Sebenzana
11:45-12:10 / Comparison between FBC and PC in South Africa - Naushaad Haripersad, Eskom
12:10-12:35 / The implications of COP21 for South Africa’s energy plans, with particular focus on coal and environmental limits - Dave Collins, MAC Consulting
12:35–13:30 / LUNCH
Chair: Dave Collins
13:30-13:55 / Overview of the Southern African Power Pool (SAPP) energy programme for the Southern African Development Community (SADC) – Warrick Stewart and Darryll Kilian SRK
13:55-14:20 / IPP experiences in South Africa - Thomas Garner, Cennergi
14:20-14:45 / The role of Eskom in future coal-based electricity generation – Barry MacColl, Eskom
14:45-15:00 / TEA and COFFEE
Session 2 Environmental issues and the cost of carbon
Chair: Oliver Barker
15:00-15:25 / Emission limits of and waste disposal considerations for plant firing coal and plant co-firing with biomass or waste materials - Theo Fischer and Abdul Ebrahim, EScience
15:25-15:50 / Critical environmental considerations for IPP coal power generators - reflections on environmental auditing at SA coal fired power stations - Theunis Meyer, Centre for Environmental management, North-West University
15:50-16:15 / Carbon Capture and Utilisation – Thomas Roos and Brian North, CSIR
16:15-16:45 / PANEL DISCUSSION - Dave Collins and panellists
Potential power generating technologies for IPPs in Southern Africa - Pros, Cons and Potentials
Cash bar and snacks
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Registration fees include
VAT at 14%; delegate folder, name tag, entrance to all sessions, abstracts book and programme, CD of presentations, tea/coffee, lunch and networking drinks. Please tick the applicable registration fee below. 10% discount for 3 or more delegates from the same organisation registering simultaneously.
New FFF membership application will qualify you for the membership registration fee. A membership application form will be sent to you by the FFF Secretariat. You can also renew your membership below.
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R3 500.00 / Full registration FFF Non-Member
R4 000.00
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R500.00/ Student: R200.00 / Renewal FFF membership fee
R500.00/ Student: R200.00


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Payment is due on invoicing. All payments must be received prior to the start of the event. Payment method accepted for this event: EFT. If your company has agreed to pay for your attendance it remains your responsibility to make sure that payment is made by your company timeously. Cancellation may be made in writing to the Conference Coordinator up to 7 days prior to the starting day of the event, and a 25% administration fee will be charged. No refund or credit note will be issued if written cancellation is not received timeously.

If neither payment nor notice of cancellation has been received by the Coordinator, you will remain personally liable for payment of the invoice.

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Bank charges for non-South African payments are for the delegate’s account.

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Should you require further information, please make contact with the

Conference Coordinator

Glaudin Kruger

Kruger & Associates


Tel +27 28 316 2905

26 February 2016

*Programme is subject to change by the FFF and the Organisers