Glenbard Class of 1960
50th Reunion Memory Book
Dear Classmate,
We have heard from other classes that a memory book is often a highlight of the 50th Reunion. It gives everyone a chance to reconnect with classmates and to catch up on what they have been doing for the past 50 years. This letter is to ask for your participation because the book will only be a hit if everyone contributes to its success!
Attached is an example of what a memory book page will look like. As you can see, it includes a senior picture (which we have) and space for a current photo or photos (which we need from you). The information at the top is optional: current address, phone/s, email, marital status, name of spouse/ partner, number of children and grandchildren. We are looking for some highlights of your life, including places where you have lived, occupations, favorite activities, plans for retirement or what you are doing now that you are retired, and perhaps a special memory from your years at Glenbard.
Submitting your story:
• Email your story to s soon as possible. Please use the sample Word form as a template, changing the information to reflect your story. If you don’t have access to Word, you can write it as an email message or in any format you like. We will convert it into the format seen in the example.
• Please attach a current photo or photos, in whatever setting you’d like, as a .JPG file. If you don’t have digital photos, email your story and then send your photos to Katie Morvay, HC 70, Box 577, Canaan Valley, WV 26260-9727. Please identify your photos on the back so we can return them to you (an address label is a good way to do this).
• If you don’t use email, please send your story and photos to Katie Morvay at the address above.
• If your senior picture was not in the Pinnacle, please send a photo circa 1960 along with a current photo or photos. Please remember to identify the photos on the back.
• In order to have the Memory Book printed and available for the Reunion, we need all your information no later than July 15, 2010.
We look forward to everyone’s participation, and to seeing you at the reunion.
The Memory Book Committee:
Katie (Kammerer) Morvay
Macie (Collins) Zorn
Carolyn (Dekan) Byrne
Sue (Heighway) Hren
Tom Lane
Sharon (Schoff) Schmidt