Master of Arts in School Psychology (MA/SPSY)
(Fall 2013 - Summer 2015)
Student’s Legal Name:______Banner ID: @______
Faculty Advisor: ______Catalog of Admission: ______
Degree Requirements
I.Background Courses (if required; see Note 2 on reverse):
Name/NumberCourse Title Prerequisites Semester Taken Grade
II. Required Coursework (66 semester credit hours):
Name/NumberCourse TitlePrerequisites Semester Taken Grade
EDP / 5003 / Psychological Learning TheoriesEDP / 5033 / Human Development Across the Lifespan
SPE / 5403 / Survey of Special Education
COU / 5213 / Counseling Theories (or EDP 6973 School-Based Counseling Theories)
EDP / 5053 / Psychosocial Contexts of Learning
EDP / 5303 / Principles & Techniques of Evaluation
EDP / 6233 / Mental Health Services in the Schools / COU 5213 or EDP 6973
EDP / 6973 / Academic Assessment & Intervention / EDP 5303
EDP / 6293 / Consultation in the Schools / EDP 6103 EDP 6203
EDP / 6033 / Legal, Ethical, & Professional Issues
EDP / 6103 / Methods & Techniques of Inquiry I
EDP / 6203 / Methods & Techniques of Inquiry II / EDP 6103
EDP / 6243 / Assessment of Intelligence & Achievement / EDP 5303
EDP / 6263 / Behavioral Assessment & Intervention / EDP 5303
EDP / 6323 / Advanced Psychological Assessment / EDP 5303 & EDP 6243
EDP / 6643 / Child & Adolescent Psychopathology
EDP / 6703 / Clinical Neuropsychology / EDP 5303, EDP 6243, & EDP 6833
EDP / 6733 / Multicultural Assessment & Intervention / EDP 5303, EDP 6233, EDP 6643
EDP / 6833 / Practicum in School Psychology / EDP 5303, EDP 6033, EDP 6233, EDP 6243, EDP 6643, EDP 6973, COU 5213
EDP / 6833 / Practicum in School Psychology / EDP 5303, EDP 6033, EDP 6233, EDP 6243, EDP 6643, EDP 6973, COU 5213
EDP / 6943 / Internship in School Psychology / All other coursework
EDP / 6943 / Internship in School Psychology / All other coursework
Note: Courses listed in italics above must be taken prior to enrolling in EDP 6833: Practicum in School Psychology.
(See Notes on reverse for additional information and guidelines.)
Student’s Signature: ______Date: ______
Faculty Advisor’s Signature: ______Date: ______
Graduate Advisor of Record’s Signature: ______Date: ______
- The total number of semester credit hours for the Master’s degree in School Psychology is 66.
- UTSA requires a background of 18 semester credit hours in a field of study appropriate to the master’s degree sought. Students with an appropriate background in psychology, sociology, education, or a related human services field generally will not be required to take background requirements for the degree. Students who are admitted to the program without appropriate background courses must take required background courses prior to taking degree courses. Background courses must be approved by the Graduate Advisor of Record.
- With departmental approval, a maximum of 6 hours of coursework already taken and passed with a grade of B or higher in an equivalent course at the graduate level at another university or in another education or counseling-related degree program may be applied towards the MA/SPSY degree. The coursework must be less than 6 years old. No class counted toward another degree can be used to satisfy the requirements of the M.A. in School Psychology. Students will need to provide copies of the course syllabus/i, transcripts indicating completion and grade (and whether the course was used to satisfy requirements for another degree), and relevant work from the course (e.g., course paper, exam, evaluations).
- Only two courses with the grade of “C” will be accepted toward this degree. A minimum of a 3.0 grade point average will be required for graduation. Those who obtain more than two grades of “C” will be put on probation and may be required to complete appropriate remedial work.
- Every Master’s degree candidate at UTSA is required to pass a Comprehensive Exam in order to be awarded the Master’s degree. This examination is typically taken during the last or next to the last semester of enrollment. In order to qualify to take the Comprehensive Examination, students must:
a)Be enrolled in at least 1 course at UTSA (this may be a degree requirement or EDP 6961 if all courses have been taken);
b)Have an official and signed Degree Plan on file;
c)Have a cumulative graduate GPA of 3.00 or better;
d)Be in Good Academic Standing at UTSA (not on scholastic probation or academic dismissal);
e)Have completed all required courses with the exception of EDP 6943 (Internship);
f)Complete an application for the Comprehensive Exam in the Educational Psychology Office, DB 4.322, during the semester the exam is to be taken.
- Graduation candidates must apply for graduation by the specific deadline for the semester in which they plan to graduate (Fall: Sept. 15th; Spring: Feb. 15th, Summer: June 15thor Feb. 15th if walking in Spring). Students must apply for graduation online via their ASAP accounts.